Visions of Mana

List of Moves and Abilities

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moves and abilities
This is a full list of all the Moves and Abilities in Visions of Mana. Read on to see a list of all the usable Moves and all types of abilities and ability seeds in the game.

List of Moves and Abilities

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Ability Character Class Effect
Bastion ValVal Aegis Raises DEF by 20% when Val's shield is fortified.
Ice Shield ValVal Aegis Uses the power of water to grant an ally water elemental resistance.
Tempestuous Rune ValVal Rune Knight Extends the effects of saber magic used by any party member until the end of battle.
Ripple Rune ValVal Rune Knight Imbues effects of saber magic on entire party when casting on self.
Elemental Blade + ValVal Rune Knight Raises ATK by 50% when Val's weapon is imbued with saber magic.
Moon Saber ValVal Rune Knight Uses the power of the moon to imbue an ally's weapon with moon elemental damage and make weapon absorb HP.
Defensive Array ValVal Rune Knight Reduces elemental damage suffered by 30% when which weapon is imbued with saber magic of the same element.
Holy Saber ValVal Rune Knight Uses the power of light to imbue an ally's weapon with light elemental damage.
Elemental Blade ValVal Rune Knight Raises ATK by 20% when weapon is imbued with saber magic.
Plenilune CareenaCareena Moon Charterer Raises entire party's MGC DEF by 5% during battle.
Moon Energy CareenaCareena Moon Charterer Uses the power of the moon to boost an ally's critical hit rate.
Flame Saber ValVal Rune Knight Uses the power of fire to imbue an ally's weapon with fire elemental damage.
Thunder Saber ValVal Rune Knight Uses the power of wind to imbue an ally's weapon with wind elemental damage.
Nature Aura ValVal Edelfrei Uses the power of the wood to increase the amount of CS an ally recieves in battle.
Fireball ValVal Liege Unleashes a ball of flame. Deals fire damage, chance of burning enemy.
Howl Mark ValVal Aegis Lets out a fearsome shockwave, chance of drawing an enemy's attention.
Moon Elemental Break ValVal Aegis Unleash the power of the moon spirits once your mana gauge is full. Slows down movement of all enemies within the battle arena.
Dark Shield ValVal Aegis Uses the power of darkness to grant an ally dark elemental resistance.
Blessed Guard ValVal Aegis Allows survival at 1 HP when stuck with a blow that would otherwise be fatal. Can only activate once per battle.
Moon Shield ValVal Aegis Uses the power of the moon to grant an ally moon elemental resistance.
Bastion + ValVal Aegis Raises DEF and MGC DEF by 20% when Val's shield is fortified.
Lunar Guidance ValVal Aegis Recovers 60% more HP when healed during battle.
Lunarian Glow ValVal Aegis Grants a 20% chance of nullifying an attack when Val's shield is fortified.
Cyclone CareenaCareena Dancer Generates a small tornado. Deals wind damage to enemy.
Shaman's Song CareenaCareena Dancer Recovers 10% HP when afflicted by a status effect or stat decrease.
Defenseless CareenaCareena Dancer Uses the power of wind to decrease enemy's DEF.
Shaman's Dance CareenaCareena Dancer Instantly removes any status effects or stat decreases.
Still Waters CareenaCareena Dancer Recovers 5 MP when taking damage from an enemy attack.
Defenseless + CareenaCareena Dancer Uses the power of wind to decrease all enemies' DEF.
Mistral Prayer CareenaCareena Dancer Grants a 10% chance of recovering 10% HP when taking damage from an enemy attack.
Shaman's Dance + CareenaCareena Dancer Instantly removes any status effects or stat decreases from an ally.
Muse's Benediction CareenaCareena Dancer Grants entire party a 30% chance of recovering 5% HP when Careena attacks an enemy afflicated with a status effect or stat decrease.
Ineffable CareenaCareena Moon Charterer Raises the effects of stat increases and stat decrease of own moves by 10%.
Equinox CareenaCareena Moon Charterer Turns an ally's stat decreases into stat increases.
Phantasmoon CareenaCareena Moon Charterer Shoots out a giant bullet of lunar energy. Deals random moon damage to enemy.
Plenilune + CareenaCareena Moon Charterer Raises entire party's MGC DEF by 10% during battle.
Radiant Grail CareenaCareena Moon Charterer Raises stat increase effects of own moves by 25%.
Everlasting Moonlight CareenaCareena Moon Charterer Extends stat increase effects of own moves until the end of battle.
Chivalry MorleyMorley Nomad Raises entire party's critical hit rate by 10%.
Entrap MorleyMorley Nomad Less likely to be targeted by enemies during battle.
Spikes MorleyMorley Nomad Spikes come up from the ground, dealing slash damage to enemy.
Swindler MorleyMorley Nomad Increases entire party's critical hit damage by 10%.
Dark Barrier MorleyMorley Nomad Uses the power of darkness to temporarily nullify magical damage dealt to an ally.
Chivalry + MorleyMorley Nomad Raises entire party's critical hit rate by 30% during battle.
Decoy MorleyMorley Nomad Increase damage dealt to enemies not targeting self by 30%.
