DioField Chronicle

Chapter 1: A Way of Life Full Walkthrough

This is a walkthrough guide for Chapter 1: A Way of Life in DioField Chronicle. Read on to learn more about Chapter 1's main quests, objectives, recruitable characters, recommended levels, and rewards!

All Recruitable Characters in Chapter 1: A Way of Life

All Recruitable Characters in Chapter 1
Iscarion ColchesterIscarion Colchester Waltaquin RedditchWaltaquin Redditch

List of Missions in Chapter 1: A Way of Life

All Battle Missions in Chapter 1
Rescue Mission
End the Bandit Menace
Redditch Estate Recon
Coswell Volcano Expedition
The Horace Threat
Escort the Archbishop

Rescue Mission Walkthrough

Rescue Mission
We've received a tip-off that a government official is to be attacked near Durly Road. We need to head over there and rescue her.
Recommended Level Level 5
Completion Rewards 500 G
600 XP
Optional Rewards None

Objectives and Walkthrough

Victory Condition Defeat Condition
Defeat all enemies All allies defeated
Main Objectives
1. Defend the Carriage
2. Defeat All Enemies
Defend the Carriage

Direct all your units to the carriage to talk to the civilian inside.
Defeat the Enemies

Divide your units to attack multiple enemies at once.
Take Out the Next Sets of Enemies

Two more groups of enemies will appear. Use character abilities to clear them out quickly. A useful strategy is to lure enemies to get close to each other and to then use AoE abilities.

Rescue Mission Walkthrough

An Anxious Archer Walkthrough

An Anxious Archer
Recommended Level Level 5
Completion Rewards 2 SP
Optional Rewards None

An Anxious Archer Walkthrough

End the Bandit Menace Walkthrough

End the Bandit Menace
Duke Hende has ordered the elimination of the mountain bandits. The terrain means that a small unit like us is ideal for the job.
Recommended Level Level 6
Completion Rewards 600 G
1300 XP
Optional Rewards Allow no allies to fall in battle: 1 SP
Complete the mission within 4 min(s): Electrum
Treasure Chests

Objectives and Walkthrough

Victory Condition Defeat Condition
Defeat Goffren All allies defeated
Main Objectives
1. Capture the Bases
2. Defeat Goffren
Capture the First Base

Send your units to capture the tower while fighting nearby enemies. This tower base brings down the nearby drawbridge and gives you access to the next area.
Defeat the Enemies

The next area will have 3 enemies and a barricade blocking your path. They'll follow you throughout the mission so it's best to defeat them immediately.
Open the Chest

There is a chest at the end of a pathway in this area. Open it to claim a Jade Crystal.
Destroy the Barricade

Break the barricade down to advance to the next base.
Capture the Second Base

Similar to the first base, send units to capture the tower to access the next area. There will be 2 enemies here.
Defeat Goffren

Send your units to defeat Goffren to complete this mission.

End the Bandit Menace Walkthrough

The Noble's Arrival

The Noble's Arrival
Recommended Level Level 6
Completion Rewards 500G
Optional Rewards None

The Noble's Arrival Walkthrough

Redditch Estate Recon

Redditch Estate Recon
We have reports that South Field is in disarray following the wane of House Redditch's influence in the area. Find out what's going on.
Recommended Level Level 7
Completion Rewards 700 G
2100 XP
Optional Rewards Allow no allies to fall in battle: 1 SP
Complete the mission within 4 min(s): Electrum
Treasure Chests

Objectives and Walkthrough

Victory Condition Defeat Condition
Defeat all enemies Barricade destroyed
All allies defeated
Main Objectives
1. Defend the gate barricades
Fight Through Enemy Waves

Multiple waves of enemies will appear in this mission. Make use of your abilities to defeat them all.
Split Units Up to Defend Multiple Points

Enemies will start splitting up and attacking from different bridges. Divide your units to defend all these points. Keep an eye on their health to know when to briefly retreat.
Keep Units Near the Barricade

Make sure there's at least one unit near the barricade in case an enemy somehow gets through. Prioritize protecting this area.
Defeat All Enemies

Completing this mission requires defeating all the enemies on the map.

