Djose Temple Cloister of Trials

Final Fantasy X Djose Temple Cloister of Trial

Page with a guide on how to solve the Djose Cloister of Trials in Final Fantasy X (FF X, FF 10). This page contains all the steps necessary to solve the puzzle and the secret item in the puzzle.

Kilikka temple Cloister of Trial Macalania temple Cloister of Trial

Djose Temple Video Guide

Djose Temple Cloister of Trial Objective


1 Take both Djose spheres and insert it on the door.
2 Take both Djose sphere attached on the wall and put it on the recessess on the right side.
3 Push the pedestal below the charged pedestal.
4 Reset the position of the pedestal and take the charged djose sphere.
5 Take charged Djose Sphere and insert it into the Recess connected to the door.
6 Take the 2 Djose Sphere that were used to charge the other Sphere and insert them on the pedestal.
7 Push the pedestal with 2 Djose Spheres into the lightning field.
8 Jump to the other side and activate the switch.
9 Take the charged Djose Sphere and insert it to the recess opposite to it.
10 Reset the position of the pedestal and take the Djose Spheres attached to it and insert it on the 2 recess at the start of the trial.
11 Touch the Glyph near the floor that resets the pedestal.
12 Take the Destruction Sphere.
13 Use the elevator.
14 Activate the 5 switches in the area of the elevator.
15 Insert the Destruction Sphere on the pedestal that appeared.
End of Djose Cloister of Trials

Djose Temple Detailed Guide

1 Take both Djose spheres and insert it on the door.

Djose Temple.jpg

2 Take both Djose sphere attached on the wall and put it on the recessess on the right side.


3 Push the pedestal below the charged pedestal.

Djose Puzzle.jpg

4 Reset the position of the pedestal and take the charged djose sphere.

Djose Glyph charged sphere.jpg

5 Take charged Djose Sphere and insert it into the Recess connected to the door.

Djose Charged Sphere door.jpg

6 Take the 2 Djose Sphere that were used to charge the other Sphere and insert them on the pedestal.

Djose sphere start1 .jpg
Djose sphere start 2.jpg

7 Push the pedestal with 2 Djose Spheres into the lightning field.


8 Jump to the other side and activate the switch.


9 Take the charged Djose Sphere and insert it to the recess opposite to it.


10 Reset the position of the pedestal and take the Djose Spheres attached to it and insert it on the 2 recess at the start of the trial.


11 Touch the Glyph near the floor that resets the pedestal.


12 Take the Destruction Sphere.


13 Use the elevator


14 Actibate the 5 switches in the area of the elevator


15 Insert the Destruction Sphere on the pedestal that appeared.


Related Pages

Cloister of Trials

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Djose Temple Macalania Temple
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