Prince of Persia The Lost Crown

How to Get Elusive Water

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The Elusive Water is an obtainable Amulet in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. Read ahead to learn how to get Elusive Water, the effects of Elusive Water, as well as its upgrades and costs!

Elusive Water Effects and Upgrades

Prince of Persia The Lost Crown - `title`
Base Effect # of Slots
Dodge on the spot against incoming attacks, dealing damage by moving behind the enemy. ⵙⵙⵔ

Elusive Water Upgrades and Costs

Upgrades Cost
+1 Dodge on the spot against incoming attacks, dealing Moderate damage by moving behind the enemy.
Prince of Persia The Lost Crown - Time Crystals x 400
+2 Dodge on the spot against incoming attacks, dealing GREAT damage by moving behind the enemy.
Prince of Persia The Lost Crown - Time Crystals x 800

Prince of Persia The Lost Crown - Xerxes x 1

How to Get Elusive Water

Loot from a Chest in the Soma Tree

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