Princess Peach: Showtime!

How to Change Dresses and Ribbons

Princess Peach Showtime - How to Change Dresses and Ribbons
Princess Peach Showtime has a feature where you can change the Pattern on Peach's dress and the color of Stella's Ribbon. Keep reading to see how to change Peach's and Stella's costumes and how to get more customization options.

How to Change Peach's Dress and Stella's Ribbon

Outfits Can be Changed via The Menu Screen

# How to Change Peach's and Stella's Outfits
On the main lobby, press the + Button to open up the menu.
Select the Wardrobe Option.
Move the Selector to whichever pattern you want. Press A until you see a check mark at the top left corner of the pattern.
Press L or R to switch between Peach or Stella. Repeat the steps above as needed.
Once you are content with your decision, press B to exit out of the menu.
You should now be wearing your chosen outfit!

How to Get More Dresses and Ribbons

Buy Them From the Shop

# How to Buy More Outfits
Head to the first floor (1F) lobby and go to the "Cowgirl in the Wilderness" stage.
Talk to the Theet near the clothing display.
Press L or R to switch between Peach or Stella.
Move the Selector to whichever pattern you want. Press A to select the pattern you wish to buy.
Once you are content with your purchases, press B to exit out of the menu.
The outfits you have chosen should be in your inventory!

Unlock More Patterns by Defeating Bosses and the BF Stages

Princess Peach Showtime - Grape Dress Reward
Some Dresses in the shop can only be unlocked by defeating each floor's Boss. All the BF Stages will give you a Ribbon for Stella via Ribboner, but will also unlock dresses in the Shop for Peach!
List of All Princess Peach Showtime Bosses

Obtained from Completing EX Stages

Princess Peach Showtime - EX Dress Reward
EX Stages are accessed once you finish all the stages in a given floor or, for the 5th floor's case, by defeating the final boss. You can unlock Dresses for Peach by completing said stages with a Gold Trophy level score.

Obtained from Ribboner Within Stages

Finding and helping Ribboner within stages will give you certain outfits for either Peach or Stella! You need to find him first to get new dresses and ribbons!
All Ribbon Locations

Collect All Collectibles of a Certain Type

Princess Peach Showtime - Secret Dress Get
Some dresses can only be unlocked by collecting all collectibes of a certain type. For example, the Theets in every stage in the post game or every Sparkle Gem available in game.
All Hide and Seek Theet Locations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I Change my Dress/Ribbon While Playing a Level?

No You are Unable to Change When on a Stage

Princess Peach Showtime - Unable Change Outfits
Note that you can only change Peach's and Stella's outfits when you are in a lobby. You cannot change your clothes when you are on stage!

Do These Affect the Gameplay?

No, Dresses and Ribbons are Purely Aesthetic

Princess Peach Showtime - Cowgirl in the Wilderness Theet 2.png
Peach and Stella's outfits do not impact the game other than aesthetics. Wear whatever your heart desires and take down the baddies in style!

Princess Peach: Showtime! Related Guides

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All Sparkle Gem Locations All Ribbon Locations
All Hidden Pose Spotlight Locations All Hide and Seek Hidden Theet Locations
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