Sand Land

List of All Hover Scooter Parts

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Sand Land - List of All Hover Scooter Parts

This guide lists all the Hover Scooter parts in Sand Land. Learn all the vehicle parts you can equip to the Hover Scooter, their stats, and how to get Hover Scooter parts.

Hoverscooter Guides
Hoverscooter Best Builds All Hoverscooter Parts

List of All Hover Scooter Parts

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Sand Land - Primary Weapon IconPrimary Weapons Sand Land - Secondary Weapon IconSecondary Weapons Sand Land - Engine IconEngines
Sand Land - Suspension IconSuspensions Sand Land - Options IconOption Parts Sand Land - EX Chip IconEX Chips

Hover Scooter Primary Weapons

Weapon Rarity Lv. Req. Attack Capacity Attack Interval Reload Time
30mm Revolver Grenade Launcher Super 21 175 12 0.60 5.00
30mm Grenade Launcher Super 1 221 10 1.40 5.00
30mm Incendiary Grenade Launcher III Mythical 27
30mm Shock Grenade Launcher+ Mythical 27 57 8 1.40 4.55
30mm Incendiary Grenade Launcher Super 1 221 10 1.40 5.00
30mm Flash Grenade Launcher Super 1 106 10 1.40 5.00
30mm Shock Grenade Launcher Super 1 41 8 1.40 5.00
30mm Incendiary Revolver Grenade Launcher Super 1 175 12 0.60 5.00
Original Rear Cowl Common 1

All Primary Weapons

Hover Scooter Secondary Weapons

Weapon Rarity Lv. Req. Attack Capacity Attack Interval Reload Time
5mm Machine Gun Super 1 58 60 0.07 2.50
20mm Anti-Material Rifle+ Mythical 27 175 26 0.40 2.50
20mm Autocannon Super 1 79 36 0.15 2.25
20mm Anti-Material Rifle Super 1 125 24 0.40 2.50
5mm Burst Machine Gun Super 1 60 60 0.07 2.50
20mm Burst Autocannon Super 1 83 36 0.15 2.25

All Secondary Weapons

Hover Scooter Engines

Engine Rarity Lv. Req. Boost Accelerator Boost Recovery Boost Gauge Use
Equalized Anti-Grav Engine Super 1 1.73 254.3 79.2
Waste Heat Recovery Anti-Grav Engine Super 1 1.64 343.3 83.6
Large Anti-Grav Engine Super 1 1.85 178.0 105.6
High Efficiency Anti-Grav Engine Super 1 1.64 286.1 70.4

All Engines

Hover Scooter Suspensions

Suspension Rarity Lv. Req. Speed Defense
Standard Thruster Super 1 59.7 15

All Suspensions

Hover Scooter Option Parts

Option Rarity Lv. Req. Desc
Auto-Combat Drone Super 1 Drone that automatically attacks nearby enemies.
Interceptor Drone Super 1 Drone that automatically fires at incoming enemy missiles.
Travel Beacon Super 1 Installs a beacon in places of interest as fast travel points.
Enhanced Armor Super 1 Increases endurance and makes it harder for vehicle to be knocked back.
Salvo System Super 1 Releases a volley from all firearms at once.

