Infinity Nikki

Chirpy Repaying the Debt Quest Guide

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Infinity Nikki - Chirpy Repaying the Debt

Chirpy Repaying the Debt is a World Quest located in Memorial Mountains of the Heartcraft Kingdom region in Infinity Nikki 1.0. See how to unlock this quest, its walkthrough, and all its rewards here in this guide!

Chirpy Repaying the Debt Quest Location

Go to Memorial Mountains

Chirpy Repaying the Debt is located at Memorial Mountains, in the region of Heartcraft Kingdom. The quest will automatically initiate after teleporting to the Old Florawish Memorial Warp Spire, or entering Kilo the Cadenceborn's general vicinity.

All Warp Spire Locations

How to Unlock Chirpy Repaying the Debt

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- Chirpy Repaying the Debt
Infinity Nikki - Fly Farther Fly Farther

Chirpy Repaying the Debt unlocks after completing Fly Farther, and waiting at least 1 in-game day or passing the time.

How to Change Time

Chirpy Repaying the Debt Walkthrough

Capture Pin Hoppers

Upon arriving at the Old Florawish Memorial, Kilo the Cadenceborn will look visually scared. Catch 3 Pin Hoppers loitering in front of Kilo located by the stairs with your Bug-Catching Ability

Ask Kilo About the Situation

Infinity Nikki Ask Kilo About the Situation.png

After capturing all of the Pin Hoppers, speak with Kilo to ask him about the bug infestation. The trio theorize about their strange appearances, and the Cadenceborn points toward strange noises coming from the woods outside for Nikki to investigate.

Go to the Woods Outside the Park

Follow the path through the gate next to Kilo and exit the park. On your way down the path, you can find Chirpy perched to your right, on top of a cragged platform. Converse with them to find out that they've been the one delivering Pin Hoppers to Kilo as thanks for his help.

Inform Kilo About the Situation

Infinity Nikki Inform Kilo About the Situation.png

Return to Kilo after discovering Chirpy's misguided actions and inform him about the situation. The two eventually come to a mutual understanding after talking things through, and Chirpy permanently becomes Kilo's neighbor! To commemorate the moment, they ask Nikki to take a photo of them together.

Help Kilo Take a Picture With Chirpy

Select the Camera Icon on the top left side of your screen to access the camera. Make sure that both Kilo the Cadenceborn and Chirpy are in the shot before taking the photo to complete the objective!

If you would like Nikki to be invisible for this image, you can toggle her visibility on the camera tab by turning the Hide Nikki setting to On. Otherwise, you may keep her in the shot and the photo will still be accepted.

Camera Guide

Give the Picture to Kilo

Infinity Nikki Give the Picture to Kilo.png

Speak to Kilo after taking the photo and hand over the photo you took by choosing the image from Nikki's Album and pressing the Submit button. Kilo thanks you for your help and rewards you with various items, thus completing the quest.

Chirpy Repaying the Debt Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Infinity Nikki Related Guides

World Quests Partial

List of All World Quests

Other Memorial Mountains World Quests

All World Quests in Memorial Mountains
Chirpy Repaying the Debt Fly Farther Hello, Cadenceborn!


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