
Offensive Items

This page lists all the Offensive items in the game Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age (FF12, FFXII). Read on to know all the items which can give you an edge over your enemy in the game and return triumphant from the upcoming battles!

List of Offensive Items

See the table below for all the Offensive items that are found in the game, as well as their effects.

Item Effect Buy Sell
Bacchus's Wine Cause one ally to mindlessly attack with weapon in hand (Effect: Inflicts Berserk on one ally or foe) 120 -
Domaine Calvados Grants Bravery to one target 10 5
Soleil Fang Deals Fire damage to all foes in range (Effect: 50% chance to inflict Fire damage for 25% of max HP. +50% damage with Pheasant Netsuke equipped) 200 100
Rime Fang Deals Ice damage to all foes in range (Effect: 50% chance to inflict Ice damage for 25% of max HP. +50% damage with Pheasant Netsuke equipped) 200 100
Lightning Fang Deals Lightning damage to all foes in range (Effect: 50% chance to inflict Lightning damage for 25% of max HP. +50% damage with Pheasant Netsuke equipped) 200 100
Dark Mote A mote containing the power of Dark (Effect: Deals Dark damage (28 potency) to all foes in range (circle 8), ignores reflect) 90 45
Aero Mote A mote containing the power of Aero (Effect: Deals Wind damage (48 potency) to all foes in range (circle 8), ignores reflect) 160 80
Aquara Mote A mote containing the power of Water (Effect: Deals Water damage (60 potency) to all foes in range (circle 8), ignores reflect) 230 115
Bio Mote A mote containing the power of Sap (Effect: Inflicts Sap and non-elemental damage (88 potency) to all foes in range (circle 8), ignores reflect) 360 180
Aeroga Mote A mote containing the power of Aeroga (Effect: Deals Wind damage (102 potency) to all foes in range (circle 8), ignores reflect) 570 285
Shock Mote A mote containing the power of Shock (Effect: Deals heavy non-elemental damage (133 potency) to all foes in range (circle 8), ignores reflect) 700 350
Holy Mote A mote containing the power of Holy (Effect: Deals Holy damage (145 potency) to one foe, ignores reflect) 900 450
Scathe Mote A mote containing the power of Scathe (Effect: Inflicts Scathe (191 potency) on all foes in range (circle 8), ignores reflect) 2,300 1150
Balance Mote A mote containing the power of Balance (Effect: Inflicts Balance on all foes in range (circle 8), ignores reflect) 180 90
Gravity Mote Deals damage to all foes in range (Effect: Deals non-elemental damage for 25% of max HP on all foes in range (circle 8), ignores reflect) 200 100
Warp Mote A mote containing the power of Warp (Effect: Banishes all foes in range (circle 8), ignores reflect.) 120 60
Dispel Mote A mote containing the power of Dispel (Effect: Dispel on all allies in range (circle 8), ignores reflect) 240 120
Cura Mote A mote containing the power of Cura (Effect: Restores HP (45 potency) of all allies in range (circle 10), ignores reflect) 420 210
Bubble Mote A mote containing the power of Bubble (Effect: Bubble on a single target, ignores reflect) 600 300
Reverse Mote A mote containing the power of Reverse (Effect: Reverse on a single target, ignores reflect) 500 250
Hastega Mote A mote containing the power of Hastega (Effect: Haste on all allies in range (circle 10), ignores reflect) 1,500 750
Float Mote A mote containing the power of Float (Effect: Float on all targets in range (circle 10), ignores reflect) 550 275
Eksir Berries A curious item detested by the avion known as garuda (Effect: Deals Dark elemental damage (30 potency), circle 10. Decreases Garuda's attack and defense by 10) 10 5
Baltoro Seed Grants all positive status effects aside from Decoy, Reflect and Berserk (Effect: Grants Protect, Shell, Haste, Bravery, Faith, Invisible, Regen, Float, Bubble, and Libra to one target) 2 -
Dark Matter Deal damage to all foes in range (Effect: Up to 60,000 non-elemental damage on all enemies in range (circle 20). Damage is calculated by how many Knots of Rusts have been used) 2 -
Dark Energy Deals 50,000 points of damage to HP of all visible foes (Effect: Non-elemental damage on all enemies in range of user (circle 100)) 2 -
Meteorite (A) Gives the Sap status to one enemy 10 -
Meteorite (B) Gives the Disease status to one enemy 1,000 -
Meteorite (C) Deals physical damage to one target. Damage is a random number between 0 and the user's max HP 20,000 -
Meteorite (D) Deals physical damage to one target [n/] Damage has a 50% chance to be 30,000 or a 50% chance to be a random number between 0 and 9999 60,000 -
Knot of Rust Deals damage to one foe (Effect: Non-elemental damage, powers up Dark Matter when used) 20 10

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