Prince of Persia The Lost Crown

Lost in Mount Qaf Walkthrough

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Lost in Mount Qaf - Prince of Persia The Lost Crown

Lost in Mount Qaf is a main quest in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. Continue reading for a detailed walkthrough, quest location, and quest rewards on completing Lost in Mount Qaf.

Lost in Mount Qaf Overview

Quest Information

Lost in Mount Qaf Quest Info - Prince of Persia The Lost Crown

Locations Explored Hyrcanian Forest, Lower City
Weapons Unlocked Menolias' Bow, Chakram
Bosses Fought Jahandar - Manticore
Rewards Soma Tree Flower

Lost in Mount Qaf Walkthrough Guide

  1. Reach Lower City
  2. Cross the Bridge
  3. Jump on the Platforms
  4. Destroy the Purple Orbs
  5. Reach The Haven
  6. Get Past the Traps
  7. Solve the Water Wheel Puzzle
  8. Defeat Undead Prisoner
  9. Use a Charged Attack on the Purple Vines
  10. Cross Over the Wooden Platform
  11. Defeat Erlik
  12. Use Your Bow on the Spores
  13. Find Mendiolas
  14. Activate the Mechanism
  15. Use Your Bow on the Purple Orb
  16. Go Past the Stairs
  17. Defeat Jahandar

Reach Lower City

Lower City - - Prince of Persia The Lost Crown

The Quest begins automatically after the cutscenes following the Prologue. The quest begins at the Old Citadel.

After the cutscenes, keep right until you reach Old Royal Road. Continue moving forward until you reach Lower City. Proceed and a cutscene will appear.

Cross the Bridge

Activate the Lever - Prince of Persia The Lost Crown

Following the cutscenes, take the path to the right and defeat some enemies. Continue going right and enter the huge door above some steps.

Go straight ahead and perform a wall jump. Grab the bars and avoid the spikes to proceed. Go down and activate the lever to the left to reveal a bridge, then you can read the text on the monolith. Return to going right and proceed to the next area.

Jump on the Platforms

Jump on the Platforms - - Prince of Persia The Lost Crown

Jump to the platforms above and reach a bar that you can swing onto the other side. Drop down the platform and move forward.

Jump above another set of platforms to reveal a new path to the left. Perform a wall jump on the far end of the path and cross the platform above. Keep right until you encounter a platform that you can cross over to. Cross over these set of platforms and proceed forward and you will reach a Wak-Wak Tree. A cutscene will begin and you will receive the Eye of the Wanderer and Memory Shards from the young girl. Proceed to the right to go to the next area.

Destroy the Purple Orbs

Destroy the Purple Orbs - Prince of Persia The Lost Crown

In the next area, jump above the platforms and keep right. Perform a slide on the low-hanging wall. Once you enter the path, perform a wall jump on the walls above, beware of the spikes. A path will be visible above the walls to the left, proceed through here.

Continue until another set of platforms becomes available to jump on. Defeat the enemies and make your way up. To the right will be a lever for the bridge, activate this and cross to the other side. Pull the lever again on the other side to retrieve the bridge and obtain a makeshift wall.

Perform a wall jump here and go to the path above. Destroy the purple glowing orbs to reveal new platforms that you can jump onto. Make your way to the very top to get a cutscene. After this, head right.

Reach The Haven

The Haven - Prince of Persia The Lost Crown

Continue heading east until you reach The Haven. Talk to The Mage to get the Blessing Amulet. You can also buy various items by visiting the shopkeeper from The Haven. There is also a Wak Wak tree located here. Continue onwards until you reach Lower City.

Get Past the Traps

Get Past the Traps - Prince of Persia The Lost Crown

Defeat the enemy and cross over the platform below until you see a path to the right, enter it. Go to the bottom of the area and head for the entrance to the left. This area is full of traps. Proceed through the whole maze of traps until you reach another area.

Continue going down until you reach two gates. Attack the gate on the right and proceed. You will encounter a sidequest and get the Insignia of Persepolis. Exit the area.

Solve the Water Wheel Puzzle

Water Wheel Puzzle - Prince of Persia The Lost Crown

You need to solve the water wheel puzzle in order to open the blocked area. You can easily do this by attacking the left and right levers above so that the sluice gate will open and water will flow. Stand on the buttons below to navigate the water flow so that the water wheel is in a certain position where you can swing from the bars attached to it and reach the main mechanism for the gate located in the far left of the area. Once the door opens, enter through it.

