The Witcher 3

List of Decoctions

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This is a list of Decoctions, an Alchemy Item in the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Read on for information on each Decoction and its stats and properties.

List of Decoctions

Name Description Price
Alghoul decoction Adrenaline Points are generated more quickly than normal until the first successful enemy attack. 15
Ancient leshen decoction Each Sign cast increases Stamina regeneration for the remainder of the fight. 17
Arachas decoction Reduces damage received based on armor and inventory weight: less weight carried and lighter armor means less damage is taken. 10
Archgriffin decoction If any Stamina is available, strong strikes consume all of it and reduce the struck foe's Vitality by 10% after their normal damage is calculated. 11
Basilisk decoction Applies a random beneficial effect at dusk and dawn. The effect lasts for six hours. 18
Chort decoction Provides complete resistance to the Stagger effect and reduces the Knock-down effect to Stagger. 12
Cockatrice decoction All alchemy creations can be used one additional time. 10
Doppler decoction Increases critical hit damage when attacking from behind. 13
Earth elemental decoction Increases resistance to Vitality-depleting critical effects applied during combat. The resistance level rises the longer the critical effect is applied. 17
Ekhidna decoction Performing actions that consume Stamina regenerates Vitality. 17
Ekimmara decoction Damage dealt to foes regenerates Vitality. 12
Fiend decoction Increases the amount of weight the witcher can carry without being overburdened. 15
Foglet decoction Increases Sign Intensity during cloudy weather. 13
Forktail decoction Combining fast and strong attacks with Sign abilities increases Attack Power for melee attacks and Sign Intensity when casting. 15
Grave hag decoction Each foe slain accelerates Vitality regeneration for the duration of the battle. 16
Griffin decoction Taking damage raises damage resistance (up to an upper limit) for the remainder of the fight. 19
Katakan decoction Increases critical hit chance. 10
Leshen decoction A portion of the damage dealt by enemies is reflected back on the attacker. 19
Nekker warrior decoction Mounts never panic. 50% increase to mounted combat damage. 18
Nightwraith decoction Geralt's maximum Vitality is increased with each foe killed. This increase lasts until he meditates or fast travels. 11
Noonwraith decoction Provides complete immunity to the Knockdown, Hypnosis, Stun and Blindness effects. 14
Succubus decoction Attack Power grows over the course of a fight until reaching a maximum threshold. 14
Troll decoction Regenerates Vitality during and outside of combat. 14
Water hag decoction Damage dealt is increased when Vitality is at its maximum. 11
Werewolf decoction Running, sprinting and jumping outside combat does not use Stamina. 18
Wraith decoction Whenever a single hit drains more than a third of Vitality, a Quen shield is activated which protects against the next attack. 16
Wyvern decoction Each blow landed increases Attack Power until either the fight ends or damage (other than that from potion Toxicity) is taken. 13

Related Links

Alchemy Header.png
How to Alchemize and
List of Alchemy Items

Types of Alchemizable Items
Potions Bombs Oils
Decoctions Dyes Alchemy Ingredients


1 Anonymousabout 2 years

I have 28 and there are 27 on this site. Utterly useless.


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