Infinity Nikki

Where the Strings Echo Quest Guide

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Infinity Nikki - Where the Strings Echo

Where the Strings Echo is a quest under the New Bloom Festival event in Infinity Nikki's version 1.2 update. Find out how to unlock Where the Strings Echo, its walkthrough and rewards, and where Alber's location is in this guide!

Where the Strings Echo Quest Location

Find Xian on the White Jade Boat

Where the Strings Echo is obtained by speaking to Xian on the White Jade boat, which is anchored near the south of Florawish.Teleport to the Florawish Lane Warp Spire, and go east to find it.

Florawish Map and 100% Exploration Guide

How to Unlock Where the Strings Echo

Complete The Truth is Close

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- Where the Strings Echo
Infinity Nikki - The Truth is Close The Truth is Close

To start Where the Strings Echo, players need to have finished The Truth is Close, which is a part of Chapter 2 of the Main Story.

Note that Where the Strings Echo is a limited-time quest that will only be available during the runtime of New Bloom Chronicles, which lasts until February 25, 2025.

Where the Strings Echo Walkthrough

Speak to Xian on the White Jade

Find Alber near White Jade or Lilina

To start Where the Strings Echo, board the White Jade boat near the south of Florawish and speak to Xian. He will lament that he is having trouble finding inspiration, so Nikki and Momo suggest looking around Florawish to help.

Find and Talk to Alber

After talking to Xian, you will have to find Alber. He will be either near the White Jade boat, or at Lilina's Statue near the Mayor's Residence. Speak with him to gain more insight on Xian's situation.

Find the NPC Talking Abour Mr. Koroth

Then, return to the area near the White Jade and look for these two NPCs talking about Mr. Koroth. Listen in on their conversation and return to Xian with a new plan.

Speak to Xian Again About Inspiration

Play for Xian or Find Koroth

Speak with Xian again aboard the White Jade. When initiating the conversation, you will be prompted to choose betwen playing for Xian yourself, or taking him to see Koroth. It is recommended to play for Xian yourself, so that you don't need to move to a different location.

Play for Xian to Finish the Quest

If you choose to play for Xian, you will have to equip Nikki's Symphony of Strings ability outfit and use it in front of him. Completing the mini-game will finish the quest.

Go to Cicia Art Academy Field Base

Choosing to see Mr. Koroth instead will have you head to Cicia Art Academy Field Base and meet Xian there, to speak with Mr. Koroth. Approach them and trigger dialogue, then read through it to complete the quest.

Where the Strings Echo Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Where the Strings Echo Information

Event-Exclusive Quest For New Bloom Festival

New Bloom Festival - New Bloom Reunion

Where the Strings Echo belongs to the New Bloom Reunion sub-event, which lasts until February 25, 2025. This quest will only be available for the event's runtime, so be sure to complete it before that period ends!

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