Side Quest Lightning Dodger Tips and Tricks

Final Fantasy X Lightning Dodger Tips Cheats and Guides

This is the Sidequest Walkthrough for the Lightning dodger mini-game in Final Fantasy X (FFX, FF 10). Read on for more information about objectives, and bosses within this section.

Sidequest General Information

Sidequest Inforation

Key rewards Venus Sigil
Requirements No Encounter equipment, Celestial Mirror

Sidequest Guide

The thunderplains is home to an eternal thunderstorm with a mechanic that allows you to dodge incoming lightning bolts. Dodging these lightning bolts will net you rewards from Rin's travel agency in the thunder plains. Below are the rewards obtainable from the agency. You must dodge them consecutively!

Lightning Dodger Rewards
5 dodges 2 X-Potions
10 dodges 2 Mega-potions
20 dodges 2 MP Spheres
50 dodges 3 Strength Spheres
100 dodges 3 HP Spheres
150 dodges 4 Megalixirs
200 dodges Venus Sigil

Lightning dodger crater trick

There exists a location in the game where the lightning will always strike. The counter for the rng (random number generator) of the lightning bolt must be reset everytime the lightning strikes by heading to a lightning tower. This trick can repeatedly be used until 200 dodges have been reached.

Final Fantasy X Related Links

List of Subquests
Celestial Weapons Dark Aeons and Penance
Lightning Dodger Monster Arena
Omega Ruins Optional Aeons
Chocobo Training Remiem Temple
Butterfly Hunt Cactuar Village
Al Bhed Primers Airship Codes
Jecht Spheres Chocobo Race


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