Visions of Mana

Best Moves and Abilities to Get

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Here is a list of the best moves and abilities for each character in Visions of Mana. See all the best moves and abilities to get and tips for choosing the best moves.

Best Moves and Abilities to Get



Ability Effect
Wind Elemental Blade While Saber magic is applied, attack power is increased by 20%.
WindFlame Saber Use the power of the fire spirit to grant fire attribute to your own or your ally's weapon.
WindHoly Saber Uses the power of the light spirit to bestow light attributes on yourself or your allies' weapons.
WindMoon Saber Uses the power of the moon spirit to grant moon attribute and HP absorption effects to your own or your ally's weapon.
WindElemental Blade+ While Saber magic is applied, attack power is increased by 50%.
WindRipple Rune Saber: When using magic skills, the effect applies to all allies, including yourself.
WindTempestuous Runes Extends the duration of Saber magic used by all allies, including yourself, until the end of the battle.
Moon Lunarian Glow While your shield is strengthened, there is a 20% chance that enemy attacks will be nullified.
Water Ice Saber Uses the power of the water spirit to bestow water elemental powers on yourself or your allies' weapons.
Earth Stone Saber Use the power of the earth spirit to bestow earth attribute on yourself or your allies' weapons.
Earth Incursion When a normal attack hits, there is a 20% chance that the enemy will be silenced.
WoodLeaf Saber Uses the power of the tree spirit to bestow wood attribute and MP absorption effects on yourself or an ally's weapon.
WoodAcuity+ Increases damage dealt to weak attributes by 20% .
WoodSavin Strike When normal attacks and special attacks hit, they deal damage ignoring enemy resistances.
LightScintillating Shield While shield is strengthened, there is a 30% chance that 40% of damage received from enemies will be restored as HP to all allies, including yourself.
LightScintillating Shield+ While the shield is strengthened, there is a 30% chance that 60% of damage received from enemies will be restored as HP to all allies, including yourself.
Dark Dark Saber Uses the power of the black spirit to bestow the dark attribute on yourself or an ally's weapon.

The best skills and class abilities for Val are the ones that enhances his Saber magic as it lets you choose each elemental power on himself and his allies' weapons.

Val Best Class and Character Guide



Ability Effect
WindDefenseless+ Use the power of the wind spirit to lower the defense of all enemies.
WindShaman's Dance+ When you or an ally are in a state abnormality or status down, the effect is immediately removed.
WindMuse's Benediction When attacking an enemy with a status abnormality or status down, there is a 30% chance that you will recover 5% HP for all allies, including yourself.
MoonIneffable When used by the user, increases status increases and decreases caused by special skills by 10%.
MoonRadiant Grail Increases the effectiveness of status boosts from special skills used by the user by 25%.
MoonEverlasting Moonlight Used by the user, it extends the duration of status boosts from special skills until the end of the battle.
Water Draconic Formation Grants the corresponding stat increase when using a stat-decreasing move on an enemy.
Water Weaken+ Use the power of the water spirit to reduce the attack power of all enemies.
Water Dragon Wings When Ramcoh's attack hits, it ignores 30% of the enemy's defense and deals damage.
FireStrengthen+ Uses the power of the fire spirit to increase the attack power of all allies, including yourself.
FireFighting Spirit+ When attacking with a special move, damage is dealt while ignoring 40% of the enemy's defense.
EarthProtection+ Uses the power of the earth spirit to increase the defensive power of all allies, including yourself.
EarthDivine Ingression When a status up effect is applied, 10% HP is recovered every 10 seconds.
WoodCosmic Scour Increases the effect of status downtime caused by skills used by the user by 20%.
WoodClairvoyance Extends the duration of status-decreasing effects from skills used by the user until the end of the battle.
LightMeteor When you or an ally has a status increase, your attack and magic attack power are increased by 10%.
LightAsterism After activating the special move, the attack power of all allies, including the user, will be increased.
LightMental Boost+ With the power of the spirit of light, increases the magical attack and magical defense power of all allies, including yourself.
LightMeteor + When you or an ally has been granted a status increase, the attack and magic attack power of all allies, including yourself, is increased by 10%.
LightSupernova When you or an ally has a status buff, your attack power is increased by 25%.
Dark Enfeeble+ Uses the power of the black spirit to reduce the magical attack and magical defense of all enemies.

The best skills and class abilities for Careena are those that improve her buff and debuff abilities, including the ability to remove status ailments on herself and her allies.

Careena Best Class and Character Guide



Ability Effect
WindChivalry Increases the critical rate of all allies, including yourself, by 10%.
WindSwindler Increases damage dealt by 10% when a critical hit occurs for all allies, including yourself.
WindChivalry+ Increases the critical rate of all allies, including yourself, by 30%.
MoonFeint Increases damage dealt by 20% when a critical hit occurs.
MoonMoon Energy Use the power of the moon spirit to increase your or your allies' critical rate.
MoonIncandescence Increases critical rate by 70% during battle.
MoonDeprivation When a critical attack occurs, it will reduce the defense of the enemy it hits.
MoonFeint+ Increases damage dealt by 40% when a critical hit occurs.
FireTrap Master's Toolkit Increase damage dealt by trap skills by 30%.
FireInflation Throws out a bag of Luk and deals hit damage to enemies. The power of the damage changes depending on the amount of Luk you have.
FireTrap Master's Toolkit+ Increase damage dealt by trap skills by 50%.
WoodUntouchable Uses the power of the tree spirit to grant damage immunity to yourself or an ally for a certain period of time.

The best skills and class abilities for Morley are the ones the increase his critical rate. In addition, make sure to unlock Untouchable as it grants invincibility for a short period of time.

