Prince of Persia The Lost Crown

Tips and Tricks Before Starting The Game

△ Check out our review for the game!
▲Complete the story and all 9 Side Quests!
△ Traverse Mount Qaf using Time Powers!
▲ Get all the weapons, amulets, and Athra Surges.
△ Earn platinum with our Trophy Guide!

Prince of Persia The Lost Crown - Tips and Tricks

Prepare to dive into the vast world of Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown with our comprehensive beginner's guide. Here are some tips and tricks to help you get started with exploration and combat, as well as progressing the game's story!

Beginner's Guide

  1. Enable Guided Mode for Easier Navigation
  2. Use Time Powers to Overcome Obstacles
  3. Fast Travel Using Anchors
  4. Choose Abilities and Amulets that Match Your Playstyle
  5. Create Combos with Different Weapons
  6. Upgrade Gear with Resources
  7. Complete Side Quests to Earn Rewards

Enable Guided Mode for Easier Navigation

PoP The Lost Crown - Enable Guided Mode

Enabling Guided Mode will aid beginners while exploring the world of Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown, as this feature displays the location of the next objective on the map and it also shows which paths are available or blocked.

For players who feel lost or overwhelmed while exploring, don't be ashamed to toggle this handy feature on!

Complete Story Walkthrough

Use Time Powers to Overcome Obstacles

PoP The Lost Crown - Using Time Powers

Time Powers allow you to overcome certain obstacles that are difficult to pass through, such as teleporting through traps and even revealing invisible walls and structures that take you to unreachable places!

All Time Powers and How to Unlock Them

Fast Travel Using Homa Statues

PoP The Lost Crown - Fast Travel Using Anchors

You can get around the map quick with Homa Statues as these are waypoints that you can teleport to. This will save you a lot of time as you won't need to run all the way back to areas that you have already discovered.

Choose Abilities and Amulets that Match Your Playstyle

PoP The Lost Crown - Select Abilities and Amulets Matching Your Playstyle

Abilities (known as Athra Surges) and Amulets can be mix and matched to create your own unique moveset which adheres to your preferred playstyle.

Athra Surges are composed of offensive and defensive powers that you can use in combat against enemies. Amulets on the other hand are gear pieces that enhance Sargon's abilities, such as providing a new AoE (Area-of-Effect) attack for your weapons.

How to Get All Amulets

Use Wak-Wak Trees to Change Amulets and Abilities

PoP The Lost Crown - Change Amulets and Abilities Using Wak-Wak Trees

In addition, you can select which Amulets and Athra Surges that you wish to equip for Sargon by interacting with Wak-Wak Trees found all over the world.

All Wak-Wak Tree Locations

Create Combos with Different Weapons

PoP The Lost Crown - Create Unique Combos

Each available weapon in the game has different offensive capabilities that you can execute on your foes, ranging from aerial slashes with Sargon's swords to rapidly firing off multiple arrows with a bow.

Try and juggle through the variety of different attack styles to create powerful combos for each weapon and see which works best against the enemy you're facing!

List of All Weapons

Upgrade Gear with Resources

PoP The Lost Crown - Upgrade Gear Using Resources

Resources can be used at Kaheva's Forge to upgrade the stats of your gear and weapons. These can range from increasing the damage output for a weapon, increasing the maximum number of arrows that you can carry, and several more useful buffs that can aid you in combat!

How to Upgrade Weapons

Complete Side Quests to Earn Rewards

PoP The Lost Crown - Complete Side Quests to Earn Rewards

Side Quests are issued by several characters that you'll meet throughout the game and can be completed to earn rewards and resources—the latter can be used to upgrade your gear!

Be sure to interact with every NPC that you run into as they might have a side quest to give you.

All 9 Side Quest Locations

All Tips and Tricks

All Collectibles Guides

All Collectibles Guides
Xerxes Coin Locations Map Piece Locations
Soma Tree Petal Locations Wak-Wak Tree Locations
Ingot Locations All Lore Item Locations
All Fast Travel Locations -

All Combat Guides

All Combat Guides
How to Parry How to Dodge

Other Tips and Tricks

Other Tips and Tricks
Combat Tips to Know Before Starting How to Heal
How to Save How to Get More Time Crystals
How to Get More Potions Trophy Guide
Time Powers Is There A New Game Plus
Shopkeeper Guide Difficulty Settings Differences
All Ubisoft Connect Challenges and Rewards How to Use Ubisoft Connect and Earn Connect Units
How Long to Beat Prince of Persia The Lost Crown How to Increase Health
Herbalist's Last Camp Location Controls and Best Settings
Best Items to Buy First How to Fight Shielded Enemies
What to Do When Stuck All Skins and Outfits Locations
How To Open Doors With Eyes Exploration Mode vs Guided Mode - Which One Should You Choose?
How to Claim The Warrior Within Outfit Post Game Content Guide

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Related Guides

Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Related Guides

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown
Walkthrough Top Page

All Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Guides

Main Links
Prince of Persia The Lost Crown - Maps Maps Prince of Persia The Lost Crown - Story Walkthrough Story Walkthrough
Prince of Persia The Lost Crown - Bosses Bosses Prince of Persia The Lost Crown - Tips and Tricks Tips and Tricks
Prince of Persia The Lost Crown - Amulets Amulets Prince of Persia The Lost Crown - Side Quests Side Quests
Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Weapons.png Weapons Prince of Persia The Lost Crown - List of Athra SurgesAthra Surges
Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown - Time PowersTime Powers Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown - News and Updates Partial Banner Latest News and Updates

All Collectibles and Locations Guides

All Collectibles and Locations Guides
Wak-Wak Tree Locations Soma Tree Petal Locations
Azure Damascus Ingot Locations Xerxes Coin Locations
Fast Travel Locations Map Piece Locations
Lore Item Locations All Skins and Outfits


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