Kilika Temple Cloister of Trials

Final Fantasy X Kilika Cloister of Trials Top Image

Besaid Temple Cloister of Trial Djose Temple Cloister of Trial

Page with a guide on how to solve the Kilika Cloister of Trials in Final Fantasy X (FFX, FF10). This page contains all the steps necessary to solve the puzzle including the usage of destruction sphere.

Kilika Temple Video Guide

Kilika Temple Cloister of Trial Objective


1 Get the Kilika sphere.
2 Put the Kilika sphere on door.
3 Take the Kilika sphere.
4 Put Kilika sphere on central wall to reveal a glyph.
5 Take Kilika sphere and put it aside
6 Touch the glyph that appeared in the wall.
7 Take Kilika sphere that is creating the flamewall inside the new area and put it aside.
8 Take glyph sphere from the pedestal.
9 Insert glyph sphere on fire wall
10 Take Kilika sphere you set behind
11 Step on the shining platform
12 Insert Kilika sphere on pedestal
13 Push the pedestal on the shining platform
14 Take Kilika sphere from the new recess.
15 Insert sphere on final door
16 Get back and take the destruction sphere from the locked area.
17 Insert destruction sphere on hidden sphere recess
18 Take Kilika sphere from final door
End of Cloister of Trial

Kilika Temple Detailed Guide

1 Get the Kilika Sphere

Kilika Temple Cloister of Trial.jpg

2 Put the Kilika Sphere on the Door

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3 Take the Kilika Sphere

Kilika Temple Cloister of Trial.jpg

4 Put Kilika Sphere on the Central Wall to Reveal a Glyph

Kilika Temple Cloister of Trial.jpg

5 Take Kilika Sphere and Put it Aside

Kilika Temple Cloister of Trial.jpg
Kilika Temple Cloister of Trial.jpg

6 Touch the Glyph that Appeared on the Wall

Kilika Temple Cloister of Trial.jpg

7 Take the Kilika Sphere that is Creating the Wall of Fire Inside the New Area and Put it Aside

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8 Take the Glyph Sphere From the Pedestal.

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9 Insert the Glyph Sphere on the Fire Wall

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10 Take the Kilika Sphere you set Behind

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11 Step on the Reset Platform

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12 Insert Kilika Sphere on the Pedestal

Kilika Temple Cloister of Trial.jpg

13 Push the Pedestal on the Shining Platform

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14 Take the Kilika Sphere from the new Recess

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15 Insert the Sphere on the Final Door

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16 Get Back and Take the Destruction Sphere from the Locked Area

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17 Insert Destruction Sphere on the Recess in the hidden area

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18 Take Kilika Sphere from Final Door

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