Morley Best Class and Character Guide



Ability Effect
WindThunderstorm Strikes down lightning continuously, dealing wind damage to the target. There is a chance that the enemy will be paralyzed.
WindBind Rune Slams down a tornado, dealing wind damage to enemies. Has a chance of putting enemies into a paralyzed state.
MoonMoon Rend Fires countless rays from a full moon-shaped force field, dealing moon-element damage to enemies.
MoonLuminescence Use the power of the moon spirit to fully recover your own or an ally's HP.
WaterCold Blaze Summons an enormous ice crystal. Deals water damage, chance of freezing enemy.
WaterDoppelganger Cast a spell with an illusion to deal non-elemental damage to enemies.
WaterEphemeral Encore Increases damage dealt by magic skills by 50%. Increases damage dealt by summoning attack magic by 100%.
FireAdelante Uses the power of the fire spirit to increase the attack and magic attack power of all allies, including yourself.
EarthCrystallize When casting a spell, you will not be knocked back and your magic defense will be increased by 20%.
EarthDiamond Shards Throws sharp rock chunks at enemies, dealing earth damage
EarthEarthquake Generates an earthquake directly below the enemy, dealing earth damage to the enemy.
EarthAncient Curse An ancient magic spell that causes meteorites to rain down on enemies, dealing non-elemental damage.
LightLucent Beam Holy light beam deals light damage to enemies.
LightCelestial Burst Purifying light from the heavens, dealing light damage to enemies.
LightGlitter Dust Creates eight colored balls of light and deals light damage to enemies.
LightMystic Mastery Increases damage dealt by 35% when using attack magic consecutively.
LightElementary Magic attacks of the same element as an Elemental Break will deal 80% more damage throughout its duration. Does not apply to summoning magic.

Palamena's best skills and class abilities are the ones that improve her magic abilities and intelligence stat.

Palamena Best Class and Character Guide



Ability Effect
WindAmbient During battle, recovers 5% of HP for all allies, including yourself, every 10 seconds.
WindSymphony During battle, recovers 5% of MP for all allies, including yourself, every 10 seconds.
WaterCure Water Uses the power of the water spirit to grant HP recovery to yourself or an ally for a certain period of time.
WaterIngenuity When HP is restored using a healing magic skill, status down is removed.
WaterRemedy Use the power of the water spirit to remove status reductions for yourself or your allies.
WaterCure Water + Uses the power of the water spirit to grant HP recovery to all allies, including yourself, for a certain period of time.
FireArbor's Grace Reduces fire, water, wind, earth, light, dark, moon, and wood damage taken by enemies by 10% for all allies, including yourself
EarthBarbed Crown After using a special move, recover 100% of HP for all allies, including yourself.
WoodRevivifier Use the power of the tree spirit to recover from incapacitated allies.
WoodSunlight Canopy When recovering from an incapacitated ally, increase HP recovery by 90%
WoodSoothe + When all allies, including yourself, recover HP using healing magic skills, the amount of HP recovered is increased by 40%.
WoodMiracle When recovering from an incapacitated state with a special skill, the effect applies to all allies.
WoodPrimordial Blossom When the user is incapacitated, once per battle, all incapacitated allies will recover 70% of their HP.
LightLampbloom Healing When recovering HP using recovery magic skills, the amount of HP recovered is increased by 100%.
LightAromatic Mint Removes abnormal conditions when HP is restored using healing magic skills.
LightHealing Light+ Uses the power of the spirit of light to recover HP for all allies, including yourself.
LightEarnest Devotion Reduces MP consumed by recovery magic skills by 80% during battle
DarkDark Curse Use the power of the black spirit to lower all enemy stats.
DarkMalediction Extends the duration of status down effects caused by skills used by the user by 80%
DarkBurnt Offering Dark Curse effects apply to all enemies.

The best skills and class abilities for Julei are the Light and Dark class abilities. The Light class abilities can be used to make Julei a pure healer while the Dark class abilities can turn Julei as a debuffer.

Julei Best Class and Character Guide

Best Moves from Ability Seeds

Recommended Moves to Get from Ability Seeds

Skill Type Effect
Healing Light Special Skill - Recovery While equipped, you can use Healing Light (recover your own or your allies' HP with the power of the spirit of light)
Cure Water Special Skill - Recovery While equipped, you can use Cure Water (uses the power of the water spirit to restore HP to yourself or an ally for a certain period of time)
Twinkle Rain Special Skill - Status Condition While equipped, you can use Twinkle Rain (uses the power of the spirit of light to remove abnormal conditions for yourself or allies)
Revivifier Special Skill - Recovery While equipped, you can use Revivifier (with the power of the tree spirit, recover allies from incapacitated states)
Leaf Saber Special Skill - Attribute Granting While equipped, you can use Leaf Saber (with the power of the tree spirit, grants wood attribute and MP absorption effect to your own or your ally's weapon)
Moon Saber Special Skill - Attribute Granting While equipped, you can use the Moon Saber (with the power of the moon spirit, granting moon attributes and HP absorption effects to your own or your ally's weapon)

You can learn special skills and magic through Ability Seeds. These items are mainly used as accessories to increase a character's stats but comes in handy if you need to use a healing spell immediately.

Tips for Choosing the Best Moves and Abilities

Change Classes to Obtain Powerful Moves

It is recommended to change a character's class that fully utilizes their strengths. In addition, you can use the Elemental Points on the Elemental Plots to unlock class abilities that are versatile regardless of the class.

Best Party and Team Composition

Earn Element Points to Progress the Element Plots

You need to obtain Elemental Points to learn new skills and class abilities in the Elemental Plot.

How to Get Elemental Points

You Can Equip Multiple Class Abilities After Completing the Game

When you complete the game, you can choose to equip powerful class abilities allowing you to equip them regardless of the character's current class.

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