Redditch Estate Recon Walkthrough

The Chains that Bind

The Chains that Bind
Recommended Level Level 7
Completion Rewards Magilumic Orb Research Rank 1
Optional Rewards None

The Chains that Bind Walkthrough

Coswell Volcano Expedition

Coswell Volcano Expedition
Magilumium ore can be extracted from the Frontier's mines. We are to defeat any monsters that seek to prevent access to it.
Recommended Level Level 9
Completion Rewards 800 G
3000 XP
Optional Rewards Allow no allies to fall in battle: 1 SP
Defeat all enemies & finish the mission: Electrum

Objectives and Walkthrough

Victory Condition Defeat Condition
Defeat all enemies All allies defeated
Main Objectives
1. Eliminate the Enemy
2. Capture the Bases
3. Eliminate the Enemy
Defeat Several Groups of Enemies

There will be several enemies waiting for you in each area of the mission. Fight and defeat all of them. Proceed your way through them to reach the tower base.
Destroy the Barricade

Attack and destroy the barricade to gain access to the succeeding areas.
Continue Through the Area

Keep moving through the map and deal with any enemies that you come across. Focus on one enemy group at a time so that you don't get overwhelmed.
Capture the Base

Send a unit to capture the tower base. This unlocks the gate to the next area.
Defeat the Remaining Enemies

A final group of enemies will appear in the next area. Take them all out to complete the mission.

Coswell Volcano Expedition Walkthrough

The Horace Threat

The Horace Threat
We received word that Count Horace has been abducting village girls. We have a pretext to execute him—do so, and rescue those young women.
Recommended Level Level 9
Completion Rewards 800 G
3000 XP
Optional Rewards Allow no allies to fall in battle: 1 SP
Complete the mission within 6 min(s): Electrum
Treasure Chests

Objectives and Walkthrough

Victory Condition Defeat Condition
Defeat all enemies All allies defeated
Main Objectives
1. Eliminate the Enemy
2. Capture the Bases
3. Eliminate the Enemy
Capture the First Base

Send units to capture the first tower base. This brings down a drawbridge to the next area.
Clear Out the Enemies

The next area will have multiple enemies so it's best to defeat them all before capturing the next base.
Capture the Second Base

Send units to capture the next base and proceed to the next area.
Clear Out More Enemies

Similar to the previous base, there will be several enemies guarding it here. Prioritize taking out the archers first to have an easier time taking out the infantry.
Capture the Third Base

Send units to capture the last base. There is also a chest you can open right beside this last tower.
Defeat the Gigas

Defeat the Gigas to complete this mission.

The Horace Threat Walkthrough

Approaching Demise

Approaching Demise
Recommended Level Level 9
Completion Rewards Blue Fox Emblem
Optional Rewards None

Approaching Demise Walkthrough

Escort the Archbishop

Escort the Archbishop
Protect the priests on their pilgrimage. We'll likely be assailed by both bandit and beast, but neither should trouble us unduly.
Recommended Level Level 10
Completion Rewards 900 G
3900 XP
Optional Rewards Allow no allies to fall in battle: 1 SP
Complete the mission within 8 min(s): Electrum
Treasure Chests

Objectives and Walkthrough

Victory Condition Defeat Condition
Carriage reaches destination All allies defeated
Carriage destroyed
Main Objectives
1. Escort the carriage to its destination
2. Defeat Fenrir
Escort the Carriage

Move ahead of the carriage and take out any enemies in your path. Keep your eye on the carriage to make sure there aren't enemies surrounding it.
Split Units Up to Take Out Two Outposts

Make the most of the map's many paths by splitting your units up. This lets you take out at least two outposts at once, giving a clear path for your carriage.
Destroy Barricades Blocking Your Path

Destroy barricades to let the carriage go through.
Defeat the Enemies Coming from Behind

After taking out a few outposts, some enemies will spawn at your starting point. Send units to defeat them since they pose a big threat to the carriage.
Continue Moving Forward Until the Final Outpost

Continue moving forward and repeating the same process of clearing outposts and barricades
Defeat the Last Group of Enemies

A final group of enemies will spawn at the end of the trail. Defeat them to let the carriage reach its destination.
Defeat Fenrir

Defeat Fenrir and his wolves to complete this mission.

Escort the Archbishop Walkthrough

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Complete Story Walkthrough

All Chapter Walkthroughs

List of All Chapters
Chapter 1: A Way of Life
Chapter 2: A Stronghold Breached
Chapter 3: Ashes & Glory
Chapter 4: Close-Kept Secrets
Chapter 5: Plummeting Star
Chapter 6: Realm of Reformation
Chapter 7: Endings and Beginnings


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