
Trial Mode Stages 71-80

This page contains information for the Trial mode stages 71-80 in the game Final Fantasy 12 The Zodiac Age (FFXII, FF12). What to expect from these stages, as well as the rewards and strategies to beat enemies, can be found here.

Final Fantasy XII - Stages 71-80

The third round of the Trial Mode features face-offs against creatures which can be easily countered, depending on whether you have your elemental counters sorted out. Think of this section as the 'breather' section of the Trial Mode's 51-100 stretch, but that doesn't mean you should let your guard down!

Tips for Clearing Stage 72

Enemy Information

Diabolos FF12 trial mode Diabolos Aggressive Water
Mutant Gargoyle Rank VII Mark
HP 93551 ATK 81 DEF 26
MP 999 EXP 0 LP 27
Avenger FF12 trial mode Avenger Aggressive Water
Headless Giant
HP 106038 ATK 102 DEF 34
MP 948 EXP 11043 LP 16
Overlord FF12 trial mode Overlord Aggressive Water
Headless Rank VII Mark
HP 64325 ATK 78 DEF 24
MP 713 EXP 0 LP 24

Tips for Beating Enemies

This should be a fairly easy fight. As always, use their elemental weaknesses to your advantage. Have a Mage that knows the spell Aqua in the party, as well as two hard-hitters with Water-infused elemental weapons. The fight will be over quickly before you know it.


Steal Chests
w/o Thief's Cuffs w/ Thief's Cuffs w/o Diamond Armlet w/ Diamond Armlet
- Power Armlet, Dragon Whisker, Vrsabha, Argyle Armlet, Muramasa, Masamune, Blazer Gloves, Zwill Crossblade, Shikari Nagasa - Jujitsu Gi, Francisca

Tips for Clearing Stage 73

Enemy Information

Salamand FF12 trial mode Salamand Entite Docile Water
Elemental Salamand Entite
HP 48042 ATK 66 DEF 48
MP 999 EXP 12627 LP 7
Fire Elemental FF12 trial mode Fire Elemental (x4) Aggressive Water
Elemental Fire Elemental
HP 14830 ATK 45 DEF 42
MP 999 EXP 5583 LP 4

Tips for Beating Enemies

While fights with Elemental Entites are always tricky, consider this one of the easiest battles if you know your elemental weaknesses. For instance, the Fire Entites and Elementals are weak against Water, basically. You can follow your gambits or tactics for the Diabolos fight in this one. It's all elemental fights up to the end, so you should just change equipments to suit your element exploitation.

The following battles are similar in nature, with only the elements of the enemies changing. Consider adjusting your equipments, weapons, and spells to counter the elemental strengths of the enemies all the way up to the elemental Vagrant Soul.


Steal Chests
w/o Thief's Cuffs w/ Thief's Cuffs w/o Diamond Armlet w/ Diamond Armlet
- Elixir - Lamia's Tiara, Bio

Tips for Clearing Stage 74

Enemy Information

Mardu FF12 trial mode Mardu Entite Docile Ice
Elemental Mardu Entite
HP 48042 ATK 66 DEF 48
MP 999 EXP 12627 LP 7
Storm Elemental FF12 trial mode Storm Elemental (x4) Aggressive Ice
Elemental Storm Elemental
HP 14830 ATK 45 DEF 42
MP 999 EXP 5583 LP 4

Tips for Beating Enemies

The Mardu Entite and Ice Elemental are weak against Ice. Any Ice-element spells or Icebrands are effective against it, while Diamond Armlets and similar element-nullifying counter items are effective deterrents.


Steal Chests
w/o Thief's Cuffs w/ Thief's Cuffs w/o Diamond Armlet w/ Diamond Armlet
- Elixir - Aldebaran, Enchanter's Habit

Tips for Clearing Stage 75

Enemy Information

Leshach FF12 trial mode Leshach Entite Docile Lightning
Elemental Leshach Entite
HP 48042 ATK 66 DEF 48
MP 999 EXP 12627 LP 7
Ice Elemental FF12 trial mode Ice Elemental (x4) Aggressive Lightning
Elemental Ice Elemental
HP 14830 ATK 45 DEF 42
MP 999 EXP 5583 LP 4

Tips for Beating Enemies

As Mardu is to Lightning, so is Leshach to Ice. This and the accompanying Ice Elementals are weak to Lightning; as such, weapons and spells imbued with Lightning magick are effective against it.


