The Witcher 3

What are the Most Difficult Quests?

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This is an article about the most difficult quests the player can encounter in the game. Read on for more information on what makes these quests so difficult and why.

Most Difficult Quests

Base Game

Collect 'Em All

Collect 'Em All is one of the first side quests you will get in the game and it is also one of the most difficult one to complete because of the sheer amount of cards in gwent. This quest requires you to collect every single type of card in the game which can be obtained by beating specific NPCs in gwent or can be bought from specific merchants. You get this qust by talking to Aldert Geert at the Inn in White Orchard.

Walkthrough Link Coming Soon!

Bald Mountain

This quest is only going to be difficult because of the multiple boss fights you will encounter. Here you will have to fight all three crones at the same time using Ciri and then fight Imlerith using Geralt. Also note that you only can get the Magic Acorn during this quest.

Bald Mountain Walkthrough and Where to Find Magic Acorn

On Thin Ice

Caranthir battle
This quest becomes difficult becuase you need to fight two strong bosses in a row. Here you will have to defeat Caranthir as Geralt and after that you will go to the Naglfar to defeat Eredin next. Both bosses have their own mechanics which makes them difficult to fight against.

On Thin Ice Walkthrough

Hearts of Stone

Evil's Soft First Touches

In this quest, you will be encountering multiple boss fights in which their difficulty is presented in their own unique way. You will battle the Toad Prince who constantly moves away from you and tries to zone you with toxic gas and you will also have a battle with an Ofieri Mage that contantly attacks you with AOE magic while being accompanied by multiple Ofieri Soldiers.

Evil's Soft First Touches Walkthrough, Choices and Best Choice| The Witcher 3

Scenes From a Marriage

Scenes from a Marriage
This quest also becomes difficult because of its boss battles. You will have to fight with a demon from another realm, the Caretaker, who regenerates a lot whenever he hits you, the Wraith from the Painting, who also regenerates and gives itself an HP bonus if you fail to close its portals, and finally Ethereal, the nightmare version of Olgierd von Everec from Iris' worst fears.

Scenes From a Marriage Walkthrough, and Best Rose Choice

Whatsoever a Man Soweth...

Whatsoever a Man Soweth...
This quest becomes difficult becuase of its unique mechanic in beating the Master of Mirrors. If you challenge Master Mirror for the soul of Olgierd von Everec, you will have to solve a riddle within a short time limit. If you fail to solve the riddle during the time limit, it will fail your mission and you will have to load another save in order to continue

Whatsoever a Man Soweth... Walkthrough, Best Choice and Riddle Solution

Blood and Wine

Extreme Cosplay

Here you will have to fight multiple enemies with high vitality and powerful attacks. The long range attacks coming from the mages are the most dangerous ones, it is suggested that you try to focus killing them first before dealing with the enemies using swords. Keep in mind that once you are inside the villa, you wont be able to leave or ditch this quest. This quest can only be received by approaching Gaston on the main road near the Doren Alma Estate.

Walkthrough Link Coming Soon!

What Lies Unseen

Unseen Elder
On this quest you will have multiple dialogues with the Unseen Elder where you will have to carefuly choose on how will you respond. Choosing the incorrect dialogue will instantly kill you, forcing you to reload a previous save file.

What Lies Unseen Walkthrough

Tesham Mutna

Tesham Mutna
Tesham Mutna has one of most difficult boss fight you will encounter in the Blood & Wine DLC. The boss fight during this quest will depend on which path you chose to proceed the story during The Night of Long Fangs. However, if you chose to avoid this fight by letting Dettlaff go after he kills Syanna, it will result to you ending up in prison where you will be saved by dandelion at the ending.

Tesham Mutna Walkthrough and How to Beat Dettlaff

Related Links

Quests Top Page

Witcher 3 Quests
Act 1 Act 2 Act 3
Secondary Quests Treasure Hunts Contracts
DLC Quests
Hearts of Stone Blood and Wine


1 Anonymousalmost 5 years

Yeah, Scenes of a Marriage and Bloody Cosplay were both pretty hard. I regret not fighting the original Olgierd for practice against the wraiths!


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