Infinity Nikki Walkthrough Comments

Interactive Map and 100% Exploration GuidesComment

Showing 1-20 of 22 entries


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    22 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

    Stoneville chests 16, 17 and 18 all have their locations swapped

    21 Raha behdjatiabout 2 monthsReport

    hi i just wanted to let you know your map is short one whim balloon and 8 dew of firework and miraland map doesn't open for me I looked up the location of the balloon it's near flaming forest , a direct walk from the bike rental place to the sea part, there's a pond and you fish.

    20 Anonymousabout 2 monthsReport

    There are a lot of missing chests in Wishing Woods. Farm cavern in particular where I found 9 chests, but the map didn't indicate anything

    19 pongesponge2 monthsReport

    missing whimstar in abandoned district

    18 sophiaaa2 monthsReport

    there are a lot of chests missing in the map i hope they will be added

    17 IStoleTheMuffin2 monthsReport

    Missing chest at the base of the secret base.

    16 IStoleTheMuffin2 monthsReport

    Missing chest at the entrance of the wishing well, second floor.

    15 undeadkarma2 monthsReport

    Stoneville chests 21 and 23 are swapped on the map

    14 undeadkarma2 monthsReport

    wait nvm brain fart

    13 undeadkarma2 monthsReport

    Missing a chest in the secret base tower btw

    12 Lumichan3 monthsReport

    ich habe mich auch angemeldet und nach 5 std tau und sterne sammeln in den ersten 3 gebieten sind nach dem einloggen alle harken weg , weiss nun nicht mehr wo ich aufgehört habe.

    11 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Stoneville chest #23 is wrong, shows info of an abandoned district chest

    10 DarkQueenHelba3 monthsReport

    Now I can’t even mark anything as collected! The button is greyed out and unclickable. What is going on with the Infinity Nikki Maps?

    9 Renata Gimenes3 monthsReport

    Unfortunately, with almost 100% of Florawish, my map deleted all the information, even with login, very sad.

    8 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    My collection marks 90 cents are gone. I signed up to do this?????huh

    7 DarkQueenHelba3 monthsReport

    After 100% the map of Memorial Mountains and 95% the maps of Florawish & Breezy Meadow while still in chapter 3 I decided it was time to advance the story some more. I’m now doing collecting again so I turned back on the map and all my collection marks are GONE. Nothing I have checked has been saved! What happened?

    6 CandyHaiyang3 monthsReport

    I found 2 Dew that in this Unteractive Map don't have on Breezy Meadow at the little port where you can fish the 'Ribbon eel' at the Leisureely Anglers Florawish Branch Warp Spire

    5 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    I've played Infinity Nikki for a week now and I have figured out there is different kinds of chests, white/white w blue glow 5-10 diamonds, pink and pink w sketch. 20-30 diamonds. I've figured out that everyday/server reset the chests reset randomly ( Not all of them do.) But you'll find them in these locations listed on your map. It appears chests that contain sketches or fragrance material from dungeons are permanently gone. So I think it would be a good idea to differentiate them on your map

    4 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    Didn't see this on the map: Inside the Wishing Woods, next to Dew 1-3. Accessible if you jump down to the bottom platform.

    3 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    yesssss omg, i was also looking for a way to login

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