Infinity Nikki

Timeless Melody Outfit and Evolutions

★ Latest: Version 1.3, The Queen's Lament, & Bullquet Care Day
☆ New Miracle Outfit: Silvergale's Aria
★ All Redeem Codes for Diamonds
☆ Raise your Mira Level with Dailies & Quests
★ Find all Whimstar, Dew, Warp Spire & Chests

Timeless Melody outfit and evolution guide for Infinity Nikki. See a full Timeless Melody showcase, how to get it, its outfit pieces, and stats here!

Timeless Melody Outfit Showcase

Timeless Melody
Timeless Melody Showcase
With each twist of the bronze-colored clockwork, the dust-laden pages of ancient poems flutter open once more, and frozen dance steps spring to life. Faewish Sprites begin to dance again, accompanied by the timeless symphony, laced with the creaking melody of time.
Timeless Melody: Symphony Showcase
The soft click of turning gears sets the music box's first symphony in motion—a melody dedicated to the moon that has yet to fade.
Timeless Melody: Variations Showcase
In a sudden shift, the ethereal tune blazes into fiery intensity, igniting the night like a sea of crimson blossoms. This variation is meant for passionate dances and hearts that burn just as brightly.
Timeless Melody: Rhapsody Showcase
The rotating core awakens the gentle hum of gears, bringing the sleeping melody to life once more. This final rhapsody is dedicated to the dream that lingers between day and night.

Timeless Melody Outfit Information

Style Sweet
Labels Retro Playful
Quality ✦✦✦✦✦
How to Get Limited Resonance
Ability Purification

How to Get Timeless Melody

You can obtain Timeless Melody by pulling for it on the Lingering Finale banner.

All Banners and Resonance Guides

Currently Unavailable

The Timeless Melody outfit was available using the method above but is currently unobtainable. It's unknown if this outfit will appear again in the future.

Timeless Melody Pieces

Timeless Melody
Timeless Melody Items
Frozen RhythmFrozen Rhythm Core KeyCore Key Melody RestartedMelody Restarted Resounding MelodiesResounding Melodies
Tracing SoundtracksTracing Soundtracks Whispered SerenadeWhispered Serenade Moonlight ReminisceneMoonlight Reminiscene Tap-Tap RhythmTap-Tap Rhythm
WindWind's Song TimeTime's Warmth
Timeless Melody: Symphony Items
Clockwork AxisClockwork Axis Night WhispersNight Whispers Silver OdeSilver Ode Lingering DreamLingering Dream
Moonlight TearsMoonlight Tears Moonlight SymphonyMoonlight Symphony Delicate StringsDelicate Strings Harmonious SymphonyHarmonious Symphony
Royal DanceRoyal Dance Harmonious MechanismHarmonious Mechanism
Timeless Melody: Variations Items
Dance of TransitionDance of Transition Night EchoesNight Echoes Fiery SymphonyFiery Symphony Past SongPast Song
Path of HeartPath of Heart Sing for EternitySing for Eternity Scarlet KeysScarlet Keys Nocturne SerenadeNocturne Serenade
Waltz MelodyWaltz Melody Fiery DanceFiery Dance
Timeless Melody: Rhapsody Items
Tracing Harmony Entwined Dreams Echoed Harmony Dream Notes
Dawn's Echo Dreamy Reverberation Symphonic Light Moonlit Harmony
Duet of Dawn Morning Melody

Timeless Melody Materials

Crafting Materials

This outfit cannot be crafted.

Timeless Melody Stats

Base Stats Max Stats
Elegant 1335 8280
Fresh 372 2312
Sweet 2688 16670
Sexy 346 2149
Cool 364 2261

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Far and Away Far and Away Fiery Glow Fiery Glow First Love First Love Floral Memory Floral Memory
Flowing Colors Flowing Colors Flutter Storm Flutter Storm Forest Forest's Fluttering Froggy Fashion Froggy Fashion
Fully Charged Fully Charged Gleaming Dance Gleaming Dance Golden Hour Golden Hour Guard Guard's Resolve
Hometown Breeze Hometown Breeze Jade Dreams Jade Dreams Midnight Vigil Midnight Vigil Moment Capturer Moment Capturer
Monster Girl Monster Girl Moonlight Oath Moonlight Oath New Bloom Blessings New Bloom Blessings New Bloom Blessings: Meadow New Bloom Blessings: Meadow
Path of Starlight Path of Starlight Pink Bunny Pink Bunny Pink Ribbon Waltz Pink Ribbon Waltz Quirky Idea Quirky Idea
Radiant Night Radiant Night Rebirth Wish Rebirth Wish Refined Grace Refined Grace Rippling Serenity Rippling Serenity
Rosie Sweetheart Rosie Sweetheart Scaly Dream Scaly Dream Scarlet Dream Scarlet Dream School Days School Days
Searching for Dreams Searching for Dreams Shark Mirage Shark Mirage Silvergale Silvergale's Aria Snowy Encounter Snowy Encounter
Snowy Fragrance Snowy Fragrance Spectral Mist Spectral Mist Star of the Gala Star of the Gala Stardust Flare Stardust Flare
Starfall Radiance Starfall Radiance Starlet Burst Starlet Burst Starlit Celebration Starlit Celebration Starwish Echoes Starwish Echoes
Sunlit Grasspom Sunlit Grasspom Sweet Honey Sweet Honey Sweet Jazz Nights Sweet Jazz Nights Symphony of Strings Symphony of Strings
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Verdant Melodies Verdant Melodies Whimsical Picnic Whimsical Picnic Whispers of Bliss Whispers of Bliss Whispers of Waves Whispers of Waves
Wind of Purity Wind of Purity Wings of Wishes Wings of Wishes Wishful Aurosa Wishful Aurosa Woolfruit Siesta Woolfruit Siesta


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