Romancing Saga 2: Revenge of the Seven

The Corsairs' Dilemma Quest Walkthrough

Romancing Saga 2 The Corsairs

The Corsairs' Dilemma is a Side Quest in Romancing Saga 2: Revenge of the Seven. Read on to find out how to start The Corsairs' Dilemma quest, the rewards you can get, and the step-by-step walkthrough of The Corsairs' Dilemma!

How to Start The Corsairs' Dilemma

Branches Into Three Routes

Route Choices
During the conversation with the Corsair Captain, choose I am here to demand your service, then choose En garde!
Messina Mines During the conversation with the Corsair Captain, choose I demand to see your leader, then choose Very well when asked to help clean out the Messina Mines.
Cape Chalier Enter their hideout in Mobelm and choose Good job out there. Let's go and grab a drink.

The Coirsairs' Dilemma side quest branches into three routes. You'll get a different set of objectives on different locations depending on the options you chose. This may also affect whether or not you'll be able to recruit the Corsair.

Events for Each Route

Route Events
Nuono Cannot enter the Messina Mines
• Corsair character class unlocked.
Messina Mines • Can obtain the Book of Light & Earth I at the Messina Mines.
• Corsair character class isn't unlocked.
All Spell Book Locations
Cape Chalier Cannot enter the Messina Mines
• Corsair character class unlocked.

The route to Nonuo and the Cape Chalier will unlock the Corsair character class, but this will lock you out from entering the Messina Mines, where you can find the Book of Light & Earth I. However, taking the route to the Messina Mines will not unlock the Corsair character class, but getting the Book of Light & Earth I spell book is certainly worth it.

You'll have another chance to recruit the Corsair character class on another side quest called Garon's Rebellion. This side quest will only become available one you finish The Corsairs' Dilemma side quest.

The Corsairs' Dilemma Rewards

Unlock the Corsair Character Class

You'll be able to unlock the Corsair Character Class if you finished the side quest in a specific route, namely the route to Nuono.

Rapid Stream Formation Unlockable

Romancing Saga 2 Rapid Stream

If a Corsair becomes emperor, The Rapid Stream formation will become available after talking to the soldier in the Battle Formation Training Camp in Avalon.

Combat and Formations Guide

The Corsairs' Dilemma Quest Walkthrough

List of Routes
Nuono Messina Mines Cape Chalier

Route to Nuono

# Step-by-Step Guide
Open the world map and go to Mobelm.
2 Romancing Saga 2 Gather Information in Mobelm
Gather information by speaking with the villagers with the orange icons.
3 Romancing Saga 2 Speak to the Captain
Go to the ship and talk to the Corsair Captain. Choose I am here to demand your service. > En garde!
4 Romancing Saga 2 Battle with the Corsair
You'll get into battle with the Corsairs and the Corsair Boatswain. Defeat them to proceed with the quest.
5 Romancing Saga 2 Interact with the Helm
After the battle with the Corsair Boatswain and his crew, interact with the ship's Helm to set sail.
Navigate the ship through the Waterway Maze, and head out towards Nuono, defeating enemies intercepting your path.
7 Romancing Saga 2 Accept the Corsairs
Enter their hideout and talk to the Corsairs' leader. Choose I accept your surrender. during the conversation. This will finish The Corsairs' Dilemma side quest and will unlock the Corsair character class.

Route to the Messina Mines

# Step-by-Step Guide
Open the world map and go to Mobelm.
2 Romancing Saga 2 Gather Information in Mobelm
Gather information by speaking with the villagers with the orange icons.
3 Romancing Saga 2 Speak to the Captain
Go to the ship and talk to the Corsair Captain. Choose I demand to see your leader. > Very well.
Open the world map and fast travel to the Mesinna Mines. Proceed through the mine until you reach the deepest part.
5 Romancing Saga 2 Fight with the Earth Faerie
You'll eventually fight with an Earth Faerie and two Soils. Ending this fight will complete your objective in the Messina Mines.
6 Return to Mobelm and report your victory to the Corsair Captain. He'll ask you to clean the bottom of the ship. Talk to the captain again after you clean the ship.
7 You'll automatically arrive at Nuono, where the leader of the Armed Merchant Fleet will give you choices. Choose to pay to finish this quest. If you choose to not pay, then ask if you can enter an alliance with the pirates, the side quest will fail.

Both outcomes will not unlock the Armed Merchant character class.

Route to Cape Chalier

# Step-by-Step Guide
Open the world map and go to Mobelm.
2 Romancing Saga 2 Gather Information in Mobelm
Gather information by speaking with the villagers with the orange icons.
3 Romancing Saga 2 Go to the Corsairs
Enter their hideout and choose the option Good job out there. Let's go and grab a drink.
4 Romancing Saga 2 Go to the Corsairs
After the cutscene, fast travel to Cape Chalier on the world map.
5 Romancing Saga 2 Proceed Through Cape Chalier
Proceed through the Cape Chalier and exit Nuono.
6 Romancing Saga 2 Talk to the Corsairs
Talk to the Corsairs' Leader in Nuono and choose I demand you swear featly to the Empire.

This will end The Corsairs' Dilemma side quest and will allow you to recruit the Corsair character class.

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2 Anonymous29 days

There is no reason for this guide to recommend choices that lock you out of the mines and the cape. Bad walkthrough.

1 Anonymous2 months

This guide needs to be updated. While doing the Corsair quest, you can most certainly achieve the outcome of opening the mines, obtaining the book AND the Corsair class.


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