Defeat Undead Prisoner

Undead Prisoner - Prince of Persia The Lost Crown

Once you enter inside, a boss battle will begin. Defeat Undead Prisoner. After defeating him, you will receive a Soma Tree Petal. Keep going forward until you reach the Hyrcanian Forest.

How to Beat Undead Prisoner

Use a Charged Attack on the Purple Vines

Use a Charged Attack on the Vines - Prince of Persia The Lost Crown

Once in the forest, you will encounter an enemy, defeat it and head right across the platforms.

Use a Charged Attack on the purple vines to reveal an area where there is a Wak Wak Tree. Proceed and you will get an Athra Surge, Bahman's Breath. There is a wooden platform next to the tree that you can go down to. Cross over the platform and continue forward until you see an exit.

Cross Over the Wooden Platform

Wooden Platform - Prince of Persia The Lost Crown

Keep heading east and you will discover another Wak Wak Tree. From here, take the path below until you reach another wooden platform you can go down to. Go under these and continue walking to your right until you find a gap in the way. Go down this gap, there is another wooden platform that can be crossed over. Go down here.

Use a Charged Attack on the vines to your right to reveal a path. Keep heading east while defeating the enemies that appear. Once you reach a wall, go above and enter the opening.

Defeat Erlik

Defeat Erlik - Prince of Persia The Lost Crown

Once you enter, you will be faced with another boss battle. Defeat Erlik and you will receive the Wolf-Bride Amulet proceed onwards and enter the room where you will receive the Bow of Menolias after the cutscene.

How to Beat Erlik

Use Your Bow on the Spores

Attack the Spores - Prince of Persia The Lost Crown
Head back to the area where the last Wak-Wak tree was and proceed to your left. Use your bow to attack the small glowing spore above and reveal a new platform for you to go. Continue attacking the spores and get to higher ground. Enter the path on the left.

On the next path, continue attacking the spores. Go up the mushrooms and head west.

Find Menolias

Chakram - Prince of Persia The Lost Crown

Go up the platforms and grab onto the bars, landing on the mushrooms and continue going to your left. You will find Menolias and receive the Chakram of Menolias. Continue forward and use the chakram on the mechanism behind the metal gate to open it. Make your way to Lower City.

Activate the Mechanism

Use your Chakram - Prince of Persia The Lost Crown

Use your chakram on the mechanism to activate the bridge. Swing through the bar and proceed forward. Defeat the enemies as you move forward. You will reach a lever on the far left of the area. Activate it and open the gate.

Use the Bow on the Purple Orb

Final Purple Orb - - Prince of Persia The Lost Crown

You will be directed back to The Haven. Pass through the left entrance to return to where the purple glowing orbs and the large statue were and use your bow to hit the purple orb above and reveal the final set of platforms you have to jump on to finally reach the path to the left of the area.

Go Past the Stairs

Final Door - Prince of Persia The Lost Crown

Go up the stairs and discover another Wak Wak Tree. Continue past the stairs and jump through the vent above. Interact with the door to the right to open it.

Defeat Jahandar

Jahandar - Prince of Persia The Lost Crown

You will encounter the final boss for this quest, Jahandar. Defeat Jahandar and receive a Soma Tree Flower.

How to Beat Jahandar

Lost in Mount Qaf Tips and Strategies

Make Use of the Wak Wak Trees

Wak wak - Prince of Persia The Lost Crown

There are Wak Wak Trees that will be encountered during the quest. Use this to restore your health and fill up your health potion.

Clear the enemies

Make sure to clear the path for enemies as they have ranged attacks and can hit you during platforming activities.

You can time your blocks to an enemy's ranged attack to return the attack back to the enemy. This can be used whenever there is diffculty in platforming.

Memory Shard

Memory Shards - Prince of Persia The Lost Crown

Use this to create a memory for Wak Wak Trees so you can have the location secured whenever you need healing.

Buy Items

Shop - Prince of Persia The Lost Crown

You can buy various items by visiting the shopkeeper from The Haven. Purchase items that will be beneficial to Sargon.

The Mage, The Shopkeeper Guide

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown Related Guides

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown - Story Walkthrough

Complete Story Walkthrough

Complete Story Walkthrough

No. Chapter
- The Battle of Persepolis
1 Lost in Mount Qaf
2 The Abducted Prince
3 The Tiger and The Rat
4 The Path to the Sand Prison
5 The Darkest of Souls
6 The Celestial Guardians
7 Return to the Past
8 Father and Son
9 The Crossroads of Time


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