Infinity Nikki Walkthrough Comments

How to Farm and Spend Bling (Money)Comment

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    4 CharChar3 monthsReport

    Greedy Pouch! Hunt Greedy Pouch enemies! they give 30x 100 blings! there are 50 spawn locations! each with ~50% chance of spawning one! look them up on interactive map

    3 CharChar3 monthsReport

    going to note, as i just found out, the stronger esslings drop thread of purity instead of blings.

    2 CharChar3 monthsReport

    (starting using a username) Also you get 100 bling from any essling killed it seems.

    1 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    No mention of the fact mini-games will give bling after completing them once? it costs 100, but gives 600, so +500 each completion. i recommend the "Dodge and Dash" just south west of the stylist guild, as it takes under 9 seconds per run, and is quite easy. add a few seconds for clicking thru dialogue and its likely +500 bling every 12~13 seconds.

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