Poetic Justice MorleyMorley Nomad Raises entire party's resistances to knock-back and stun by 100% during battle.
Cross Slice MorleyMorley Nightblade Press and hold Normal Attack to attack an opponent with a huge cross clash.
Reaping Rave MorleyMorley Nightblade Press and hold Special Attack to repeatedly slash an enemy.
Feint MorleyMorley Nightblade Increases critical hit damage by 20%.
Moon Slice MorleyMorley Nightblade Unleashes a crescent-shaped light disc. Deals moon damage to enemy.
Incandescence MorleyMorley Nightblade Raises critical hit rate by 70% during battle.
Half Eclipse MorleyMorley Nightblade Unleashes orbs of celestical lunar power. Halves an enemy's HP.
Deprivation MorleyMorley Nightblade Critical hits will lower an enemy's DEF.
Feint + MorleyMorley Nightblade Increases critical hit damage by 40%.
Retribution MorleyMorley Nightblade Critical hits have a 10% chance to instantly destroy an enemy. Does not trigger on boss monsters or Nemeses.
Spirit Circle ValVal Duelist Channels inner fighting spirit to deal non-elemental damage, high chance of stunning enemy.
Pulverize ValVal Duelist Lowers enemy DEF and MGC DEF by 10% when a special attack connects. The effect cannot be applied multiple times tot eh same enemy.
Ice Saber ValVal Duelist Uses the power of water to imbue an ally's weapon with water elemental damage.
Frigid Talon ValVal Duelist Grants a 5% chance of freezing an enemy when a normal attack hits.
Frostscale ValVal Duelist Grants a 10% chance of freezing an enemy when a special attack connects.
Ice Saber + ValVal Duelist Uses the power of water to imbue the entire party's weapons with water elemental damage.
Frostscale + ValVal Duelist Grants a 20% chance of freezing ane enemy when a special attack connects.
Dragon Fervor ValVal Duelist Harder to be knoced back by an enemy attack.
Frigid Inferno ValVal Duelist Grants a 15% cahnce of instantly destroying a frozen enemy. Does not trigger on boss monsters or Nemeses.
Blazing Boon ValVal Liege Grants entire party a 5% chance of nullfying an attack when Val's shield is fortified.
Impenetrable ValVal Liege Raises entire party's DEF by 10% during battle.
Art of War + ValVal Liege Raises entire party's ATK and DEF by 5% when Val's shield is fortified.
Flame Counter ValVal Liege Raises ATK when taking damage from an enemy attack.
Riposte ValVal Liege Raises entire party's ATK after using a class strike.
Flame Shield + ValVal Liege Uses the power of fire to grant fire elemental resistance to the entire party.
Art of War ValVal Liege Raises entire party's DEF by 5% when Val's shield is fortified.
Stone Shield ValVal Liege Uses the power of earth to grant an ally earth elemental resistance.
Flame Shield ValVal Liege Uses the power of fire to grant an ally fire elemental resistance.
Stone Saber ValVal Weapon Master Uses the power of earth to imbue an ally's weapon with earth elemental damage.
Throwing Knife ValVal Weapon Master Throws numerous knives, dealing slash damage to enemy.
Trounce ValVal Weapon Master Lowers enemy ATK, DEF, MGC ATK, and MGC Def by 10% when a projectile move connects. The effect cannot be applied multiple times to the same enemy.
Protection ValVal Weapon Master Uses the power of earth to boost an ally's DEF.
Hawk Sight ValVal Weapon Master Raises the stun rate of proectile moves by 250%
Stone Saber + ValVal Weapon Master Uses the pwoer of earth to imbue the entire party's weapons with earth elemental damage.
Hawk Sight + ValVal Weapon Master Raises the stun rate of proectile moves by 400%
Incursion ValVal Weapon Master Grants a 20% chance of silencing an enemy when a normal attack hits.
Battle-hardened ValVal Weapon Master Grants a 80% chance of silencing an enemy when a projectile move connects.
Warlord's Tutelage ValVal Edelfrei Ignores enemy resistances when attacking with normal or special attacks.
En Garde ValVal Edelfrei Increases CS recovery by 20% when taking damage from an enemy attack.
Acuity + ValVal Edelfrei Increases damage by 20% when attacking with enemy's elemental weakness.
Leaf Saber ValVal Edelfrei Uses the power of wood to imbue an ally's weapon with wood elemental damage and make weapon absorb MP.
Savin Strike ValVal Edelfrei Ignores enemy resistances and increases damage by 20% when attacking with a class strike.
Falling Blade ValVal Edelfrei Throws a razor-sharp leaf, dealing slash and wood damage to enemy.
Zeal ValVal Edelfrei Negates weak knock-back caused by enemy attacks.
Acuity ValVal Edelfrei Increases damage by 10% when attacking with an enemy's elemental weakness.
Lucent Shield ValVal Paladin Uses the power of light to grant an ally light elemental resistance.
Thunder Shield ValVal Paladin Uses the power of wind to grant an ally wind elemental resistance.
Scintillating Shield ValVal Paladin Grants entire party a 30% chance of recoveing 40% of the damage Val suffers as HP when his shield is fortified.
