Spider-Man 2 (PS5)

Graffiti Trouble FNSM Request Walkthrough

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Spiderman 2 PS5 - Graffiti Trouble Mission Walkthrough

Graffiti Trouble is one of the FNSM Request Missions in Spider-Man 2 (PS5). Read on for a detailed walkthrough, a list of rewards for completing the mission, and tips on how to complete Graffiti Trouble!

Graffiti Trouble FNSM Request Overview

Mission Information

Graffiti Trouble
Mission Type
Spiderman 2 PS5 - mission icon FNSM Request
Involved Heroes Miles Morales
Rewards XP Reward: 800
Spiderman 2 PS5 - Tech Parts iconTech Parts x200
Cleaning request: Someone tagged my shop! -Nikola

Starting Location

Map View In-Game View

Players can start this mission when they receive the request in their missions list. When you do, you can go to the flower stand at Little Odessa in Brooklyn and interact with it to begin.

Graffiti Trouble FNSM Request Walkthrough

  1. Buy Flowers
  2. Investigate the Graffiti
  3. Paint Over the Other Graffiti
  4. Find a Way to the Roof
  5. Confront the Tagger

1. Buy Flowers

Spider-Man 2 - Buy Flowers

After a cutscene, you will start the mission playing as one of Miles' friends. As the woman, head over to the flower stand again and read the sign on the table. Then, check what is going on at the back. There you will find the owner frustrated at the graffiti.

2. Investigate the Graffiti

Spider-Man 2 - Investigate the Graffiti

Walk up to the graffiti on the wall and press the Triangle button. This will prompt the graffiti minigame where you will replace the graffiti with your own.

Shake your controller or move the right thumbstick up and down to shake the can. Afterwards, press the R2 button to start painting, and as you paint move the left thumbstick in the correct spot indicated on your screen.

3. Paint Over the Other Graffiti

Spider-Man 2 - Paint Over the Other Graffiti

When you are done with the first one, the owner will ask you to paint over the other graffiti in the area. Go towards the next graffiti in the back marked on your screen and press Triangle again to start the minigame. Then, repeat what you did in the previous step.

4. Find a Way to the Roof

Spider-Man 2 - Find a Way to the Roof

Once you finish with the graffiti, you will notice the person who painted the original graffiti on the roof.

You can find your way to the roof by crossing the wooden plank first. Then, squeeze through the gap when you turn left. Afterwards, walk up the stairs and take the lift down. Head back up and cross the lift to the other side. Lastly, use the switch to open another lift and throw a rock at the switch to make it go up.

5. Confront the Tagger

Spider-Man 2 - Confront the Tagger

After you reach the roof, approach the tagger who has been tagging the original graffiti. Once the cutscene ends, you will do a final graffiti minigame. When you finish the minigame and the cutscenes, you will complete the mission and earn the rewards.

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