DioField Chronicle

Salamander Effects and How to Use

Salamander is a Magilumic Orb in DioField Chronicle. Read on to see Salamander's effects and learn how to get and use Salamander!

Salamander Overview

Salamander Basic Info and How to Get

SalamanderSalamander TP Power
1 TP ---
Effects Bestow might to allies in the target area.
How to Get Unlocked after completing the Escort the Priests mission during Chapter 3.

How to Upgrade Salamander

Purchase Salamander's Engravings

DioField Chronicle - Salamander Engravings

You can unlock and get Salamander's Engravings by leveling up your Magilumic Orb Research Rank. Upgrades will become available at Ranks 1, 2, and 4, which you can then purchase from the Institute using Gold & Jade Crystals.

Engraving Upgrade Cost
Gives Tenacity
(Rank 1)
Gold 15000 G

Jade Crystal Jade Crystal x1
Increase effect range by 10%.
(Rank 2)
Gold 15000 G

Jade Crystal Jade Crystal x1
Abnormal statuses inflicted last 10% longer.
(Rank 2)
Gold 5000 G

Jade Crystal Jade Crystal x1
Abnormal statuses inflicted last 10% longer.
(Rank 2)
Gold 5000 G

Jade Crystal Jade Crystal x2
>Increase effect range by 20%.
(Rank 2)
Gold 5000 G

Jade Crystal Jade Crystal x2
>Increase effect range by 20%.
(Rank 4)
Gold 5000 G

Jade Crystal Jade Crystal x2
Abnormal statuses inflicted last 10% longer.
(Rank 4)
Gold 5000 G

Jade Crystal Jade Crystal x2
Gives Rapidity.
(Rank 4)
Gold 20000 G

Jade Crystal Jade Crystal x3

How to Use Salamander

From the Command Menu

The DioField Chronicle - Command Menu
Salamander can be used by any character on the field. Select the button for the Command Menu and choose Salamander from the list. It consumes 1 TP, so get and accumulate enough TP to use it.

DioField Chronicle Related Guides

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List of All Magilumic Orbs

All Magilumic Orbs

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The DioField Chronicle - SalamanderSalamander The DioField Chronicle - Coeurl.Coeurl


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