High on Life Walkthrough Comments


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    7 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    on zephyr in the deep jungle there is a reverse bullet mod for skweezy being sold by the teddy bear people by dr giblets base

    6 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    Thank you! I thought I was going crazy because I KNEW i bought things that didn’t seem to be working. I had little direction and no idea until I read this.

    5 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    Sweezy has 3 mods as well, though I can't find the location anywhere online I saw a third store on Zephyr with a reverse time mod for sweezy I'm trying to find again. And also there's mods and upgrades, mods appear under mods. Upgrades show up in inventory and are applied automatically

    4 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    you should be able to just go to the menu, inventory and it says mods. There are at least three for every gun except sweezy, she only has two. For kenny and gus; kenny should have at least on of these three mods: bouncerflecter mod, multiblob mod, or magnum. Gus should have on of three as well: burstsuction mod, Flak mod, or goopsuck. If you are on xbox u should be able to equip them by going into the menu, go to inventory, the first thing u should see is kenny. Go down and select a mod.

    3 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    same problem here

    2 Reaperabout 2 yearsReport

    Only certain mods are required to be equipped, while others will just upgrade the stat's of the gun which don't need to be equipped

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