Spider-Man 2 (PS5)

Monster in Queens FNSM Request Walkthrough

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Spiderman 2 PS5 - Monster in Queens Mission Walkthrough

Monster in Queens is one of the FNSM Request Missions in Spider-Man 2 (PS5). Read on for a detailed walkthrough, a list of rewards for completing the mission, and tips on how to complete Monster in Queens!

Monster in Queens FNSM Request Overview

Mission Information

Monster in Queens
Mission Type
Spiderman 2 PS5 - mission icon FNSM Request
Involved Heroes Peter Parker or Miles Morales
Rewards XP Reward: 800
Spiderman 2 PS5 - Tech Parts iconTech Parts x200
Something dangerous is lurking in my yard. Come quickly. -Alma

Starting Location

Map View In-Game View

Players can start this quest once you receive the request on your mission list. Then, you can begin by speaking to an old lady in a wooden shack at a neighborhood in Astoria.

Monster in Queens FNSM Request Walkthrough

  1. Investigate the Backyard
  2. Scan the Puddle
  3. Follow the Trail
  4. Search the Area
  5. Follow the Trail Again
  6. Approach the Beast
  7. Play Fetch
  8. Stop the Beast
  9. Defeat the Talon Drones
  10. Return to Alma

1. Investigate the Backyard

Spider-Man 2 - Investigate the Backyard

When you talk to Alma, she will tell you about a monster disturbing her by her house. You can investigate her backyard by using your scanner to check the area for any trails.

How to Scan the Environment

2. Scan the Puddle

Spider-Man 2 - Scan the Puddle

After doing your scans on the trail, you should follow the footprints and scan the puddle next. This will prompt a Corruption puzzle minigame that you have to solve to progress.

Solve the Corruption Puzzle

Spider-Man 2 - Solve the Atoms Puzzle

You can solve the Corruption puzzle by removing all of the corrupted pink atoms without destroying any of the green atoms. This also means that you can discard the orange atoms if it helps.

Remember that when you remove an atom, the other atoms directly attached to it will also disappear. With this in mind, make sure that none of the atoms you are destroying are connected to a green atom.

3. Follow the Trail

Spider-Man 2 - Follow the Trail of the Monster

Once you finish solving the puzzle, a trail will appear where the monster has been through. Follow it until the trail disappears.

4. Search the Area

Spider-Man 2 - Search the Area for Footprints

When the trail disappears, you are tasked to search the area to look for more clues. Use your scanner to find the footprint marks it left on a rock by the water. Then, check out the puddle next to the abandoned car nearby.

5. Follow the Trail Again

Spider-Man 2 - Follow the Monster

After you scan the puddle near the car, another trail will appear for you to follow. Keep on its tracks until it leads you to a dump site where the monster is at.

6. Approach the Beast

Spider-Man 2 - Apporach the Beast

You come to learn that the monster is a Hunter Beast, but it is not hostile. Slowly approach it to see if you can have Ganke hack it and help you.

7. Play Fetch

Spider-Man 2 - Play Fetch

When Ganke finishes hacking Fido, you can play fetch with him by shooting your web at some of the items nearby. You can do this by holding L2 and then pressing R1 while you aim at an item.

8. Stop the Beast

Spider-Man 2 - Stop the Beast

After Ganke plays an audio file, Talon Drones will appear and Fido will start freaking out. Try to stop him by following him around until he stops by at a church.

9. Defeat the Talon Drones

Spider-Man 2 - Defeat the Talon Drones

Once Fido stops, you will encounter the Hunter that tried to kill him. You will have to prioritize taking down the 2 Talon Drones flying around first. Then, you can take down the Hunter that is threatening Fido.

After the fight, you can finally take out the arrow stuck on Fido's shoulder by going up to him and pressing the Triangle button.

10. Return to Alma

Spider-Man 2 - Return to Alma

When you remove the arrow, you will be transported back to Alma's house so you can tell her about what happened. When you finish your conversation, you will complete the quest and earn the rewards right after.

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