
List of Black Magicks

This page contains list of Black Magicks in Final Fantasy XII (FF12, FFXII, FFXII Zodiac Age). Read on if you would like to find out more about this game's most useful black magicks for your heroes.

List of Black Magicks

Name Effect Mp Cost
Fire Deal fire damage to all foes in range. 6
Fira Deal fire damage to all foes in range. 16
Firaga Deal heavy fire damage to all foes in range. 38
Thunder Deal lightning damage to all foes in range. 8
Thundara Deal lightining damage to all foes in range. 18
Thundaga Deal heavy lightning damage to all foes in range. 40
BIzzard Deal ice damage to all foes in range. 10
Blizzara Deal ice damage to all foes in range. 20
Blizzaga Deal heavy ice damage to all foes in range. 42
Aero Deal wind damage to all foes in range. 14
Aeroga Deal heavy damage to all foes in range. 38
Aqua Deal water damage to one foe. 12
Bio Inflict Sap and deal damage to all foes in range. 24
Shock Deal heavy damage to one foe. 34
Scourge Inflict Sap and deal heavy to all foes in range. 48
Flare Deal massive damage to all foes in range. 46
Scathe Deal massive damage to all foes in range. 70
Blind Lower one foe's chance to hit. Inflict Blind. 10
Blindga Lower the chance to hit of all foes in range. Inflict Blind on all targets in range. 20
Silence Prevent one foe from casting magicks. 8
Silencega Privent all foes in range from casting magicks. 22
Sleep Put one foe to sleep. 10
Sleepga Put all foes in range to sleep. 26
Poison Damage one foe over time. Inflcts Poison. 8
Toxify Damage all foes in range over time. Inflcts Poison. 26

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