Leaf Shield ValVal Paladin Uses the power of wood to grant an ally wood elemental resistance.
Supernatural Surge ValVal Paladin After using a class strike, recovers up to 10% max HP for any party member whose HP is below 10% and removes any status effects and stat decreases.
Lucid Barrier ValVal Paladin Uses the power of light to temporarily nullify physical damage dealt to an ally.
Scintillating Shield + ValVal Paladin Grants entire party a 30% chance of recovering 60% of the damage Val suffers as HP when his shield is fortified.
Light of Hope ValVal Paladin Recovers 20% HP when suffering an attack that depltes at least 20% of max HP.
Sanctum ValVal Paladin Any party member with HP at 20% or below suffers 70% less damage when Val's shield is fortified.
Soul Parry ValVal Paladin Class strikes deal increased damage the less HP is remaining at time of activation.
Dominating Darkness ValVal Berserker Increases damage by 40% when HP drops to 30% or below.
Enraged + ValVal Berserker Increases damage by 20% when Hp drops to 50% or below.
Dark Saber + ValVal Berserker Uses the power of darkness to imbue the entire party's weapons with dark elemental damage.
Furious Bellow ValVal Berserker Increases damage by 20% and nullifies status effects when HP drops to 50% or below.
Frenzy ValVal Berserker Raises DEF by 70% when HP drops to 30%
Enraged ValVal Berserker Increases damage by 10% when HP drops to 50% or below.
Strengthen ValVal Berserker Uses the power of fire to boost an ally's ATK.
Dark Saber ValVal Berserker Uses the power of darkness to imbue an ally's weapon with dark elemental damage.
Dragonslayer CareenaCareena Dragon Master Reduces the damage that Wyvern and Reptilian enemies can deal to the entire party by 10% and increases the damage the entire party can inflict on these enemies by 10%
Weaken CareenaCareena Dragon Master Uses the power of water to decrease enemy's ATK.
Draconic Formation CareenaCareena Dragon Master Gainst the corresponding stat increase when using a stat-decreasing move on an enemy.
Breath of the Dragon CareenaCareena Dragon Master Lowers an enemy's ATK by 10% when Ramcoh's attack connects. The effect cannot be applied multiple times to the same enemy.
Weaken + CareenaCareena Dragon Master Uses the power of water to decrease all enemies' ATK.
Breath of the Dragon + CareenaCareena Dragon Master Lowers an enemy's ATK by 10% when Ramcoh's attack connects. Can be applied multiple times, for a maximum 20% decrease.
Royal Anger CareenaCareena Dragon Master Increases the damage of Ramcoh's attacks by 25%.
Dragon Wings CareenaCareena Dragon Master Ramcoh's attacks ignore 30% of an enemy's DEF.
Phoenix CareenaCareena Divine Fist Fills the CS gauge by 20% after using a class strike.
Soul Smite CareenaCareena Divine Fist Fills the CS gauge by 2% every 5 sec. in battle.
Fighting Spirit + CareenaCareena Divine Fist Ignores 40% of an enemy's DEF when attacking with a class strike.
Strengthen + CareenaCareena Divine Fist Uses the power of fire to boost the entire party's ATK.
Incinerate CareenaCareena Divine Fist Raises ATK after using a class strike. Lasts until combat ends.
Morale Boost CareenaCareena Divine Fist Fills the CS gauge by 4% after defeating an enemy. Does not apply to summoning magic.
Strengthen CareenaCareena Divine Fist Uses the power of fire to boost an ally's ATK.
Fighting Spirit CareenaCareena Divine Fist Ignores 20% of an enemy's DEF when attacking with a class strike.
Blaze Focus CareenaCareena Divine Fist Creates a scorching heat wve in front of self. Deals fire damage to enemay.
Pressure Point CareenaCareena Warrior Monk Presses special pressure poitns on one's body. Boosts the caster's attack.
Chakra CareenaCareena Warrior Monk Raises DEF by 20% when affected by a stat increase.
Protection CareenaCareena Warrior Monk Uses the power of earth to boost an ally's DEF.
Superpower CareenaCareena Warrior Monk Extends the duration of stat increases from own moves by 50%.
Diamond Shield CareenaCareena Warrior Monk Raises DEF after using a class strike. Lasts until combat ends.
Protection + CareenaCareena Warrior Monk Uses the power of earth to boost the entire party's DEF.
Chakra + CareenaCareena Warrior Monk Raises Careena's DEF according to the number of stat increases she has in effect.
Dauntless CareenaCareena Warrior Monk Grants a 20% chance of surviving at 1 HP when struck with a blow that would otherwise be fatal.
Divine Ingression CareenaCareena Warrior Monk Recovers 10% HP every 10 sec. When affected by a stat increase.
Clairvoyance CareenaCareena Conjurer Extends stat decrease effects of own moves until the end of battle.
Cosmic Scour CareenaCareena Conjurer Raises stat decrease effects of own moves by 20%
Yin and Yang + CareenaCareena Conjurer Lowers all enemies' MGC ATK and MGC DEF by 10% during battle.
Summon Gardlegrog CareenaCareena Conjurer Summons Gardlegrog, dealing fire elemental damage.
