Final Fantasy X (FFX) Walkthrough Comments

How to beat Luca GoersComment

Showing 1-7 of 7 entries


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    7 Squall9 monthsReport

    Great guide! Ty a lot 4 sharing. It really helped!

    2 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    This site needs to stop making guides they make no sense

    1 Anonymousover 3 yearsReport

    Your tactics is too subjective. The best tactic was 1. change to manual. 2. If you get the ball, just pass from Letty to Tidus. 3. When Tidus got the ball, swim to Jassu. 4. Once reach, pass to each other till half time. 5. You will get Tidus and Jassu on atlease decent level after doing this. The rest is the same as what you wrote. But thia build up is more effective instead of shooting like crazy and make the playing field more harder as the enemy gain exp and level during half time.

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