DioField Chronicle

Secret Manoeuvres Walkthrough

secret manoeuvres walkthrough
Secret Manoeuvres is a Main Quest in DioField Chronicle. Read on to get a full walkthrough of Secret Manoeuvres's objectives, victory conditions, recruitable characters, recommended strategies, levels, and rewards!

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Mockery of an Alliance Irreconcilable Differences

Secret Manoeuvres Overview

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Basic Info Requirements and Rewards Objectives

Basic Info

Secret Manoeuvres
In order to expel the Empire from our territory, we have no choice but to join forces with the Alliance. We will now make for Kelling Peninsula to meet with their leader.
Story Chapter Chapter 6: Realm of Reformation
Location South Field - Kelling Peninsula
Recommended Level Level 38

Requirements and Rewards

Unlock Condition Start Mockery of an Alliance
Completion Rewards 24240 G
29414 XP
Optional Rewards Allow no allies to fall in battle: 3 SP
Complete the mission within 6 min(s): Orichalcum
Treasure Chests


Victory Condition Defeat Condition
Defeat Ouroboros All allies defeated
Main Objectives
1. Eliminate the Enemy

Secret Manoeuvres Walkthrough


Defeat Wolves

Defeat the wolves in the starting area.
Defeat Fenrir

Defeat Fenrir before continuing to the next area of the map. He'll be on top of a hill.
Defeat Two Salamanders

Defeat two Salamanders before proceeding to the next area. You can lure one away from the other instead of attacking both at the same time.
Open the Chest

There is a chest in the Salamander area, in the eastern part of the map. Open it to receive its rewards.
Defeat Coeurl

Defeat the Coeurl before proceeding to the boss area.
Defeat Ouroboros

Defeat Ouroboros to complete this mission.

Secret Manoeuvres Recommended Strategies and Tips

Save Stuns for Enemy AoE Abilities

Conserving your stuns will be important against the mini-bosses due to their numerous AoE abilities. Use them as soon as they start casting to avoid taking heavy damage. This is especially important against Coeurl since it has a fairly quick cast time, making it difficult to dodge attacks.

Use Bind Bombs

Bring Bind Bombs on this mission to make it easier to reposition your units and hit your abilities on the mini-bosses.

How to Beat Ouroboros

Tips for Beating Ouroboros
Check IconSpread Out Your Units
Check IconFocus Attacks on the Main Ouroboros
Check IconLet a Unit Tank Damage

Spread Out Your Units

The Ouroboros has several abilities that can hit you at a distance so spread your units out across the boss area to lessen the chances of all of them getting hit.

Focus Attacks on the Main Ouroboros

During the fight, the Ouroboros will summon a copy of itself that can use the same abilities. Try to ignore this and just continue attacking the main Ouroboros. It will just continue summoning copies of itself if you kill the other unit.

Focus on taking down the main one before setting your sights on its copy. The main Ouroboros will initially have red dots above its health bar to indicate its extra lives.

Let a Unit Tank Damage

Let your tankiest unit face the Ouroboros head-on while your other units attack from different directions. You can also use Shield Walls to distract the boss.

This is especially helpful when you're also facing its summon since this restricts the two enemies to one area, letting you hit your abilities on both at the same time.

Recruitable Characters in Secret Manoeuvres

All Recruitable Characters in Secret Manoeuvres
There are no recruitable characters in this mission.

DioField Chronicle Related Guides


Complete Story Walkthrough

All Chapters

All Chapter Walkthroughs
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 6: Realm of Reformation

No. Chapter 6 Missions
1 To Name a Flower
2 Rescue the Princess
3 An Army Approaches
4 Repel the Empire
5 Mockery of an Alliance
6 Secret Manoeuvres
7 Irreconcilable Differences
8 Port Assault
9 As a King
10 Free the South


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