Seal of Banishment CareenaCareena Conjurer Lowers enemy MGC ATK and MGC DEF when summoning magic connects.
Summon Demon CareenaCareena Conjurer Summons a demon, dealing dark damage to enemy.
Stealth Fundamentals CareenaCareena Conjurer Less likely to be targeted by an enemy when casting.
Yin and Yang CareenaCareena Conjurer Lowers all enemies' MGC ATK and MGC DEF by 5% during battle.
Summon Goblin CareenaCareena Conjurer Summons multiple Goblins, dealing slash damage to enemy.
Healing Light CareenaCareena Starlancer Uses the power of light to recover an ally's HP.
Meteor CareenaCareena Starlancer Raises Careena's ATK and MGC ATK by 10% when any party member is affected by a stat increase.
Mental Boost CareenaCareena Starlancer Uses the power of light to boost an ally's MGC ATK and MGC DEF.
Orbit CareenaCareena Starlancer Special effects cast onto an ally will also be cast on self. Does not apply to saber magic.
Asterism CareenaCareena Starlancer Raises entire party's ATK after using a class strike.
Mental Boost + CareenaCareena Starlancer Uses the power of light to boost the entire party's MGC ATK and MGC DEF.
Meteor + CareenaCareena Starlancer Raises entire party's ATK and MGC ATK by 10% when any party member is affected by a stat increase.
Starry Way CareenaCareena Starlancer Recovers 10% MP every 10 sec. during battle.
Supernova CareenaCareena Starlancer Raises Careena's ATK by 25% when any party member is affected by a stat increase.
Siphoning Formation CareenaCareena Maverick Grants a 50% chance to recover 20 HP when an enemy is defeated.
Nether Gate CareenaCareena Maverick Increases damage by 60% against enemies with HP at 30% or below. Does not apply to summoning magic.
Mark of Blood+ CareenaCareena Maverick Raises ATK, DEF, MGC ATK, and MGC DEF when any party member defeats an enemy.
Enfeeble + CareenaCareena Maverick Uses the power of darkness to decrease all enemies' MGC ATK and MGC DEF.
Mark of Blood CareenaCareena Maverick Raises ATK and DEF when any party member defeats an enemy.
Soul Stealer CareenaCareena Maverick Restores 20% HP after defeating an enemy. Does not apply to summoning magic.
Enfeeble CareenaCareena Maverick Uses the power of darkness to decrease enemy's MGC ATK and MGC DEF.
Hermetic CareenaCareena Maverick Increases damage by 20% for 30 sec. after battle starts.
Huribat CareenaCareena Maverick Throws a hurlbat, dealing slash and dark damage to enemy.
Solitary MorleyMorley Ascetic Raises the stun rate of special attacks by 100%
Ward Off MorleyMorley Ascetic Grants a 50% chance chance of reducing the damage suffered from an enemy attack by 30%
Geyser MorleyMorley Ascetic Water spurts from the ground, dealing water elemental damage to enemy.
Guiding LIght MorleyMorley Ascetic Attacks on a stunned enemy have a 100% chance of being critical hits.
Heaven and Earth MorleyMorley Ascetic Casts out a cosmic chakram, dealing stirke damage.
Solitary + MorleyMorley Ascetic Raises the stun rate of special attacks by 300%
Somniferous Melody MorleyMorley Ascetic Grants a15% chance of putting an enemy to sleep when a normal attack hits.
Murmurs of the Dark MorleyMorley Ascetic Extends the time all enemies are stunned for by 100%
Plunder MorleyMorley Rogue Grants a 30% chance of acquiring 200% more lucre at the of battle
Toxic MorleyMorley Rogue Grants a 20% chance of poisoning an enemy when a normal attack hits.
Trap Master's Toolkit + MorleyMorley Rogue Increases the damage of Ramcoh's attacks by 25%.
Inflation MorleyMorley Rogue Hurls a bag of lucre, dealing strike damage to enemy. Damage dealt is baed on amount of lucre owned.
Toxic Trap MorleyMorley Rogue Grants a 40% chance of poisoning enemies caught in a trap.
Eruption MorleyMorley Rogue Fire spews out from the ground, dealing fire elemental to enemy.
Pillage MorleyMorley Rogue Increases amount of lucre gained at the end of battle by 40%
Trap Master's Toolkit MorleyMorley Rogue Increases the damage of trap moves by 30%
Lode Axe MorleyMorley Rogue Hurls an axe, dealing slash to enemy.
Dirt Diversion MorleyMorley Ninja Master Shoots out three clods of earth. Deals earth damage to enemy.
Fire Diversion MorleyMorley Ninja Master Fires three balls of fire. Deals fire damage to enemy.
Focus MorleyMorley Ninja Master Raises MGC ATK by 20% when HP is at 100%
Water Diversion MorleyMorley Ninja Master Casts out three bullets of water. Deals water damage to enemy.
Way of the Ninja MorleyMorley Ninja Master Increases the damage of ninja moves by 35%.
Thunder Technique MorleyMorley Ninja Master Generates orbs of lightning around self that burst after some time. Deals wind damage to enemy.
