Spider-Man 2 (PS5)

The Invisible Enemy Mysterium Gold Medal Guide

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This is a guide for the The Invisible Enemy Mysterium in Spider-Man 2 (PS5) located in Midtown. Learn where to find this Mysterium, as well as tips on using 6 Finishers within 2 minutes and 10 seconds for the gold medal!

The Invisible Enemy Mysterium Overview

Challenge Information

The Invisible Enemy
Location Midtown
Objective Use 6 Finishers
Bronze Silver Gold
> 2:40
< 2:40
< 2:10

Mysterium Location

Map View In-Game View

The Invisible Enemy Mysterium is located at the north section of Midtown, along the sidewalk.

The Invisible Enemy Gold Medal Tips

Focus on Building Focus

Spiderman 2 PS5 - building up Focus

Remember, the goal here is to gain Focus so you can execute Finishers to take down enemies. Focus is easily gained by maintaining your combo, dodging, and parrying.

You can also unlock Amped and Fired Up in your shared ability tree to gain more focus when parrying and extending combo, respectively.

Try Not to Heal

Healing uses up Focus. Since you use the same charge for performing Finishers, try not to heal regardless of how low your health gets and just redo the challenge if it reaches zero.

Use Gadgets to Control Enemies

Gadgets can make this challenge a lot easier if used to crowd control enemies. This will allow you to keep on extending your combo and reducing the amount of attacks that you should watch out for.

Keep an Eye on the Shadows and Sense Signals

Spiderman 2 PS5 - shadows on the ground

During the second phase, enemies will be invisible and can only be tracked by looking at the shadows on the floor. Your spider senses will still activate when an enemy is about to attack, so keep eyes on both the floor and Miles' head.

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