
Best Settings Guide: Controller and Graphics Settings

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Customize your settings for a smooth gameplay experience in MultiVersus! Read on to learn about the game's controls, interface, graphics options, including customization options for each setting!

Best Game Settings

Change the Controls

MultiVersus - Change the Controls

In MultiVersus, there are two control schemes that you can choose in the Controller tab: Default and Legacy. If you have played similar fighting games such as Super Smash Bros., choosing Legacy changes the controls to mimic the former's control scheme.

You can also can change the individual controllers by clicking on the button and then pressing the button on the controller or keyboard and mouse to remap it.

List of Controls

Customize the Interface

On the Interface tab, you can choose the game's recommended, legacy, or custom interfaces. These settings include changing the position of the scoreboard, enabling outlines on characters, and changing the color of your character, teammate, and opponent.

If you are playing in online matches, it is recommended to set the Scoreboard Position to Bottom to make it more visible when in a match.

In addition, changing the Damage Position, Cooldown Position, and Player Name Position on both the scoreboard and on the characters as it makes it easier to see your damage and cooldowns of your team and opponents.

Enable Mature Language

Checking the Mature Language on the Audio/Language tab allows you to hear additional voice lines from characters. This lets fighters trash talk and banter while using more explicit language during fights.

Best Graphics Settings

Disable One Frame Thread Lag

Enabling One Frame Thread Lag boosts performance on older machines at the cost of a small input lag delay. It is recommended to disable this setting as input lag causes misinputs which makes pulling off combos more difficult.

Set Textures, Shadow, and Shading to Low

If you are experiencing performance issues, consider lowering the Texture Quality, Shadow Quality, and Shading Quality to get an FPS boost.

From the Settings menu, click Graphics and scroll down to the Visuals then set Texture Quality, Shadow Quality, and Shading Quality to Low or Very Low.

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4 Anonymous12 days

Imagine not being able to FIND the settings! And where the FCK is my SKIN! They promised nothing would be lost, but I only have standard Batman without BTAS skin!


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