Malicious Mark MorleyMorley Ninja Master Grants a 40% chance of inclicting a stat decrease on an enemy when a ninja move connects. The stat decrease changes depending on the ninja move used.
Covert Cross MorleyMorley Ninja Master Restores 30% MP after defeating an enemy. Does not apply to summoning magic.
Teachings of the Ninja MorleyMorley Ninja Master Ninja moves consume 60% less MP.
Demolish MorleyMorley Samurai Increases damage by 70& when Morley is the last party member standing.
Unparalleled MorleyMorley Samurai Raises ATK by 30% when HP is at 80% or above.
Blindside + MorleyMorley Samurai Grants a 20% chance of reducing damage suffered by 70%
Petal Rage MorleyMorley Samurai Summons a flurry of slicing flower petals. Deals wood damage to enemy.
Quick-draw MorleyMorley Samurai Ignores 10% of an enemy's DEF when using special attacks.
Crystalline MorleyMorley Samurai Uses the power of wood to temporarily nullify damage dealt to an ally.
Bushido MorleyMorley Samurai Increases normal attack damage by 20%
Blindside MorleyMorley Samurai Grants a 10% chance of reducing damage suffered by 70%
Silver Dart MorleyMorley Sovereign Fires three silver darts, dealing slash and light damage to enemy.
Gentleman MorleyMorley Sovereign Reduces physical damage suffered by the entire party by 10%
Cane-sational MorleyMorley Sovereign Critical hits will lower an enemy's ATK. Does not apply to summoning magic.
Throwing Knife MorleyMorley Sovereign Throws numerous knives, dealing slash damage to enemy.
Ratiocination MorleyMorley Sovereign Enables normal and special attacks to ignore enemy resistances.
Bartitsu MorleyMorley Sovereign Increases caster's chance of stunning an enemy.
Gentleman + MorleyMorley Sovereign Reduces physical damage suffered by the entire party by 15%
Sleuth MorleyMorley Sovereign Grants normal attacks a 70% chance to knock back an enemy.
Noblesse Oblige MorleyMorley Sovereign Grants a 40% chance of reducing physical damage suffered by 60%
Destined Path MorleyMorley Soothsayer Grants a 30% chance of inflicting a random status effect on an enemy when using a special attack.
Fate's Command MorleyMorley Soothsayer Grants a 10% chance of instantly destroying an enemy afflicted with a status effect. Does not trigger on boss monsters or Nemeses.
Wheel of Fate+ MorleyMorley Soothsayer Increases damage by 40% when attacking an enemy afflicted with a status effect.
Augury MorleyMorley Soothsayer Uses the power of darkness to bestow a stat increase on a random ally.
Celestial Cycle MorleyMorley Soothsayer Grants a 40% chance of silencing all enemies when battle starts.
Hurlbat MorleyMorley Soothsayer Throws a hurlbat, dealing slash and dark damage to enemy.
Dark Saber MorleyMorley Soothsayer Uses the power of darkness to imbue an ally's weapon with dark elemental damage.
Wheel of Fate MorleyMorley Soothsayer Increases damage by 20% when attacking an enemy afflicted with a status effect.
Phantom Blade MorleyMorley Soothsayer Casts four magical blades, dealing slash damage to enemy
Cyclone CareenaCareena Dancer Generates a small tornado. Deals wind damage to enemy.
Recnnaissance PalamenaPalamena Rune Seer Increases damage by 20% when Palamena attacks an enemy of a lower level than herself.
Thunderbolt PalamenaPalamena Rune Seer Creates a ball of crackling lightning. Deals wind damage, chance of paralyzing enemy.
Thunderstorm PalamenaPalamena Rune Seer Bolts of lightning rain down. Deals wind damage, chance of paralyzing enemy.
Flutter Fly PalamenaPalamena Rune Seer Recovers 4 MP when a normal attack deals damage.
Bind Rune PalamenaPalamena Rune Seer Calls forth a violent whirlwind, deals wind damage. Chance of paralyzing enemies.
Scale Scatter PalamenaPalamena Rune Seer Increasing entire party's chance of inclifcting status resistance by 20%
Gliding Grace PalamenaPalamena Rune Seer Increases damage of moves by 80% wheen MP is at 100%
Ribbed Runes PalamenaPalamena Rune Seer Reduces damage suffred by 30% while casting.
Moonlight Mandate PalamenaPalamena Majesty Grants a 50% chance of boosting the entire party's MAGC ATK and MGC DEF at the start of battle.
Moonbow PalamenaPalamena Majesty Restores 5% HP and MP for entire party after winning a battle.
Moon's Mystique PalamenaPalamena Majesty Increases the entire party's MP recovery from items by 10%
Luminescence PalamenaPalamena Majesty Uses the power of the moon to fully restore an ally's HP
New Moon PalamenaPalamena Majesty Beams of moonlight barrage the area. Deals moon damage to enemy.
Austerity PalamenaPalamena Majesty Grants an 80% chance of instantly reflecting a stat decrease back at an enemy.
Moon Rend PalamenaPalamena Majesty Unleashes a half-moon shaped arc of light. Deals moon damage to enemy.
Overpower PalamenaPalamena Majesty Increases the damage any party member deals to an enemy by 5%. Does not trigger when attacking boss monsters.