All Option Parts

Hover Scooter EX Chips

EX Chip Rarity Lv. Req. Desc
Auto-Repair Device Super 1 Slowly restores vehicle's HP when out of combat.
Autoloader Super 1 Auto-reloads ammo when empty.
Power+ Chip (Machine Gun) Common 1 Increases machine gun, gatling gun, and autocannon attack power.
Quick Reload Chip (Cannon) Common 1 Reduces cannon reload time. (Excludes light mortar and autocannon.)
HEP Ammo Chip Common 1 TBD
Incendiary Chip (Missile/Rocket) Common 1 Increases chance of setting enemy vehicles ablaze when using missiles or rockets.
Incendiary Ammo Chip (Cannon) Common 1 Increases chance of setting enemy vehicles ablaze when using cannons. (Excludes light mortar and autocannon).
Power+ Chip (Shotgun/Grenade) Common 1 Increases shotgun, grenade launcher, and light mortar attack power.
Power+ Chip (Missile/Rocket) Common 1 Increases missile pod and rocket launcher attack power.
Hover Enhancer TBD
Quick Lock-On Chip Rare 16 Reduces missile lock-on time.
Quick Reload Chip (Missile/Rocket) Common 1 Reduces missile pod and rocket launcher reload time.
Power+ Chip (Canon) Common 1 Increases cannon attack power. (Excludes light mortar and autocannon.)
Quick Reload Chip (Machine Gun) Common 1 Reduces machine gun, gatling gun, and autocannon reload time.
Quick Reload Chip (Shotgun/Grenade) Common 1 Reduces missile pod and rocket launcher reload time.
Ammo Chip (Machine Gun) Common 1 Increases machine gun, gatling gun, and autocannon ammo capacity.
Heat Ammo Chip (Cannon) Common 1 Increases chance of inflicting weapon malfunction on enemy vehicles when using cannons. (Excludes light mortar and autocannon.)
Heat Ammo Chip (Missile/Rocket) Common 1 Increases chance of inflicting weapon malfunction on enemy vehicles when using missiles or rockets.
HEP Ammo Chip (Cannon) Common 1 Increases chance of inflicting drive system failure on enemy vehicles when using cannons. (Excludes light mortar and autocannon.)
HEP Ammo Chip (Missile/Rocket) Common 1 Increases chance of breaking an enemy's drive system when using missiles or rockets.
Incendiary Punch Chip (Arm) Common 1 Increases chance of setting enemy vehicles ablaze when attacking with mechanical arms.
HE Ammo Chip (Cannon) Common 1 Increases chance of disrupting enemy vehicles when using cannons. (Excludes light mortar and autocannon.)
HE Ammo Chip (Missile/Rocket) Common 1 Increases chance of disrupting enemy vehicles when using missiles or rockets.
Power+ Chip (Laser) Legendary 25 Increases laser and photon blast attack power.
Quick Reload Chip (Laser) Rare 16 Reduces laser and photon blast reload time.
Speed Booster Chip (Hover Scooter) Rare 16 Increases vehicle's top speed.
Boost Enhancer Super 18 Increases boost speed and reduces energy consumption.
Endurance Booster Chip (Hover Scooter) Rare 16 Increases vehicle's endurance (HP).
Acceleration Chip (Hover Scooter) Rare 16 Increases vehicle's acceleration.
Boost Recovery Chip (Hover Scooter) Rare 16 Increases vehicle's boost recovery.
Fuel Efficiency Chip (Hover Scooter) Rare 16 Reduces energy consumed when using boost.
Emergency Escape Super 14 Ejects passenger when vehicle is destroyed.
Good Luck Charm Super 15 Slightly increases chance of defeated enemies dropping materials and parts.
Talisman of Fortune Super 1 Slightly increases amount of Zeni dropped by enemies.
Learning Assistant Super 1 Slightly increases EXP gained from defeating enemies.
Charge Jump Enhancer Super 18 Quickens jump charging.
Power+ Chip (Cannon) Rare 16 Increases cannon attack power. (Excludes light mortar and autocannon.)
Power+ Chip (Arm) Rare 16 Increases mechanical arm attack power.
Ammo Chip (Cannon) Uncommon 11 Increases cannon ammo capacity. (Excludes light mortar and autocannon.)
Ammo Chip (Laser) Rare 16 Increases laser and photon blast capacity.
Ammo Chip (Missile/Rocket) Uncommon 11 Increases missile pod and rocket launcher ammo capacity.
Ammo Chip (Shotgun/Grenade) Uncommon 11 Increases shotgun, grenade launcher, and light mortar ammo capacity.
Weapon Malfunction Chip (Arm) Rare 16 Increases chance of inflicting weapon malfunction on enemy vehicles when attacking with mechanical arms.
System Failure Chip (Arm) Rare 16 Increases chance of breaking an enemy's drive system when attacking with mechanical arm.
Incendiary Ammo Chip (Missile/Rocket) Rare 16 Increases chance of setting enemy vehicles ablaze when using missiles or rockets.
Vehicle Disruption Chip (Arm) Rare 16 Increases chance of disrupting enemy vehicles when attacking with mechanical arms.
Arm Cooling Chip Rare 16 Reduces cooldown time for mechanical arm special melee attacks.
Weapon Durability Chip Uncommon 11 Reduces chance of vehicle weapon malfunction when hit.
System Durability Chip Uncommon 11 Reduces chance of drive system failure when hit.
Fire Resistance Chip Uncommon 11 Reduces chance of vehicle catching fire when hit.
Disruption Resistance Chip Uncommon 11 Reduces chance of vehicle disruption when hit.
Diagnostic Chip Uncommon 11 Reduces duration of weapon malfunction, drive system failure, fire, or disruption when vehicle is hit.

All EX Chips

How to Get Hover Scooter Parts

Purchase from Junk Store

You can purchase vehicle parts at the Junk Store in Spino Town once you unlock it.

The Junk Store can be unlocked by completing the Serious Settler side quest.

List of Side Quests

Loot From Big Chests

Vehicle Parts can be acquired from large chests scattered across the map.

Purchase Blueprints from Shops

Vehicle parts can be unlocked by purchasing blueprints from shops using Zeni, the game's currency.

Once purchased, the corresponding part will be available to be crafted at the garage with Ann.

All Blueprint Locations

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Vehicle Part Types
Sand Land - Primary Weapon IconPrimary Weapons Sand Land - Secondary Weapon IconSecondary Weapons Sand Land - Engine IconEngine
Sand Land - Suspension IconSuspension Sand Land - Options IconOptional Mods EX Chip IconEX Chips


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