Infinity Nikki

Fly Farther Quest Guide

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Infinity Nikki - Fly Farther

Fly Farther is a World Quest located in Memorial Mountains of the Heartcraft Kingdom region in Infinity Nikki 1.0. See how to unlock this quest, its walkthrough, and all its rewards here in this guide!

Fly Farther Quest Location

Go to Memorial Mountains

Fly Farther is located at Memorial Mountains, in the region of Heartcraft Kingdom. You may teleport to the Warp Spire by the Old Florawish Memorial and speak with Kilo the Cadenceborn to initiate the quest.

All Warp Spire Locations

How to Unlock Fly Farther

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- Fly Farther
Infinity Nikki - Hello, Cadenceborn! Hello, Cadenceborn!
Infinity Nikki - Accident at the Clothing Store Accident at the Clothing Store

To unlock Fly Farther, you must first complete the World Quest Hello, Cadenceborn! and the Main Quest Accident at the Clothing Store.

Fly Farther Walkthrough

Find the Bird

After speaking with Kilo the Cadenceborn, search the area for 3 Injured Bird Feathers, or skip directly to the destroyed columns, which you can climb to locate the injured bird. Approaching it will trigger a cutscene where Nikki retrieves the bird and delivers it to Kilo, thus leaving it to his care.

Awaken the Little Bird

Infinity Nikki Awaken the Little Bird

Interact with the little bird to try and wake it up, prompting a cutscene where everyone present begins brainstorming ways on how to do it. Kilo suggests singing a hymn and does so, to which the bird succesfully awakens.

Ask About the Little Bird

Infinity Nikki Ask About the Little Bird

Speak with the little bird and ask of its wellbeing. Kilo will translate its chirps, regaling an emotional story about the little creature losing its feathers, and a dream to fly once more. Nikki devises a plan to craft an acessory to aid in its flight, and sets on her way to make it a reality!

Pick up Injured Bird Feathers

Infinity Nikki Pick up Injured Bird Feathers

Pick up any leftover Injured Bird Feathers that you were not able to collect during your prior search for the little bird. All uncollected feathers will become marked on your map northwest of Kilo, so make sure to obtain them!

Go to the Boutique and Find Marques Jr.

Head to Florawish and enter Marques Boutique. Speak with Marques Jr. behind the counter and select the Make Feather Accessories for a Bird option to discuss about creating a wing aid for the injurd bird. He will agree to create one for you, and ask for the materials to be provided in order to make it happen.

Give the Materials to Marques Jr.

Speak once more with Marques Jr. and select the Materials for Making Feather Accessories option to hand over 3 Buttoncones and 1 Floof Yarn, then let him get to crafting. Once finished, he will turn over New Wings for the Little Bird to Nikki.

Return to the Old Florawish Memorial

Infinity Nikki Return to the Old Florawish Memorial

Warp back to the Old Florawish Memorial and speak with Kilo the Cadenceborn to deliver Chirpy's new wings. After putting it on, the bird thanks Nikki and Kilo, then makes its journey back home. Kilo expresses his sadness at Chirpy's departure, and the quest ends after Nikki comforts him.

Fly Farther Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

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World Quests Partial

List of All World Quests

Other Memorial Mountains World Quests

All World Quests in Memorial Mountains
Chirpy Repaying the Debt Fly Farther Hello, Cadenceborn!


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