Infinity Nikki Walkthrough Comments

All Whimstar LocationsComment

Showing 1-20 of 21 entries


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    21 LuckyDagger15 daysReport

    I think y'all counted the story whimstar and missed the second one near the hopper mini game.

    20 YuffieOfWutaiabout 1 monthReport

    nevermind i just looked at it wrong lol

    19 YuffieOfWutaiabout 1 monthReport

    Missing whimstar in Breezy meadow on interactive map. Only shows 87 of the 88. For the missing one you need to hitch a ride at this location to find the last one for the area.

    18 mutatedwormabout 2 monthsReport

    In Breezy Meadows, whimstar #26, I went to the location and there was no weasel there. There is no star on my map, so I definitely don't have it. Has anyone else had this problem with not finding it?

    17 Charles Peyton2 monthsReport

    the marker on the interactive map for abandoned district whimstar #2 is in the wrong location, the pictures are correct but the maker its self is placed wrong.

    16 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    if theres a flower monster nearby, jump on top of the plant monster when its head is down.

    15 Maizy2 monthsReport

    Wishing woods star #49 is killing me. The guide says how to get it, but doesn't explain how momo is supposed to reach the rope on the tree needed to jump from to get the star. I don't know if I'm missing something but I can't get him to jump high enough to reach the rope!

    14 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Last whims that you won't see on map for florawish is with stray hatty .. the first 5 are easy moneys but it then goes to 1 mil blings, 2 mil blings, and this is how much the last whim costs if your wondering where the last whims are for florawish.. so best get grinding them blings!

    13 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Thank you so much!!! I can't find the last whimstar in Abandoned district, so I got info from your website. Now I did it. Thaks a lot.

    12 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    can u show the location i cant find it

    11 Ori3 monthsReport

    #64-65-66 Is marked at wrong location, timi's lab is higher up in the map

    10 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    I found a chest that's not on the Florawish map, it's at the Sanctum of the Observant. Behind a box in the alcove on the outside of the Sanctum on the south side of the building. I broke the box in the picture before I realized it wasn't on the map. I hope this helps

    9 Ori3 monthsReport

    #11 Florawish is marked wrong on the main map, the solarium is a bit under the main stlish guide in the blue building

    8 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    I can confirm that whimstar #6 costs 1m bling and #7 costs 2m bling; I just purchased #7 and Stray Hatty is asking for 3m bling for #8

    7 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Don't know if the source is reliable but the prices I found are 10k, 100k, 200k, 300k, 500k, 1m, 2m, 3m

    6 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    I managed to get up to Wishing Woods Whimstar 51 by tricking the Pounceria flower to bite the ground that using it as a jumping off point to grab onto the pillar on the tree stump next to it

    5 kelsie 3 monthsReport

    yup! i got up there!

    4 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    can confirm this

    3 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Wishing woods Whimstar 51, there is a platform with a canon to the north of it, to get up to the cannon you need to use the shrinking outfit and hop on the leaf under the south side of the platform

    2 Lilli3 monthsReport

    6th cost 1.000.000

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