The Witcher 3

World Map and Regions

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Trying to make more coin as quickly as possible? See our Money Making Guide!
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This page contains the maps and locations of all regions in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Read on for more information on the different regions and locations of the Witcher 3.

Witcher 3 World Map and Regions

White Orchard Map

For a more detailed explanation of the Region's Map, see the link below.

White Orchard Map and Locations

Velen Map

For a more detailed explanation of the Region's Map, see the link below.

Velen Map and Locations

Novigrad Map

For a more detailed explanation of the Region's Map, see the link below.

Novigrad Map and Locations

Skellige Map

For a more detailed explanation of the Region's Map, see the link below.

Skellige Map and Locations

Kaer Morhen Map

For a more detailed explanation of the Region's Map, see the link below.

Kaer Morhen Map and Locations

Toussaint Map

The Toussaint Region is located at the bottom of the World Map. Players can unlock this region if they have purchased the Blood and Wine Expansion for the game.

For a more detailed explanation of the Region's Map, see the link below.

Toussaint Map and Locations

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