Moon Slice PalamenaPalamena Majesty Unleashes a crescent-shaped light disc. Deals moon damage to enemy.
Ice Smash PalamenaPalamena Grand Diviner Throws an ice shard. Deals water damage, chance of freezing enemy.
Fluid Flourish PalamenaPalamena Grand Diviner Restores 50% of the MP consumed in combat after winning a battle.
Spike Freeze PalamenaPalamena Grand Diviner Unleashes a huge chunk of ice. Deals water damage, chance of freezing enemy.
Cold Blaze PalamenaPalamena Grand Diviner Summons an enormous ice crystal. Deals water damage, chance of freezing enemy.
Shield Charm PalamenaPalamena Grand Diviner Raises MGC DEF by 50% when casting
Doppelganger PalamenaPalamena Grand Diviner Recites a magic spell alongside an illusory shadow. Deals non-elemental damage to enemy.
Quick Cast PalamenaPalamena Grand Diviner Reduces the casting time of magic by 40%
Powder Prison PalamenaPalamena Grand Diviner Reduces damage suffered by 30% when casting.
Ephemeral Encore PalamenaPalamena Grand Diviner Increases the damage of magic attacks by 50% while increasing the damage of summoning magic by 100%
Masqueraid PalamenaPalamena Masquer Ignores enemy resistances and 40% of an enemy's DEF when using a class strike.
Resounding Risk PalamenaPalamena Masquer Targeted enemy deals 40% less damage to self.
Behemoth Basher PalamenaPalamena Masquer Increases damage by 30% when Palamena attacks an enemy of a higher level than her.
Adelante PalamenaPalamena Masquer Uses the power of fire to boost the entire party's ATK and MGC ATK.
Blaze Wall PalamenaPalamena Masquer Creates a tornado of flame. Deals fire damage, chance of burning enemy.
Flicker PalamenaPalamena Masquer Immune to stat decreases.
Explode PalamenaPalamena Masquer Unleashes a detonating fireball. Deals fire damage, chance of burning enemy.
Fireball PalamenaPalamena Masquer Unleashes a ball of flame. Deals fire damage, chance of burning enemy.
Rock Crush PalamenaPalamena Magus Throws large chunks of rock. Deas earth damage to enemy.
Crystallize PalamenaPalamena Magus Prevents knock-back while casting and increases MGC DEF by 20%
Diamond Shards PalamenaPalamena Magus Flings shard crystals. Deals earth damage to enemy.
Earthquake PalamenaPalamena Magus Violent trmors shake the ground. Deals earth damage to enemy.
Reactionary PalamenaPalamena Magus Raises MGC ATK and MGC DEF by 30% when HP drops to 30% or below.
Ancient Curse PalamenaPalamena Magus Ancient forbidden magic makes meteorites fall to the ground. Deals non-elemental damage to enemy.
Spirit Sealer PalamenaPalamena Magus Increases the damage of magic attacks for every fallen ally on the battlefield
Gaia's Wrath PalamenaPalamena Magus Recovers 40% MP when HP is at 10% or below
Rumbling Rock PalamenaPalamena Magus Magic attacks deal increased damage the less HP is remaining at time of use.
Harmonized Harm PalamenaPalamena Beastleader Grants a 80% chance of inflicting an extra effect when summoning magic connects. The extra effect changes depending on the summoning magic used.
Survival Sense PalamenaPalamena Beastleader Allows survival at 1 HP when struck with a blow that would otherwise be fatal, as long as Hp is at 30% or above. Can only activate once per battle.
Kindred Spirits PalamenaPalamena Beastleader Allows summoning magic to be cast instantly
Summon Axe Beak PalamenaPalamena Beastleader Summons an Axe Beak, dealing fire elemental damage.
Summon Needlebeak PalamenaPalamena Beastleader Summons multiple Needlebeaks, dealing strike and wind damage to enemy.
Feral Favor PalamenaPalamena Beastleader Raises DEF and MGC DEF by 50% when casting.
Summon Howler PalamenaPalamena Beastleader Summons multiple Howlers, dealing slash damage to enemy.
Allyship PalamenaPalamena Beastleader Increases the damage of summoning magic by 60%
Summon Rabite PalamenaPalamena Beastleader Summons multiple Rabites, dealing strike damage to enemy.
Holy Bolt PalamenaPalamena Archmage Unleashes a blast of light. Deals light damage to enemy.
Esoterica PalamenaPalamena Archmage Increases damage by 20% when attacking a boss monster.
Lucent Beam PalamenaPalamena Archmage Shoots off a ray of light. Deals light damage to enemy.
Celestial Burst PalamenaPalamena Archmage Light rains down from the heavens. Deals light damage to enemy.
Splendor PalamenaPalamena Archmage Grants 10% chance for attack magic to consume MP.
Glitter Dust PalamenaPalamena Archmage Unleashes eight spheres of colofrul light. Deals light damage to enemy.
Mystic Mastery PalamenaPalamena Archmage Increases damage by 35% when using magic attacks consecutively.