Steal Chests
w/o Thief's Cuffs w/ Thief's Cuffs w/o Diamond Armlet w/ Diamond Armlet
- Elixir - Close Helm, Berserker Bracers

Tips for Clearing Stage 76

Enemy Information

Gnoma FF12 trial mode Gnoma Entite Docile Wind
Elemental Gnoma Entite
HP 48042 ATK 66 DEF 48
MP 999 EXP 12627 LP 7
Earth Elemental FF12 trial mode Earth Elemental (x4) Docile Wind
Elemental Earth Elemental
HP 14830 ATK 45 DEF 42
MP 999 EXP 5583 LP 4

Tips for Beating Enemies

The Gnoma Entite and its Earth Elemental minions are weak against Wind. There are some pretty strong Wind-element weapons, so use those to your advantage. A well-placed Aero/ga spell also helps a lot.


Steal Chests
w/o Thief's Cuffs w/ Thief's Cuffs w/o Diamond Armlet w/ Diamond Armlet
- Elixir - Demon Mail, Vanishga

Tips for Clearing Stage 77

Enemy Information

Undin FF12 trial mode Undin Entite Docile Fire
Elemental Undin Entite
HP 48042 ATK 66 DEF 48
MP 999 EXP 12627 LP 7
Water Elemental FF12 trial mode Water Elemental (x4) Docile Fire
Elemental Water Elemental
HP 14830 ATK 45 DEF 42
MP 999 EXP 5583 LP 4

Tips for Beating Enemies

The Undin Entite and its minions are weak against Fire. As with the other elementals here, use this weakness to Fire to your advantage by using Fire-element weapons and spells.


Steal Chests
w/o Thief's Cuffs w/ Thief's Cuffs w/o Diamond Armlet w/ Diamond Armlet
- Elixir - Golden Amulet, Diamond Shield

Tips for Clearing Stage 78

Enemy Information

Sylphi FF12 trial mode Sylphi Entite Docile Earth
Elemental Sylphi Entite
HP 48042 ATK 66 DEF 48
MP 999 EXP 12627 LP 7
Air Elemental FF12 trial mode Air Elemental (x4) Aggressive Earth
Elemental Air Elemental
HP 14830 ATK 45 DEF 42
MP 999 EXP 5583 LP 4

Tips for Beating Enemies

Based on this Entite and Elementals' weakness, consider using your strongest Earth-based weapons. Since there are no Earth-element magicks, you can make do with summoning the Esper Hashmal, who will wield Earth-based attacks on your behalf.


Steal Chests
w/o Thief's Cuffs w/ Thief's Cuffs w/o Diamond Armlet w/ Diamond Armlet
- Elixir - Pheasant Netsuke, Ruby Ring

Tips for Clearing Stage 79

Enemy Information

Luxollid FF12 trial mode Luxollid Aggressive Dark
Elemental Diakon Entite
HP 342179 ATK 89 DEF 50
MP 999 EXP 27404 LP 15
Diakon FF12 trial mode Diakon Entite (x2) Docile Dark
Elemental Diakon Elemental
HP 48042 ATK 66 DEF 48
MP 999 EXP 12627 LP 7

Tips for Beating Enemies

If you've managed to get the Yagyu Darkblade license on your License Board, this fight is another reason to use that blade, if you're going for speed. Darkra/ga spells are also great against this Entite and its minions.


Steal Chests
w/o Thief's Cuffs w/ Thief's Cuffs w/o Diamond Armlet w/ Diamond Armlet
- Dark Matter - Battle Harness, Opal Ring

Tips for Clearing Stage 80

Enemy Information

Vagrant Soul FF12 trial mode Vagrant Soul Aggressive Holy
Elemental Leamonde Entite
HP 342179 ATK 89 DEF 50
MP 999 EXP 27404 LP 15
Leamonde FF12 trial mode Leamonde Entite (x2) Docile Holy
Elemental Leamonde Entite
HP 48042 ATK 66 DEF 48
MP 999 EXP 12627 LP 7

Tips for Beating Enemies

If you've been itching to use the Holy Spear and the Excalibur from when these elemental enemies first appeared, now's the best time to use them. The Leamonde Entites and Luxollid are weak against Holy-element weapons and spells.


Steal Chests
w/o Thief's Cuffs w/ Thief's Cuffs w/o Diamond Armlet w/ Diamond Armlet
- Dark Matter - Sage's Ring, Aeroga

End of Stage Rewards

You'll receive: 8000 gil, 3 Elixirs, and 2 Bubble Motes

Final Fantasy XII Related Links

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Trial Mode

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