Infinity Nikki

A New Life Quest Guide

★ Latest: Version 1.3, The Queen's Lament, & Bullquet Care Day
☆ New Miracle Outfit: Silvergale's Aria
★ All Redeem Codes for Diamonds
☆ Raise your Mira Level with Dailies & Quests
★ Find all Whimstar, Dew, Warp Spire & Chests

Infinity Nikki - A New Life

A New Life is a World Quest located in Stoneville of the Heartcraft Kingdom region in Infinity Nikki 1.0. See Arnaud and Beatrice's story through this quest, its walkthrough, and all its rewards here in this guide!

A New Life Quest Location

Go to Stoneville

A New Life is located at Stoneville, in the region of Heartcraft Kingdom. You can teleport to the Village Fork Warp Spire, or walk your way toward the village in Stoneville, then talk to Arnaud who will be standing nearby.

All Warp Spire Locations

How to Unlock A New Life

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- A New Life
Infinity Nikki - Accident at the Clothing Store Accident at the Clothing Store

A New Life will be unlocked after completing the Accident at the Clothing Store Main Quest, and proceeding to Stoneville.

Accident at the Clothing Store Quest Guide

A New Life Walkthrough

Go to the Flower Fields in the Dye Workshop and Find Beatrice

After speaking with Arnaud about his search for a woman named Beatrice, he will provide two possible locations where she might be found. The order of your investigation does not matter, though we suggest heading to the Flower Fields first, as it is the closest, and the woman there matches the description Arnaud provided.

Ask Bianco if She is Beatrice

Infinity Nikki Ask Bianco if She is Beatrice

Speak to Bianco and ask if she happens to be the Beatrice that Arnaud is looking for. After confirming that she is not, Bianco points Nikki toward the Dye Workshop Area to a woman named Margot who might be the woman she is looking for.

Go to the Dye Workshop Area to Find Beatrice

Walk north toward the Dye Workshop Area until you come across a woman named Margot overlooking the dye processors. Although her clothes do not match Arnaud's description, it sure is worth a shot to ask her.

Ask Margot if She is Beatrice

Infinity Nikki Ask Margot if She is Beatrice

After asking Margot about her identity, she denies being Beatrice and points you back to Bianco. After knowing that you have already talked to her, she sends you to Ms. Florine.

Go to the Flower Field and Inquire About Beatrice

Infinity Nikki Go to the Flower Fields and Inquire About Beatrice

Walk to the homes near the Flower Fields and speak with Ms. Florine who is taking her afternoon nap by the well. After a hard time gathering information from her, she eventually tells you of a woman named Natalie, who becomes the most probable lead of your investigation.

Go Back to Arnaud and Tell Him About Beatrice's Whereabouts

Infinity Nikki Go Back to Arnaud and Tell Him About Beatrice

Walk back to Arnaud and tell him the information you have gathered about Natalie. After much deliberation, he agrees to find out for himself if this woman is the Beatrice he's been looking for.

Go to the Residence and Find Natalie

Infinity Nikki Go to the Residence and Find Natalie

Walk up the hill toward the homes, and find Natalie in conversation with other villagers. At first, she was in disbelief of Arnaud's presence, but soon came to realize that he was, in fact, present.

Talk to Natalie

Infinity Nikki Talk to Natalie

Upon confirming Natalie's identity as Beatrice, she immediately defends herself and denounces the life she lived in Cicia. Arnaud disagrees, and tries to persuade her to come back to her old life. As a last resort, Beatrice asks Nikki to hold a Styling Challenge with the theme of A Song of Idyllic Nature to convince Arnaud that Beatrice's life is made for the countryside.

Create a Pastoral Styling That Convinces Arnaud

Speak with Arnaud to commence the Styling Challenge. Filter your clothing to the Fresh Style and Pastoral label, and sort them all by Score. Put together an outfit that has a Styling Score of 10,000 at minimum, then add on a Eureka for good measure. This will guarantee a Perfect Rating, and conclude the quest after Arnaud is convinced by your display.

A New Life Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

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