Elementary PalamenaPalamena Archmage Magic attacks of the same element as an Elemental Break will deal 80% more damage throughout its duration. Does not apply to summoning magic.
Shrimmering Shroud PalamenaPalamena Archmage Grants a 40% chance of nullfying damage from enemy magic attacks.
Infernal Invitation PalamenaPalamena Reaper Grants a 15% chance that a special attack will instantly destroy enemies afflicted with a status effect. Does not trigger on boss monsters or Nemeses.
Encrouaching Darkness PalamenaPalamena Reaper Grants a 10% chance of paralyzing an enemy when a normal attack hits.
Sinister Scent PalamenaPalamena Reaper Grants a 10% chance of paralyzing an enemy with a special attack.
Annihilate PalamenaPalamena Reaper Recites a cursed spell. Deals dark damage, chance of instantly destroying an enemy of a lower level than self.
Dark Rain PalamenaPalamena Reaper Droplets of darkness rain down. Deals dark damage, chance of silencing enemy.
Life Leecher PalamenaPalamena Reaper Recovers 10% HP after defeating an enemy with a special attack.
Dark Force PalamenaPalamena Reaper Unleashes an exploding orb of darkness. Deals dark damage, chance of silencing enemy.
Demonic Disposal PalamenaPalamena Reaper Shortens the duration of status effects and stat decreases by 60%
Evil Gate PalamenaPalamena Reaper Releases a concetrated dark energ. Deals dark damage, chance of silencing enemy.
Summon Rabite JuleiJulei Piper Summons multiple Rabites, dealing strike damage to enemy.
Cacophony JuleiJulei Piper Reduces the damage that Animal and Flying enemies can deal to the entire party by 5% and increases the damage the entire party can inflict on them by 5%.
Ambient JuleiJulei Piper Restores 5% HP every 10 sec. for the entire party during battle.
Summon Chobin Hood JuleiJulei Piper Summons multiple Chobin Hoods, dealing slash damage to enemy.
Hard Thrash JuleiJulei Piper Increases the damage of summoning magic by 60%
Summon Fullmetal Hugger JuleiJulei Piper Summons Fullmetal Hugger, dealing light elemental damage.
Cacophony + JuleiJulei Piper Reduces the damage that Animal and Flying enemies can deal to the entire party by 10% and increases the damage the entire party can inflict on them by 10%.
Symphony JuleiJulei Piper Restores 5% MP every 10 sec. for the entire party during battle.
Harmonies of Harvest JuleiJulei Piper Restores 10% HP to entire party when any party member defeats an enemy.
Witching Hour JuleiJulei Occultist Increases the damage of magic attacks by an amount based on Julei's ATK.
Security JuleiJulei Occultist Grants a 20% chance of nullfying damage taken.
Alakazam JuleiJulei Occultist Increases the damage of normal and special attacks by an amount based on Julei's MGC ATK
Moon Spiral JuleiJulei Occultist Spawns a giant field of Junar energy. Deals moon damage to enemy.
Magic Whack JuleiJulei Occultist Reduces the damage that Magicali enemies can deal by 20% and increases the damage that can be inflicted on them by 20%
Moon Rend JuleiJulei Occultist Unleashes a half-moon shaped arc of light. Deals moon damage to enemy.
Gandr JuleiJulei Occultist Grants a 40% chance to knock back an enemy when a normal attack hits.
Moon Slice JuleiJulei Occultist Unleashes a crescent-shaped light disc. Deals moon damage to enemy.
Cure Water JuleiJulei Scholar Uses the power of water to restore an ally's HP over a short period of time.
Wade JuleiJulei Scholar Reduces the damage that Insect, Weed, and Aquatic enemies can deal by 20% , and increases the damage that can be inflicted on them by 20%
Ingenuity JuleiJulei Scholar Removes stat decreases when restoring HP with own healing move.
Remedy JuleiJulei Scholar Uses the power of water to remove an ally's status decreases.
Apothecary JuleiJulei Scholar Increases the potency of items that restore HP or MP on any party member by 50%.
Cure Water + JuleiJulei Scholar Uses the power of water to restore the entire party's HP over a short period of time.
Apothecary + JuleiJulei Scholar Increases the potency of items that restore HP or MP used on any party member by 80%.
Transcendent JuleiJulei Scholar Grants a 20% chance that items will not be used up during battle.
Spring Divinity JuleiJulei Scholar Grants a 30% chance that consumable items used by any party member will not disappear, except when used from the menu.
Arbor's Grace JuleiJulei Gatekeeper Reduces the damage the entire party suffers from all elemental attacks by 10%.
Heavenly Beacon JuleiJulei Gatekeeper Restores 40% more HP when healing an ally with HP at 30% or below during battle.
Fire of Cleansing + JuleiJulei Gatekeeper Restores 5% HP every 5 sec. to any party member with HP at 50% or below.
Lave Wave JuleiJulei Gatekeeper Molten lava spews from the ground. Deals fire damage, chance of burning enemy.
Fire of Cleansing JuleiJulei Gatekeeper Restores 5% HP every 10 sec. to any party member with HP at 50% or below.
Summon Copper Knight JuleiJulei Gatekeeper Summons a Copper Knight, dealing slash damage to enemy.
