The Witcher 3

List of Scoia'tael Gwent Cards

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This is a list of all Scoia'tael Gwent Cards found in the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Read on for information on each card found within this faction and its deck.

List of Scoia'tael Cards

Name Power Type Effect
Havekar Healer ImageHavekar Healer 0 Ranged Unit Medic
Riordain ImageRiordain 1 Ranged Unit
Elven Skirmisher ImageElven Skirmisher 2 Ranged Unit Muster
Toruviel ImageToruviel 2 Ranged Unit
Dwarven Skirmisher ImageDwarven Skirmisher 3 Close Combat Unit Muster
Ciaran aep Easnillien ImageCiaran aep Easnillien 3 Close Combat and Ranged Unit Agile
Dol Blathanna Archer ImageDol Blathanna Archer 4 Ranged Unit
Vrihedd Brigade Recruit ImageVrihedd Brigade Recruit 4 Close Combat Unit
Mahakaman Defender ImageMahakaman Defender 5 Close Combat Unit
Vrihedd Brigade Veteran ImageVrihedd Brigade Veteran 5 Close Combat and Ranged Unit Agile
Havekar Smuggler ImageHavekar Smuggler 5 Close Combat Unit Muster
Dol Blathanna Scout ImageDol Blathanna Scout 6 Close Combat and Ranged Unit Agile
Barclay Els ImageBarclay Els 6 Close Combat and Ranged Unit Agile
Yaevinn ImageYaevinn 6 Close Combat and Ranged Unit Agile
Filavandrel aen Fidhail ImageFilavandrel aen Fidhail 6 Close Combat and Ranged Unit Agile
Ida Emean aep Sivney ImageIda Emean aep Sivney 6 Ranged Unit
Dennis Cranmer ImageDennis Cranmer 6 Close Combat Unit
Schirru ImageSchirru 8 Siege Unit Scorch
Milva ImageMilva 10 Ranged Unit Morale Boost
Iorveth ImageIorveth 10 Ranged Unit Hero
Isengrim Faoiltiarna ImageIsengrim Faoiltiarna 10 Close Combat Unit Hero and Morale Boost
Saesenthessis ImageSaesenthessis 10 Ranged Unit Hero
Eithné ImageEithné 10 Ranged Unit Hero
Francesca Findabair: Hope of the Aen Seidhe ImageFrancesca Findabair: Hope of the Aen Seidhe Leader Move Agile units to whichever valid row maximizes their strength (don’t move units already in optimal row)
Francesca Findabair: Queen of Dol Blathanna ImageFrancesca Findabair: Queen of Dol Blathanna Leader Destroy your enemy’s strongest Close Combat unit(s) if the combined strength of all his or her Close Combat units is 10 or more.
Francesca Findabair: The Beautiful ImageFrancesca Findabair: The Beautiful Leader Doubles the strength of all your Ranged Combat units (unless a Commander's Horn is also present on that row).
Francesca Findabair: Daisy of the Valley ImageFrancesca Findabair: Daisy of the Valley Leader Draw an extra card at the beginning of the battle.
Francesca Findabair: Pureblood Elf ImageFrancesca Findabair: Pureblood Elf Leader Pick a Biting Frost card from your deck and play it instantly.

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