Infinity Nikki

Eternal Harmony Showcase and How to Get

★ Latest: Version 1.3, The Queen's Lament, & Bullquet Care Day
☆ New Miracle Outfit: Silvergale's Aria
★ All Redeem Codes for Diamonds
☆ Raise your Mira Level with Dailies & Quests
★ Find all Whimstar, Dew, Warp Spire & Chests

Eternal Harmony is one of the Headwear in Infinity Nikki. See a showcase of Eternal Harmony, how to get Eternal Harmony, and its stats here!

Eternal Harmony Showcase

Eternal Harmony Style Elegant
Labels Formal
Outfit None
Type Headwear
Quality ✦✦✦✦✦

"Birds arriving from afar carry tender branches in their beaks, crafting a floral crown that weaves together a wish for victory. Wearing it serves as a reminder of the hard work and perseverance that made this victory eternal."

How to Get Eternal Harmony

  • Obtain from Mira Crown
  • Obtain from Mira Crown

    Wishful Honors is obtained after clearing Round 15 of the Wishfield: Styling Contest as a part of the Mira Crown challenge. Note that it is not required to acquire all stars to obtain this piece.

    Mira Crown Styling and Pinnacle Contest Guide

    Eternal Harmony Materials

    Crafting Materials

    This clothing piece cannot be crafted.

    Eternal Harmony Stats

    Style Base Max
    Elegant 128 794
    Fresh 15 93
    Sweet 70 434
    Sexy 18 112
    Cool 24 149

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    List of All Headwear

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    Beacon of Hope Beacon of Hope Beast Beast's Blessings Beneath the Ashes Beneath the Ashes Bestseller Bestseller's Crown
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    Bright & Sunny Bright & Sunny Brilliant Sparks Brilliant Sparks Butterfly Traces Butterfly Traces Caged Sky Caged Sky
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    Classic Plaid Classic Plaid Confetti Vibe Confetti Vibe Cool Shade Cool Shade Cooling Breeze Cooling Breeze
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    Flowing Reflections Flowing Reflections Fluffy Clouds Fluffy Clouds Fluffy Pom Fluffy Pom Fluttering Feathers Fluttering Feathers
    Friendship Messenger Friendship Messenger Frigid Branches Frigid Branches Froggy Hat Froggy Hat Gathering Drops Gathering Drops
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    Highborn Hat Highborn Hat Horn of Spring Horn of Spring Immersed in Fantasy Immersed in Fantasy Immovable Heart Immovable Heart
    In Bloom In Bloom's Depths Inviting Starlight Inviting Starlight Kitty Fluff Kitty Fluff Light Me Up Light Me Up
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    Subtle Fragrance Subtle Fragrance Sunset Finale Sunset Finale Sunshade Wings Sunshade Wings Superstar Vibes Superstar Vibes
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    Wish Handbook Wish Handbook Wistful Vigil Wistful Vigil Wooden Weave Wooden Weave Woven Nature Woven Nature


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