Infinity Nikki Walkthrough Comments

List of EurekaComment

Showing 1-7 of 7 entries


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    7 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

    No one mentioned the 5-star Eurekas in Ripple Wine Cellar trial and Ghost Train trial? 1. Ripple Wine Cellar trial: Misty Waves set (Sexy trait, Ballroom label), Dream Waltz set (Elegant trait, Romance label) 2. Ghost Train trial: Moonlit Ode set (Fresh trait, Fantasy label), Void Hunt set (Cool trait, Adventure label) I was searching for a 5-star Cool Eurekas and happened to spam these two trials a lot since I haven't seen any of those listed here yet.

    6 Mitariel3 monthsReport

    Labels are : Afterglow & Heart Kiss : Ballroom First Snow: Fairy Lullaby: Playful Masked Magic: Trendy Melted Snow: Formal Meteorite: Adventure Rainbell: Pastoral Rayplume: Retro Rosefall: Romance Silvermoon: Summer Starlight: Fashion Sweet Candy: Intellectual Wind's Rythm: Cute Afterglow and Rainbell are the two "new" 5-stars sets from Dream Warehouse Trial I might be switching Trendy and Fashion, as I'm playing in another language Hope it helps! ^^

    5 SerinaSayu3 monthsReport

    i just got the rainbell: head i love lily of the valley so much. You get this from realm of eureka: dream warehouse trial.

    4 Anonymous3 monthsReport


    3 qck123 monthsReport

    Rainbell: Feet Eureka for Fresh.

    2 qck123 monthsReport

    Also missing Rainbell which is a 5 star foot Eureka for Fresh.

    1 anns3 monthsReport


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