Infinity Nikki Walkthrough Comments

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    4 Anonymous8 daysReport

    they put a wishing woods photo investigation quest in the abandoned district list. I'm still trying to find the last photo investigation quest and last stoneville quest and i suspect it's a missing photo investigation one that isn't listed.

    3 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    they count the Abandoned districts as part of Stoneville, that's 30

    2 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    There is a quest in Stoneville called Kindled Inspiration: Fragrant reward where you must talk to an npc named Miserly Penny while wearing the Purple Thoughts handheld. It can be found directly next to the Barrel Homes teleport in the Abandoned District.

    1 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    this needs to be updated, thers supposed to be 30 for florawish and 30 for stoneville

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