Spider-Man 2 (PS5)

Aviary Blinds and Downtown Brooklyn Hunter Base Walkthrough

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Spider-Man 2 - Aviary Blinds and Downtown Brooklyn Hunter Base Walkthrough

The Aviary Blinds lead to the Hunter's Aviary Base in Spider-Man 2 (PS5). Read on for a detailed walkthrough on the location of each Aviary Blind, tips on how to clear the Aviary Base, and a list of rewards for completing the mission.

Aviary Blinds and Base Overview

Aviary Blinds and Base Information

Aviary Blinds and Base
Mission Type
Hunter Blinds Hunter Blinds

Hunter Bases Hunter Base
Involved Heroes Peter Parker or Miles Morales
Blinds Rewards
Base Rewards
XP Reward: 1000 each
Spiderman 2 PS5 - Tech Parts iconTech Parts x150 each
Spiderman 2 PS5 - Rare Tech Parts iconRare Tech Parts x5 each

XP Reward: 1500
Spiderman 2 PS5 - Tech Parts iconTech Parts x350
Blinds Prerequisite
Base Prerequisite
Complete Bad Guys on the Block
Complete All 2 Aviary Blinds

Aviary Blinds and Base Location

Downtown Brooklyn Hunter Blinds Location

Map View In-Game View

Players can start the Aviary Blinds mission after they complete the ''Bad Guys on the Block'' main mission. When you do, the locations for the Aviary Blinds will appear in Downtown Brooklyn as you progress through the main missions. All of them will be on rooftops of buildings.

Bad Guys on the Block Walkthrough

Downtown Brooklyn Hunter Base Location

Map View In-Game View

Once you have cleared all two Aviary Blinds, you can proceed to the Aviary Base which will be marked on the northwest corner of Downtown Brooklyn. The building will be a large abandoned warehouse with a broken glass roof.

Aviary Blinds Walkthrough

  1. Defeat All Hunters
  2. Gather Intel on the Hunter Base

1. Defeat All Hunters

Spider-Man 2 - Defeat All Hunters.jpg

The main objective in the Aviary Blinds is to eliminate all the Hunters on the rooftops. Each Hunter Blind can have varying types of enemies. with some only having normal mobs. You can instantly take them out by using Web Swing (hold the Square Button while mid-air) to push them off the building.

Take Out the Snipers First

Spider-Man 2 - Take Out the Snipers First

When you find an Aviary Blind, make sure to land on the highest part of the rooftop so that you can take out the snipers first. This is because snipers deal heavy damage, and you will be forced to dodge their attacks everytime, which interrupts your attack combos.

Once they are eliminated, you can then prioritize the Talon Drones since they are the next biggest threat. You can quickly take them down by throwing items at it, or using your strong skills or abilities.

2. Gather Intel on the Hunter Base

Spider-Man 2 - Gather Intel on the Hunter Base.jpg

After you defeat all the Hunters, look for the inactive Talon Drone on a table and access it to gather intel. You can find intel by moving your cursor around the hologram with your left thumbstick until it reveals a red item. When you do, hover over it and select it by pressing the X Button.

The first blind you clear out, regardless of location, will have you look for three vulnerabilities that you can utilize while at the base. Lastly, the second blind will help you find the location of the Hunter Base and marks it on your map.

Aviary Base Walkthrough

  1. Disable Communications Console
  2. Overload Talon Drone Chargers
  3. Take Out All Hunters in the Base
  4. Find and Download Hunter Data

It is recommended for players to use Miles when infiltrating the base since he can go invisible and sneak around better than Peter. Performing stealth takedowns gives you a big advantage.

1. Disable Communications Console

Spider-Man 2 - Disable Communications Console

When you arrive at the base, it would be best to disable the Communication Console first so that the Hunters cannot call for backup. This will make the fight less overwhelming since all you need to do is eliminate the enemies that are already there.

Location of the Communications Console

Spider-Man 2 - Communications Console Location

You can find the Communications Console towards the wall inside the ruined side building. So that you can stay undetected, try to use stealth takedowns on any enemies that may be roaming nearby.

2. Overload Talon Drone Chargers

Spider-Man 2 - Overload the Talon Drone Chargers

Afterwards, it would be recommended to overload three Talon Drone chargers next to destroy the drones. This will similarly keep the fight manageable since it will lessen the amount of Talon Drones you would have to fight.

Talon Drone Charger Puzzle Solution

First Talon Drone Charger
Connect the power source in the center of the warehouse to the node across it by hovering over it and connecting it with your web by pressing R1.
Then, climb on top of the pole to your right and create a zig zag connection from the first node to the second node below you.
Finally, jump across to the other side and tether the last node to the drone charger ahead.

When you finish overloading the first charger, you need to repeat these steps for the two other power sources to overload the chargers near them.

Other Two Power Source Locations

Other Power Source Locations

You can find the second power source by heading to the higher floor of the ruined side building behind a wall.

The third power source can be found beside a skull graffiti in the corner of the opposite ruined side building. Although, watch out for numerous enemies nearby.

3. Take Out All Hunters in the Base

Spider-Man 2 - Take Out All the Hunters in the Base

Once you complete the sub-objectives, you can then start taking out the rest of the Hunters in the base. There will be a variety of enemies present, and they are also large in numbers. It is recommended you prioritize taking out the Talon Drones, Hunter Beasts, and Brutes first since they pose a large threat.

Start with the Talon Drones Above

Spider-Man 2 - Start with the Talon Drones Above

The best way to eliminate the Hunters is by using stealth takedowns. However, you will need to start clearing the Talon Drones flying above so that you can remain undetected. Since these drones are alone, it should be safe to take them down.

Perform Stealth Takedowns

Spider-Man 2 - Perform Stealth Takedowns

As mentioned previously, it is recommended you clear the Hunters by using stealth takedowns as much as possible since it instantly takes them out. Even if you eventually get detected, at least you would have reduced the amount of enemies you have to fight head on.

Additionally, if you are using Miles, try to utilize his invisibility skill to do ''Danger'' stealth takedowns and then swing back up to a high point. As long as you remain invisibile, the Hunters will not turn hostile.

4. Find and Download Hunter Data

Spider-Man 2 - Find and Download Hunter Data

After you defeat all the enemies in the base, you can finally look for the Hunter Data. The computer will be located behind a door towards the end of the building, which is marked on your screen. Head inside to download the data and complete the mission.

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