DioField Chronicle

Cavalier Class Guide: Related Character & Skills

The DioField Chronicle - Cavalier Class

In DioField Chronicle's class system, the Cavalier class uses its high mobility to disrupt enemy formations and control the battle. Read on for a complete list of all Cavalier characters including info on the best Cavalier to add to your party, and the best skills for this class!

All Cavalier Characters

Best Cavalier Character

DioField Chronicle - ZoruaqZoruaq Wyvern Riders have better crowd control skills than horse-riders in general, so Zoruaq will be a top choice for Cavalier in your party. Although he has good crit rate buffs and recovers a bit of HP dealing damage, the crowd control skill Wings of the Storm and DPS skill Cyclone make claw-equipped Cavaliers a necessary part of your team.

Best Characters Tier List

List of All Cavalier Characters

Character Details
Fredret LesterFredret Lester Role: Crowd control (Defensive) & DPS
Weapon: Lance
One of the four heads of the Blue Foxes. Has superior riding skills and can freely gallop across the battlefield on horseback.
Castevere BunnowCastevere Bunnow Role: Crowd control (Aggressive) & DPS
Weapon: Lance
A skilled Cavalier from the Republic of Vherma.
Zoruaq WiganZoruaq Wigan Role: Crowd control (Aggressive) & DPS
Weapon: Claws
A legendary mercenary known for playing a vital role in the civil war decades ago.
ChapplemanChappleman Role: Crowd control (Aggressive) & DPS
Weapon: Claws
A skilled wyvern rider, he specializes in weakening enemies before finishing them off.

All Cavalier Skills

Best Cavalier Skills by Weapon Type

Best Lance Skills
DioField Chronicle - Full Frontal Assault Full Frontal Assault DioField Chronicle - Vicious Swing Vicious Swing DioField Chronicle - Lance Strike Lance Strike
Best Claws Skills
DioField Chronicle - Wings of the Storm Wings of the Storm DioField Chronicle - Flame Assault Flame Assault DioField Chronicle - Cyclone Cyclone

Best Skills for Each Class

List of All Cavalier Skills

Skill Effect
DioField Chronicle - Mounted Charge Mounted Charge Deal damage to enemies in the target area and knock them back.
DioField Chronicle - Full Frontal Assault Full Frontal Assault Move to the specified point, dealing damage to enemies en route.
DioField Chronicle - Furious Flurry Furious Flurry Deal damage to enemies in the target area.
DioField Chronicle - Horse Kick Horse Kick Deal damage to an enemy and swap positions with them.
DioField Chronicle - Vicious Swing Vicious Swing Deal damage to enemies in the target area and move them in front of the unit.
DioField Chronicle - Lance Strike Lance Strike Deal damage to enemies in the target area. Sharpshooters take extra damage.
DioField Chronicle - Flame Breath Flame Breath Deal damage to enemies in the target area, inflicting Burn.
DioField Chronicle - Wings of the Storm Wings of the Storm Deal damage to enemies in the target area, pulling them to the centre.
DioField Chronicle - Cyclone Cyclone Deal damage to enemies in the target area. Once the cyclone has been unleashed, it will damage any enemy that comes into contact with it.
DioField Chronicle - Flame Assault Flame Assault Move to the specified point, dealing damage to enemies en route and setting the ground on fire.
DioField Chronicle - Rush Flare Rush Flare Move close to an ally and deal damage to enemies in the target area.

List of All Skills

How to Play the Cavalier Class

Keep Cavalier in Between Enemy and Long Range Allies

Keep Cavalier in Between Enemy and Long Range Allies
While your tank is on the other side of enemies, taking all the hits, your Cavalier should be in between the enemy and your fragile Sharpshooters and Magickers

Displace Enemies with Crowd Control

If the enemies are piling on a bit too much, or if they're too scattered to effectively use AoE skills on, use a Cavalier's crowd control skills to keep them at bay or bring them towards one spot.

Balance Defensive and Offensive Equipment

Defensive Items
Purchase Accessories from the Shop that boost all stats equally. The Cavalier will be on the front lines along with the Soldier and could take some hits but also needs to be a viable damage-dealer.

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