Infinity Nikki

Another Night of Fireworks Quest Guide

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Infinity Nikki - Another Night of Fireworks

Another Night of Fireworks is a Random quest under the Carnival of Fireworks event in Infinity Nikki 1.2. See how to unlock this quest, where to find more Blastpollen, and what happens when you give Scintillada all the materials!

Another Night of Fireworks Location

Go to Firework Isles

Another Night of Fireworks is located at Firework Isles, in the region of Heartcraft Kingdom. Teleport to the Sizzle & Spark Center Warp Spire and look for Scintillada nearby.

After a quick conversation with Scintillada, the quest will already be completed even without submitting the required materials! However, you'll still be able to submit materials to Scintillada afterwards.

Firework Isles Map and Exploration Guide

How to Unlock Another Night of Fireworks

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- Another Night of Fireworks
Infinity Nikki - A Night of Fireworks A Night of Fireworks

Another Night of Fireworks unlocks after completing A Night of Fireworks from the Firework Isles Exclusive Quest, When the Fireworks Bloom. Another Night of Fireworks will only be available for a limited time until February 25, 2025!

List of All Exclusive Quests

Another Night of Fireworks Walkthrough

Find 30 Blastpollen in Firework Isles

During Another Night of Fireworks, Scintillada will ask you to give 30 portions of Blastpollen and 50,000 Bling. While Bling is a relatively easy resource to farm, Blastpollen can only be found in Firework Isles at Night time.

You can track Blastpollen on the map with the Collections tab. When you're out collecting Blastpollen, be sure to change the time accordingly using the Run, Pear-Pal function!

How to Track Materials

Where to Find Blastpollen

Blastpollen Locations in Firework Isles

The maps above show the precise locations of Blastpollen in Firework Isles. These will be more than enough to reach 30 portions of Blastpollen, but feel free to collect extra for future use!

Submit the Blastpollen and Bling

Once you have enough materials, you can submit them to Scintillada. You'll also be prompted to change your outfit as you like to suit the occasion!

Enjoy Scintillada's Fireworks

To watch Scintillada's fireworks recreation, you'll need to make sure the time is set to Night again. It's best viewed from the bridge southwest of the Sizzle & Spark Center or by the beach west of the Firework Isles Dock.

Scintillada's fireworks show will be quite different compared to the default one that appears at Night. There'll be a series of unique pink and light blue fireworks that you can keep in the background while taking photos!

Another Night of Fireworks Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Watch Scintillada's Recreation Again

Scintillada Special Fireworks Show

Scintillada's fireworks will only last for one Night period. However, you can still experience it as much as you want after the quest. Simply go up to Scintillada to submit more of the same materials and request for another fireworks recreation!

Another Night of Fireworks Information

Event-Exclusive Quest For Carnival of Fireworks

Carnival of Fireworks - Glowing Fireworks

Another Night of Fireworks is an event-exclusive quest tied to the Glowing Fireworks sub-event of Carnival of Fireworks. Don't miss your chance to complete it before the event ends on February 25, 2025!

Although the Another Night of Fireworks quest is only available for a limited-time, take note that the Firework Isles Exclusive Quests are permanent and will still remain in the game even after the event period.

Carnival of Fireworks Event Guide

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