
Vaan Strengths and Recommended Jobs

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This is a page about the strengths of and recommended jobs for Vaan from Final Fantasy 12 The Zodiac Age (FFXII, FF12). Read on for information about Vaan's Quickening, stats, and more.

Vaan: Strengths

The Jack of All Trades, Master of Many

It seems unfair to compare Vaan to any other character in Final Fantasy XII because he's been designated the 'face' of the franchise. Not Vaan's fault, of course, but he's been made into a veritable 'proving ground' of different combinations.

He can hold a candle to Basch and Balthier in terms of combo strength. He can also go toe-to-toe with Ashe and Penelo in casting spells. It's a little unfortunate for Fran as well, because Vaan fits into a lot of job combinations, and is better than her in every area.

A Swiss Army Knife of a Fighter

Don't be afraid to experiment with Vaan when it comes to job combinations. As the titular character of the game, he can be slotted into the Shikari or Bushi class without any fuss. He can also slide into the Time and Red Battlemage roles without any trouble. Vaan is perfect for those only beginning to explore the game.

Vaan: Stats


Lv.10 Lv.50 Lv.99
HP 280 ~ 314 2241 ~ 2632 4786 ~ 5643
MP 67 ~ 93 300 ~ 506 473 ~ 786
Pwr 28 51 78
M.Pwr 27 48 73
Vit 27 42 61
Spd 25 31 37


Quickening Attack Power
Red Spiral 90
White Whori 140
Pyroclasym 230

Vaan: Recommended Jobs

Job Reason for Recommending
Uhlan The Uhlan class is one of the best classes in the game to explore, especially since there are some strong end-game and mid-game spears to be found. The Zodiac Spear and the Holy Lance are prime examples. Vaan could slide easily into this role, and is a perfect candidate thanks to his high-combo rate. Vaan's speed also makes for a great complement to wielding spears.
Shikari In the game's promotion, Vaan is presented as a street-smart scoundrel who knows his way around Dalmasca. The Shikari class is a natural fit for Vaan. Aside from his speed, this class also gives him access to some very powerful daggers and ninja swords even early into the game. Because of this, a Shikari Vaan makes some very nasty early battles easier.
(Second License)
The Bushi class is a sort of evolution for Vaan, if you made him into the Shikari class. From Ninja Swords, Vaan gets access to some very powerful katanas like the Masamune. A combo with one of those in Vaan's hands turns an otherwise challenging battle into a very lopsided one for your party.
Red Battlemage (Second License) The Red Battlemage is just one of the many mage classes that is a perfect fit for Vaan. He can fit into other mage classes such as the White or Black Mage class, but the Battlemage classes are just too good to pass up. The Red Battlemage, aside from having access to a few offensive and defensive spells, also gives Vaan access to some powerful melee weapons in maces and extra defense from handheld shields.

Final Fantasy 12 Related Links

List of Party Members

VaanVaan PeneloPenelo
BalthierBalthier FranFran
Basch fon RensenburgBasch fon Ronsenburg Ashelia BAshelia B'nargin Dalmasca


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