How to beat Lord Ochu (Optional)

Final Fantasy X How to beat Lord Ochu tips and guides

This is a walkthrough for the optional boss fight Lord Ochu from the game Final Fantasy X (FF 10, FF X). Read on for tips and strategy about how to beat Lord Ochu, including Lord Ochu's stats and other useful information.

Lord Ochu Information

LordOchu Basic Information

Name LordOchu
HP(Overkill) 4649(800) MP 39
AP(Overkill) 40(60) Gil 420
MP Sphere 1 (2) Drop
HP Sphere 1 (2)
- Steal
Earthquake Poison Claw

LordOchu Stats

Srength 15 Agility 8
Defense 1 Luck 20
Magic 23 Evasion 0
Magic Defense 1 Accuracy 10

LordOchu Elemental Resistances

Fire Lightning Water Ice Holy
150% 100% 100% 100% 100%

LordOchu Status Resistances

Sleep Silence Darkness
Poison Petrify Slow
Zombie Power Break Magic Break
0 0 0
Armor Break Mental Break Threaten
0 0 0
Death Provoke Doom
Distill Sensor Scan
0 0 0
Gravity Delay Eject
0 0 0
Zanmato Lv.

LordOchu Equipment Ability Drops

Weapon & Armor slots1-3
Weapon and Armor Ability Drops1-3
Weapon Ability Drops
Piercing Lightning Strike
Distill Mana
Armor Ability Drops
Dark Ward Silence Ward
Sleep Ward Poison Ward
Confuse Ward Berserk Ward
Stone Ward

Weapon & Armor Slots Drops depicts the amount of possible slots the enemy's equipment drops will have while the Ability Drops depicts the possible amount of abilities the dropped weapon may have.

Lord Ochu Boss Battle Guide


Lord Ochu
Lord Ochu is an optional enemy you can encounter during your adventures into Kilika. It's an enemy that can prove difficult to players that are new to the franchise or are not used to playing RPGs yet. Thankfully, it is an optional fight and can be avoided if the player wishes so.


Lord Ochu Rest

Poison Claw Damages and Inflics poison to its target.
Water Deals water elemental damage to it's target.
Earthquake Deals fractional damage to all non-flying targets.
Rest Allies sleep to itself. It will regenerate health everyturn while it's sleeping.


Equip weapons with sensor to detect its HP. Bring Lulu and keep using fire to damage it (plants are weak to fire) and have tidus out as Tidus with his sword brotherhood can deal the most damage to Ochu in your team. Have Yuna on the front too to heal and remove poison from your party members.


Lord Ochu Valefor Earthquake dodge
Lord Ochu will regenerate absurd amounts of health if left alone to rest but its counterattack will deal massive damage to ground units. Before Ochu reaches low HP, summon Valefor and keep casting Fire. Ochu will use Rest to restore it's HP, when it does, attack to wake it up (magics will not wake up sleeping units!).

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