Photosynthesis JuleiJulei Gatekeeper Restores 5% HP every 10 sec. during battle.
Tireless JuleiJulei Gatekeeper Reduces the damage that Demi-human and Bipedal enemies can deal to the entirre party by 10% and increases the damage that the entire party can inflict on them by 10%.
Arrow Rain JuleiJulei Hunter Releases four arrows, dealing slash damage to enemy.
Iron-Armed JuleiJulei Hunter Increases damage by 20% when using a class strike.
Shock Wave JuleiJulei Hunter High chance of stunnnig all enemies after using a class strike. Does not trigger on boss monsters or Nemeses.
Javelin JuleiJulei Hunter Flings a lance, dealing slash damage to enemy.
Illusory Chaser JuleiJulei Hunter Reduces the damage that Cryptid and Amorphous enemies can deal by 20% and increases the damage that can be inflicted on them by 20%.
Hyper Cannon JuleiJulei Hunter Enormous slabs of stone fly out at an enemy. Deals earth damage to enemy.
Iron-Armed + JuleiJulei Hunter Increases damage by 30% when using a class strike.
Tenacious Drive JuleiJulei Hunter Deals 30% more damage to boss monsters.
Barbed Crown JuleiJulei Hunter Recovers 100% HP for the entire party after using a class strike.
Primordial Bloosom JuleiJulei Sage Revives all fallen allies at 70%HP when Julei faints in battle. Can only activate once per battle.
Miracle JuleiJulei Sage Using a move to revive one ally will revive all other allies.
Soothe + JuleiJulei Sage Increases the HP recovery of the entire party's healing moves by 40%.
Wall JuleiJulei Sage Uses the power of wood to reflect magic damage away from self.
Sunlight Canopy JuleiJulei Sage Restores 90% more HP when reviving a fallen ally.
Revivifier JuleiJulei Sage uses the power of wood to revive a fainted ally.
Resuscitate JuleiJulei Sage Recovers 10% HP every 5 sec. during battle for up to 30% of max HP.
Soothe JuleiJulei Sage Increases the HP recvery of the entire party's healing moves by 20%
Poison Bubble JuleiJulei Sage Shoots out a venomous bubble that has a chance of poisoning enemy.
Holy Bolt JuleiJulei High Cleric Unleashes a blast of light. Deals light damage to enemy.
Healing Light JuleiJulei High Cleric Uses the power of light to recover an ally's HP.
Lampbloom Healing JuleiJulei High Cleric Increases the HP recovery of own healing moves by 100%
Aromatic Mint JuleiJulei High Cleric Removes status effects when restoring HP with own healing move.
Twinkle Rain JuleiJulei High Cleric Uses the power of light to remove an ally's status effects.
Undead Away JuleiJulei High Cleric Deals light damage, chance of instantly destroying an Undead enemy of a lower level than self.
Healing Light + JuleiJulei High Cleric Uses the power of light to restore the entire party's HP.
Strong Roots JuleiJulei High Cleric Nullifies all damage from a blow that would otherwise be fatal. Can only activate once per battle.
Earnest devotion JuleiJulei High Cleric Healing magic consumes 80% less MP during battle.
Glowing Grace JuleiJulei High Cleric Revives all fallen allies at 40% HP after using a class strike. Can only activate once per battle.
Soul Drain JuleiJulei Necromancer Restores 110% of the damage inflicted by summoning magic as HP.
Burn Offering JuleiJulei Necromancer Dark Curse effects apply to all enemies.
Malediction JuleiJulei Necromancer Extends the duration of stat decreases from own moves by 80%
Dark Curse JuleiJulei Necromancer Uses the power of darkness to decrease all of an enemy's stats.
Dispel Magic JuleiJulei Necromancer Uses the power of darkness to dispell all enemy magic effects.
Summon Bumpkin JuleiJulei Necromancer Summons multiple Bumpkins, dealing fire damage to enemy.
Cold Sweat JuleiJulei Necromancer Lowers all enemies' DEF and MGC DEF by 10% during battle.
Cherry Bomb Essence JuleiJulei Necromancer Reduces the damage that demon and Undead enemies can deal by 20% and increases the damage that can be inflicted on them by 20%.
Summon Ghost JuleiJulei Necromancer Summons multilpe Ghosts, dealing strike damage to enemy.

Moves and Abilities Explained

Moves Are Active Abilities

Moves are obtainable abilities that impart new usable moves that you can use in combat. These moves can provide effects that can swing the tide to your favor either by dealing massive damage to enemies or providing boons and buffs to strengthen or aid your characters in battles.

Abilities Can also Grant Passive Effects

There are multiple types of passive effects that you can gain from abilities. These will mostly grant positive effects to your characters and can strengthen them and allow them to dish out more damage, reduce the damage they take, or other miscellaneous effects that may grant an advantage to your character.

Abilities Can be Learned Via Ability Seeds or Spirit Vessels

Unlock from the Elemental Plots Menu.png

There are two primary ways to obtain abilities in the game. Its either by equipping the respective Ability Seed to gain its effect and use them with that character or by equipping a Spirit Vessel and learning its ability via Elemental Plot.

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