Infinity Nikki

Earthy Glimpse Showcase and How to Get

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Earthy Glimpse is one of the Socks in Infinity Nikki. See a showcase of Earthy Glimpse, how to get Earthy Glimpse, its evolution variations, and its stats here!

Earthy Glimpse Showcase

Earthy Glimpse Style Elegant
Labels Intellectual
Outfit Radiant Night: Forest
Type Socks
Quality ✦✦✦✦

"Falling petals and flickering candlelight adorn a corner of the ballroom. In the depths of her wistful thoughts, her silhouette gradually comes into focus."

How to Get Earthy Glimpse

Evolve Radiant Night

Radiant Night ImageRadiant Night

Earthy Glimpse is a part of the Radiant Night: Forest Outfit set. This clothing piece can only be obtained by evolving its base outfit.

Clothing Evolution Guide

Earthy Glimpse Materials

Earthy Glimpse Variations

All Evolution Variations
Radiant Call Radiant Call Earthy Glimpse Earthy Glimpse

Earthy Glimpse Stats

Style Base Max
Elegant 138 856
Fresh 21 131
Sweet 18 112
Sexy 68 422
Cool 25 155

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Infinity Nikki - Clothing Pieces

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Dreamy Blossom Dreamy Blossom Dreamy Hope Dreamy Hope Dreamy Starlight Dreamy Starlight Duet of Dawn
Earthy Glimpse Earthy Glimpse Emerald Mist Emerald Mist Enchanting Darkcloud Enchanting Darkcloud Endless Riddle Endless Riddle
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Folded Wings Folded Wings Forest Footprints Forest Footprints Fragrant Realm Fragrant Realm Free Spirit Free Spirit
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Green Dots Green Dots Healing Remedy Healing Remedy Heartfelt Touch Heartfelt Touch Imminent Bloom Imminent Bloom
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Midday Nap Midday Nap Midnight Bloom Midnight Bloom Midnight Blossom Midnight Blossom Miracle Stockings Miracle Stockings
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