Infinity Nikki

Starlight Submersion Showcase and How to Get

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Starlight Submersion is one of the Bracelets in Infinity Nikki. See a showcase of Starlight Submersion, how to get Starlight Submersion, its evolution variations, and its stats here!

Starlight Submersion Showcase

Starlight Submersion Style Fresh
Labels Romance Pastoral
Outfit Blossoming Stars: Dreamfall
Type Bracelets
Quality ✦✦✦✦✦

"Starlight once aspired to shine like the moon. However, in its fervent pursuit, it slowly dimmed and lost the unique splendor it once had."

How to Get Starlight Submersion

Evolve Blossoming Stars

Blossoming Stars ImageBlossoming Stars

Starlight Submersion is a part of the Blossoming Stars: Dreamfall Outfit set. This clothing piece can only be obtained by evolving its base outfit.

Clothing Evolution Guide

Starlight Submersion Materials

Blossoming Stars: Dreamfall Evolution Materials


You need to get Heartshine from the Deep Echoes of the banner to get Blossoming Stars: Dreamfall.

How to Get Heartshine

Starlight Submersion Variations

All Evolution Variations
Distant Twinkle Distant Twinkle Starlight Submersion Starlight Submersion Pure Wish Pure Wish Cloud Cluster Cloud Cluster

Starlight Submersion Stats

Style Base Max
Elegant 67 416
Fresh 142 881
Sweet 14 87
Sexy 13 81
Cool 19 118

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Fresh Square Fresh Square Gentle Touch Gentle Touch Glittering Change Glittering Change Golden Hours Golden Hours
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Sunseeking Loong Sunseeking Loong Toward Tomorrow Toward Tomorrow Twisting Memories Twisting Memories Unfulfilled Wish Unfulfilled Wish
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