White Magic

This is a list of all the White Magics in the game Final Fantasy X (FFX FF 10). Read on to know more about the game!

List of White Magics

White Magic Name Description
Cure Restores some HP.
Cura Restores a lot of HP.
Curaga Restores a massive amount of HP.
NulBlaze Nullifies on fire attack on party.
NulShock Nullifies one lightning attack on party.
NulTide Nullifies one water attack on party.
NulFrost Nullifies one ice attack on party.
Scan View an enemy's data.
Esuna Cures a character's status ailments.
Life Reives a KO'd character.\
Full-Life Revives a KO'd character and fully restores HP.
Haste Speeds up one character.
Hastega Speeds up party.
Slow Slows an enemy down.
Slowga Slows all enemies down.
Shell Raises a character's Magic Defense.
Protect Raises a character's Defense.
Reflect Target reflects spells towards enemy.
Dispel Negates all spell effects on an enemy.
Regen Target gradually recovers HP for a time.
Holy Deals holy damage to an enemy.
Auto-Life Target is automatically revived once when KO'd.

Final Fantasy X Related Links

Equipment Ability List
Weapon Abilities Armor Abilities
Character Abilities List
Skills Specials
White Magics Black Magics
Other List
Over Drive mode


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