Princess Peach: Showtime!

Is Princess Peach Showtime Multiplayer?

Princess Peach Showtime - Is Princess Peach Showtime Multiplayer

Princess Peach: Showtime! does not support multiplayer for two or more people. Read on to learn more about the game and why multiplayer is not supported.

Is Princess Peach Showtime Multiplayer?

No, Princess Peach Showtime is Not a Multiplayer Game

Princess Peach Showtime - No Multiplayer

Princess Peach: Showtime! is not a multiplayer game and is only intended to be played by one person. There are no features or game modes which allow two or more players to play the game.

No Co-Op Available

Princess Peach Showtime - No Couch Co-op

The game also does not support local couch co-op. You will not be able to play as Peach and Stella separately, unlike in Super Mario Wonder where two players can control Mario and Cappy separately.

Controls Guide

Intended to Be a Single-Player Experience

Princess Peach: Showtime! is meant to be taken as a single-player experience, with one person taking control of Peach in her quest to save the Sparkle Theater.

Stella, the magical ribbon, is used as Peach's sidekick and weapon of sorts and is not meant to be another controllable character.

Princess Peach Showtime All Level Walkthroughs

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1 BraveTea8 months

Hiya, just to let you know, you wrote: Mario and Cappy in Super Mario Wonder That should be Odyssee, not Wonder.


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