How to Obtain Yojimbo Tips and Walkthrough

Final Fantasy X  How to Get Yojimbo
This page is a guide on how to obtain the optional Aeon Yojimbo in Final Fantasy X (FFX, FF 10). Read on to know more about the sidequest including needed items, when can it be started, and its rewards.

Related Guides

Yojimbo's Abilities and AI Explanation

Yojimbo is undoubtedly, the strongest summon in the whole Final Fantasy franchise (so far). This comes together with ahem... a price (pun intended). To learn about Yojimbo's AI calculation and the effects of all his moves, see our guide below where we explain all info about Yojimbo in detail.

Yojimbo Special Attacks and Abilities

Dark Yojimbo

Dark Yojimbo is one of the unique Aeons that has a special method required to truly be vanquished. For a detailed guide to defeating Dark Yojimbo, see the guide below.

How to beat Dark Yojimbo Tips and Guide

Sidequest Details

Location Cavern of the Stolen Fayth
Requirements Atleast 250,000 Gil
Rewards Yojimbo
Can be started on Reaching the Calm Lands

Sidequest Objectives

1 Pass through the Calm Lands and head to the area below the bridge.
Optional Before entering the Dungeon, head right to find a Rusty Sword. Take it.
Optional Near the Rusty sword is Durren. A missable Blitzball player.
2 Head through the dungeon until you reach the Chamber of Fayth and prepare for a boss fight.
Boss Boss Fight Yojimbo.
3 Head inside the Chamber of Fayth to obtain Yojimbo. For a Price!
End of Sidequest

Detailed Guide

Rusty Sword

Rusty Sword Celestial Weapon Guide and Walkthrough Masamune Auron Cavern of Stolen Fayth Durren
The Rusty Sword is a Key item that can be used to obtain Auron's Celestial Weapon Masamune. For information on how to use the Rusty Sword, see the link below.

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Durren Best Blitzball player early worst late
Durren is a Crusader that trains in the Calm Lands. He disappears permanently after battling Sin. He can be a good goal keeper in the early stages of Blitz Ball so hire him when you can!

Boss Fight Yojimbo

Yojimbo Boss Fight
An Aeon of a dead summoner. Yojimbo has an Overdrive move that can kill the whole party in one hit. He isn't durable so just focus on blasting him with offensive abilities and overdrives.

How to Obtain Yojimbo

Yojimbo Haggle Obtain Hidden Aeon Yojimbo Cavern of Stolen Fayth
Yojimbo is an Aeon that values money. To obtain Yojimbo, the player must offer Gil to him and answer him the best way.

To Defeat the Most Powerful of Enemies

To defeat the most powerful of enemies! Answering Yojimbo
To fully utilize the aeon Yojimbo, the player must answer To Defeat the Most Powerful of Enemies then the Haggling begins.

50% then 50% then 70%

FFX Yojimbo Haggling
Yojimbo will ask for 250,000 Gil which the player can offer an amount equal to half of it + 1 Gil. Yojimbo will then ask for 225000 Gil. Do the same then the last offer will be 202500 Gil. Offer the same amount to obtain Yojimbo.

Final Fantasy X Related Links

List of all Optional Aeons

Optional Aeons
How to obtain Yojimbo
How to obtain Anima
How to obtain Magus Sisters


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