DioField Chronicle

Kaizer Claws Stats and How to Get

Kaizer Claws is a Claws weapon in DioField Chronicle. Read on to see Kaizer Claws's overall stats and how to get it, as well as characters who can use Kaizer Claws!

Kaizer Claws Overview

Kaizer Claws Basic Info and How to Get

Kaizer ClawsKaizer Claws HP Attack
0 85
Defense Technique
0 0
Type/Class Luck Total EP
Claws 0 134
Active Skills Flame Breath (20 EP)
Cyclone (40 EP)
Passive Ability None
Research Cost
Reach Weapon Development Rank 4 and unlock it using 2 Electrum.
How to Get Purchase it for 10000 G from the shop after unlocking it in the Weapon Development.

Characters Who Can Use Kaizer Claws

Character Class Description
Zoruaq WiganZoruaq Cavalier A legendary mercenary known for playing a vital role in the civil war decades ago.
ChapplemanChappleman Cavalier A skilled wyvern rider, he specializes in weakening enemies before finishing them off.

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