Spider-Man 2 (PS5)

Everything Burns The Flame Walkthrough

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Spiderman 2 PS5 - Everything Burns Mission Walkthrough

Everything Burns is one of the The Flame Missions in Spider-Man 2 (PS5). Read on for a detailed walkthrough, a list of rewards for completing the mission, and tips on how to complete Everything Burns!

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Where Have You Been? I Knew You Had It in You

Everything Burns The Flame Overview

Mission Information

Everything Burns
Mission Type
Spiderman 2 PS5 - mission icon The Flame
Involved Heroes Peter Parker
Rewards XP Reward: 1200
Spiderman 2 PS5 - Tech Parts iconTech Parts x250
Prerequisite Mission Where Have You Been?
Time to learn more about this cult.

Starting Location

Map View In-Game View

Players can start this quest after they complete the previous Where Have You Been? mission. When some time has passed, or after you progressed through the main story, Yuri will call you asking for Peter's help. You can then go to a rooftop in Chinatown to start the mission.

Everything Burns The Flame Walkthrough

  1. Take Down the Cultists
  2. Find a Way into the Shelter Area
  3. Clear Out the Space and Investigate
  4. Search for Clues to Open the Door
  5. Move Deeper into the Building
  6. Clear Out the Cultists
  7. Free the Prisoners
  8. Take Down the Cultists Again
  9. Fight Your Way Out of the Building

1. Take Down the Cultists

Spider-Man 2 - Take Down the Cultists

When you finish the cutscene, you will start with having to take down the cultists in the room. You can perform a Double Takedown with Wraith whenever the enemies are marked green by pressing the Triangle button.

2. Find a Way into the Shelter Area

Spider-Man 2 - Find a Way into the Shelter Area

After getting rid of the enemies, go inside the adjacent room and look above you. There will be a vent through the cracked ceiling that connects to the shelter area if you pass through it.

3. Clear Out the Space and Investigate

Spider-Man 2 - Clear Out the Space and Investigate

Once you are in the shelter area, you will have to take out all of the enemies inside. Since you are at a stealth advantage, it is recommended to defeat enemies through stealth takedowns. Make sure to take advantage of your Web Line Gadget to sneak around without getting detected.

When you finish dealing with the cultists, go and interact with the green flame doors next to the whiteboard.

4. Search for Clues to Open the Door

Spider-Man 2 - Search for Clues to Open the Door

To progress further, you need to find a way to open the door. Use your scanner to check the whiteboard for any clues. Afterwards, look to your left and scan the four flame posters on the wall. Lastly, check the unconscious enemies for a Hephaestus tattoo by pressing Triangle near them, and then bring them to the door.

How to Scan the Environment

5. Move Deeper into the Building

Spider-Man 2 - Move Deeper into the Building

After you open the door, go straight ahead and a cutscene with Wraith will play. Once it is finished, do a Double Takedown on the enemies in the room.

Reassure the Cultist Deserters

Spider-Man 2 - Reassure the Cultist Deserters

Next, you may want to talk with the Cultists Deserters imprisoned in their cells to reassure them that you will help them, and to get some information.

Turn Left and Climb Through the Vent

Spider-Man 2 - Climb Through the Vent

When you are done reassuring them, turn left around the corner and climb through the vent above the intensive care unit doors. This will give you another stealth advantage for the upcoming fight.

6. Clear Out the Cultists

Spider-Man 2 - Clear Out the Cultists

Similar to the previous fight, try to attempt as much stealth takedowns as you can. This will make clearing out the cultists much easier since stealth takedowns are instant, and it will not take up as much time if you directly fought them.

7. Free the Prisoners

Spider-Man 2 - Scan the Power Grid to Free the Prisoners

After taking them down, you should scan the power grid on the stage. Interacting with it will unlock the prison cells and free the prisoners.

8. Take Down the Cultists Again

Spider-Man 2 - Take Down the Cultists Again

Once you finish the cutscene, you will have to fight the cultists head to head. You may want to take down the normal mobs first before getting the brute enemy so that you have enough Focus to perform a Finisher on him.

How to Perform a Finisher Move

9. Fight Your Way Out of the Building

Spider-Man 2 - Fight Your Way Out of the Building

Now, you will need to fight your way out of the building. Go through the doors that lead to the Quarantine Wing and defeat the enemies there.

Afterwards, turn right and zip up above the Reception / Lobby doors. Then, bust down the doors ahead and clear out all the cultists in the room. When you finish taking them out, a cutscene will play and you will complete the mission.

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